Sep 09, 2004 11:23
I feel soooo rough... Bleurgh. Why is it that I always manage to wake up so early the morning after I've been out?! Grrrrr... Well, when I say early... 11 is early, right?
Ah well, yesterday was pretty random. I met my friend Sonia for a few drinks... just a few! We met up with her friend and her friend's brother and mates who were all in the RAF... ah dear. That was exciting. :D I had such a brilliant time though it was very odd. I learned about the ships and the planes and radar and all that cool stuff guys like to impress girls with. You know what... it actually is quite impressive. :) Ah yes.. and then there I was, insisting that I was sober, that the drinks didn't appear to be affecting me - I felt great! That's not what my head is telling me this morning... *grumble grumble*
I really love going out in London. I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm away - i love the fact that you can out on a weekday and there will still be loads of people out and everything is buzzing with life. One of the guys yesterday has been to Limoges. He says it's cool and the nightlife is okay, I don't think it will compare to London, somehow...
Oh yeah, I heard from my school today so I'm not school-less in France: yippeeeee!