Nov 08, 2011 15:44
I wandered down the road today to buy some clarinet reeds. (When I say wandered, it was an hour round trip. Ugh). I got some size 3 once, as the 2 1/2 ones I have won't let me play the high notes. So I got home and played a little. I've still got it! Haven't tried any high notes yet, just getting familiar with the fingering again, but we'll see how it goes. I also bought some clarinet music at the last book sale I went to, so I have plenty to play around with. (Yeah, I've just found another procrastination method, it's so much more fun than cleaning the fridge).
The depressed funk that I've been in seems to have lessened, I am so glad. I've got exams coming up, and I actually need to study for these ones. I got some study done today, then procrastinated a bit. :P My playlist for studying is currently made up of Tripod, Tim Minchin and Improvaganza/Chip Esten songs. It's not the best playlist as I keep finding myself distracted by the awesome. (My appetite has also come back, sort-of, which is good. Appetite loss is just weird).
I'm off to cheerleading now. Yay!