Third Party Ripoff 5/5

Jun 03, 2010 23:37

Pairing: Jared/Jensen

Rating: NC17

Words: 3,700/19,400

Beta: candygramme

Warnings: Violence, minor character death, blood, drugs, spies, slash, sexual innuendo and more if I feel like it

Disclaimer: Slavery is bad and I am a liar. The title is actually a La Femme Nikita episode on which inspired this verse to a certain degree, knowledge of the show is completely not necessary though. I just took its feeling.

Summary: Jared Padalecki works covert operations for the CIA. When he is sent to investigate the involvement of a drug cartel in the financing of international terrorism he finds himself in the lion’s den. The only person who seems to be on his side is the scary but very intriguing arms dealer Jensen. But things are not what they seem.

This belongs to the SecretOperations!verse. It’s the first story in the timeline and can therefore be read as a stand-alone fic as well. Those who have not yet read Mandatory Refusal should do so AFTER having read this, to keep the surprises coming.

Master Post

previous part

Part Five

Six months and twelve days, that’s how long it took for Jared to get up close to some of the most dangerous men of the hemisphere. The strike was clean and left the four men that were his objective either dead of facing lifelong imprisonment. It might have been the biggest job of his career. Agents mostly trod the narrow line between doing not enough and doing things they wouldn’t be proud of. This bust should be something that felt good, right.

Only it wasn’t, because six months and twelve days ago Jared had last heard Jensen’s soft, warm chuckle against his ear, and he still missed it. He had gotten attached, had fallen hard and fast and woken up to a cruel reality where the man’s death was not even really acknowledged as noteworthy by anyone Jared dealt with.

His superiors had seen the clusterfuck that was this transaction as a blessing in disguise, because obviously the older guy who died had been a hardass while the man Jared involuntary saved - a nephew as he found out later - was thankful enough for the assistance to be a valuable contact in the organization.

Jared knew he should not grieve for Jensen. All concerns about the safety of his cover had left with the green-eyed man. But grief was neither rational nor controllable, and all Jared could do was concentrate on the job, enveloping himself in work. It was not hard to lose himself in the undercover work, to keep focused and determined in the hope that the feeling of loss would fade, just like homesickness did.

It only worked to a certain degree, his resolve not to think of Jensen crumpling when he had too much time at his hands. When the mission was over, and the goal was accomplished, Jared fell into a hole. One where he found himself wondering just how much he'd slipped up. He had gotten attached to Jensen, yes. But had he made the mistake of falling in love with the man? Jared’s mind recoiled from the notion, unwilling to explore the concept for the fear of what would happen if he indeed had. Accepting the loss then might be nearly impossible.

Sometimes he wondered if the man wasn’t still alive. He had never heard if his body was recovered, nobody caring enough to let Jared know if it had. But Jared had seen the blood on the knife, and the three stabs had been lethally placed, that much he'd seen, even in the scarce light of the night. Still, part of his mind sometimes found solace in the uncertainty that maybe, just maybe, by some divine intervention, Jensen had survived. After all, there had been some speculation about cockroach genes earlier.

But if, impossible as it was, Jensen was indeed alive, he had gone deep. Jared didn’t take him for the kind to tuck tail and run, leaving behind the business and contacts he had built. It seemed so out of character that the little flame of hope finally sizzled and died pathetically. He wouldn’t have expected Jensen to return to him had he survived. But not hearing anything from him, was only more reassurance that he was dead indeed.

Jared sighed, shaking his head wondering when his training had gone out the window for a trigger happy guy with a bad attitude. He zipped the duffel bag close and lifted it off the bed, walking out the door, leaving behind what had been his cover for so long. He had a plane to catch. Maybe if he got away from Jay, the international drug dealer, he could finally find some peace of mind.


Jared leaned back, chugging the last of his coke and bobbing his foot up and down restlessly as the caffeine entered his bloodstream. He had debriefed, meeting his handler in the Berlin field office, halfway home. He wasn’t sure why they hadn’t waited until he reached Langley, but then he didn’t really like it there any better. Maybe they had already lined up the next assignment for him, which made any travel to the states an unnecessary detour.

Sometimes Jared would have assignment after assignment for over a year, no time to breathe, or to think. It was just what he needed to distract himself. But this particular job had taken nearly two years with all the preparation that had flowed into it. He had expected them to cut him some slack now. Maybe a month to go home and visit his sister, telling her about the cover job he was supposed to have - building water pipe-lines in Africa. His handler had sent out e-mails and postcards he had prepared at regular intervals, making sure that, even though his family was not tight knit, and they were used to him not being around ever since he graduated high school, would not start asking unnecessary questions.

When the door to the room opened, Jared did not recognize the men entering. One was young, about his own age of medium height and fit build. He looked strong, and just a tad bored, blond hair buzzed short over blue eyes that made Jared frown. He didn’t know the man, but he wasn’t a stranger by the feel of it. By his posture and looks, Jared decided that he was probably a field agent. He looked liked a fighter, and a cocky one at that. Maybe they had trained together at one point or another? Jared didn’t think so. He didn’t forget a face easily.

