more crazy BigBang news ;)

Jun 04, 2010 10:34

Hi guys!

As you know by now (if not, please bring out paper and pen now... I'll check your notes later ;) Big bang season is nearly over for me. My last art for au_bigbang  will be posted on June 13.I still need to do some pieces for that, touch up on everything and make it comprehensive as a set. I really like the story insomnia_geek  came up with, so stay tuned for that!

Also, my own story for spn_j2_bigbang  will be posted on June 21st (i think... seriously, I should keep better track of things O.o ) 22nd (as kain_abel  informed me because she knows better when my fic is posted than I do myself) and I can tell you it will be great. I love the story (yeah, praising yourself sucks, I know) and I have an amazing artist, sijay , who I had the absolute pleasure to meet at Asylum Europe and who is working really hard on this despite getting tendinitis in her drawing hand when finishing her Misha autograph picture 2 weeks ago ;)  She rocks, people, so once it's posted I expect you to hop over to her and give her all the love she deserves.

So, I thought that would be it, but it looks like BigBang won't get rid of me that easily :) Yesterday I agreed to pinch hit for a story at spn_j2_bigbang  that had the artist drop out. I have to say that I already LOVE the summary and this one will be lots of fun, I can tell you ;) I'm really pleased Wendy came to me for this one :D So I have not quite 2 weeks for the draft (which is due 2 days after my last art for the other BB *lol*) and posting is mid July.

I'm just so excited, I needed to share this xD I was really sad that I couldn't be an artist in our big fandom BB... and now I am! Yahoo!
Now go back to whatever you did before getting caught up in my rambling!
*hugs* Birdie

big bang

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