Title: Meet The Parents
Fandom: Hanazakari no Kimi-tachi e
Pairings: Akiha/Umeda
Genre: Sap
Word Count: 674
Notes: For
ninjatrauma, who deserves many such fluffy things. <3
Summary: Seira has decided that Akiha is her fourth child.
The first time Akiha had ever been introduced to the Umeda household at large-- or rather more specifically to the Umeda parents, since he’d already met Io and Rio on previous occasions and obviously he knew Minami-- his beloved sempai had bitched and moaned the entire time and at one memorable point had tried to make a break for it when the embarrassing family stories came up.
To anyone who could read him, though, anyone who could see beneath the surface of Hokuto’s snarls and complaints… well, he hadn’t really been trying to escape, not really, and the things he grumbled about were all inconsequential, nothing that cut deep or hurt anyone. Io often referred to Hokuto as an obedient younger brother, and he was; the more he loved you, the more he barked and the less he bit. He had actually been the one who had told Akiha about his parents’ invitation to dinner, albeit in a throwaway backhand offer-- “as if”, “that crazy hag”, “don’t even think about it, moron”.
If he really didn’t want Akiha to go, he wouldn’t have told him at all.
Seira, of course, treated Akiha like a second son, because it was in her nature to do so. He loved her son, and therefore he was also her son, an assessment which Azuma seemed to wholeheartedly agree with from the comfortable way he was talking with Akiha.
Akiha was his usual self, charming and friendly and polite, but there was a slight air of vulnerability and bewilderment that wasn’t usually present lurking in his eyes. He was confused by all this parental affection.
Hokuto hadn’t told his parents about Akiha’s mother-- it was never his story to tell, after all-- so he was reluctantly glad that the Umeda family was naturally perceptive and that Seira apparently saw and understood the look Akiha had without needing to actually know. She fussed over him, smile warm and bright while Hokuto muttered uncomplimentary things in the background, telling him he was too thin and would he like another helping?
When they were leaving, Seira pressed a bag of home-baked cookies into Akiha’s hands.
“Don’t let Hokuto eat them all,” she scolded firmly. “He will, if you let him!”
Hokuto had growled something and stomped out, roughly yanking an overwhelmed Akiha along by the wrist behind him. This lasted all of five minutes-- which was how long it took for Akiha to snap out of his bemused daze and pounce on Hokuto with a bone crushing hug caroling something stupid about how he knew Sempai loved him really~!
“Get off, idiot!” Hokuto snapped, and tried futilely to kick him off, though not really with as much force as he could have used, and then things were back to normal until the evening, when Akiha was holding that bag of cookies Seira gave him and looking as though he were uncertain whether he should eat them or not.
“Eat the damn cookies,” Hokuto ordered grumpily, stealing one at the same time with a forbidding scowl that just dared Akiha to make any comment about him being worried. “It’s not like that unnatural old witch won’t make more of the things. You’ll never escape her, now. She and the old man even used to stalk me to school.”
“Like I said,” Hokuto said sharply. “If she thinks you’re her child you’re screwed, so just give up and accept it now and for God’s sake keep me out of it. She’s probably going to follow you around trying to feed you up.”
Akiha smiled then, a small wistful quirk to his mouth, apparently lost for words and trying to cover the fact by munching on one of Seira’s cookies, which were very good but not sweet to the point of ridiculous. Hokuto may or may not have decided to himself to make a point to mention to his crazy cooking-fixated mother about Akiha’s unhealthy obsession with sugary things.
It wasn’t like Seira couldn’t just as easily take care of one more child, anyway.