The other man was older, in his forties with dark hair cropped short on head and beard, streaks of silver looking more charming than old. He wore a charcoal suit and expensive shoes which, next to the jeans and shirt of his younger companion, made him the one in charge. His eyes were hard and piercing, and Jared stared back with a raised eyebrow. The man didn’t look like a field agent but he had the air of someone who had spent a long time being just that. He had probably outgrown field work by now, being the one to send out the younger men, planning missions maybe. He looked like a cold strategizer.

“Agent Padalecki?”

Jared nodded, not getting up from his seat, but setting the empty coke bottle down. Maybe he was already about to be briefed about his next mission, although usually formal introductions were made when he met any new higher-ups. “Can I help you?”

“Maybe.” The man gave him a charming but calculated smile. “My name is Jeffrey. I came to make you an offer.”

“One I cannot refuse?” The pun was intended, and he saw the blond man’s mouth twitch into a grin. Jeffrey didn’t answer, instead sitting in the chair opposite Jared’s at the table.

“I have a job opening at my agency,” he started

“What agency?” Jared’s eyebrows furrowed. He was working for the goddamn CIA, what agency might he be interested in?

“Let’s not give us a name for now… because we don’t really exist, not officially anyway. While the CIA is an official secret, we are what Uncle Sam is hiding deeper than anything else.”

Jared’s eyebrows rose, and he wondered if this was a joke the Berlin guys were playing on him. “And what do you do if you are that deep in the closet?”

Jeffrey seemed to enjoy his curiosity, leaning back in his chair with a shrug. “We get the job done. While you need to play cat and mouse for one and a half years to get a few guys in front of a judge, so the lawyers can weasel around each other for another decade, we find the real threat and eliminate it. If we have to blow up an oil platform to stop the bad guys, we do it. And we don’t need the congress to sign off on it either. We gather intel all around the world, and we use it with as little bureaucracy as possible.”

The agent frowned. It sounded like every field agent’s wet dream, but he was curious where the catch was. “What makes you think that unsupervised jurisdiction is a good thing?”

“Oh please, maybe he isn’t the right guy after all.” It was the first the blond man had said, and Jared’s eyes snapped up to his face. That voice, he knew that voice. He narrowed his eyes, taking in the features that were partly unfamiliar, but with a sense of recognition of the blue eyes.

When realization struck, Jared was out of his seat with a beat, kicking out to catch the man’s leg. The twitch that accompanied the expected reaction only ascertained Jared’s suspicion, and he had the man against the wall, before he could protest. Jared’s muscled arm pressed down on the man’s throat as he stared into those eyes he had so nearly forgotten.

“You. It was you.” The guy couldn’t answer as he was struggling for air. His feet were hardly touching ground any more, as Jared, several inches taller and about fifty pounds heavier - held him, unrelenting. “You were the team leader during the third party ripoff. You killed Jensen, and you nearly killed me.”

“I see you were right. He is good.” Whoever Jeffrey was talking to, Jared didn’t care. He also didn’t care that this man was an agent like him, probably only following orders. That man had killed Jensen.

“Jay, that’s enough.” The familiar voice hit him like a slap to the face, while strong hands grabbed his shoulders, pulling him off the man, who had turned purple by then.

Jared let go without a fight, too shocked at the sound of that voice. It made all the small hairs on his body stand on end. He spun around mouth agape and eyes wide as he was faced with green eyes, sitting over a smattering of freckles he hadn’t realized he missed. “Jensen? What the fuck, I thought you were dead.”

An apologetic look was coupled with a smirk as Jensen shrugged in answer. “Chad isn’t that good.” They both ignored the weak protest from the man, now sitting on the ground gasping for air and massaging his abused neck. “My mission was ending, and we had to arrange my extraction in a way that would not compromise your cover. We went in to eliminate our older business partner, and it was the perfect opportunity.”

Jensen’s explanation made sense on a level that Jared hardly acknowledged, since his brain was still stuck with Jensen’s alive, and Jensen’s an agent.

He hardly nodded when Jeffrey picked up the fallen blond guy, Chad apparently, and left the room with a simple: “Consider it, Jared.”

“I thought you were dead,” Jared repeated, simply staring at the man in front of him, drinking in Jensen’s face, alive, and slightly more tan than the last time they'd seen each other.

“I’m sorry, Jay.” Jensen’s hand came up to cup the side of his neck, warm and familiar. The contact was casual enough, but it made Jared’s skin tingle.

“I saw the blood on the knife… how did he do that?”

Jensen peeled up his shirt’s sleeve, showing Jared a thin red line. “The cut to the arm was real. The second knife was a fake.” Jared stared at the small blemish, wondering just how much Jensen had been willing to get hurt to keep his cover.

“So you knew I was an agent? I didn’t imagine it when you called me Jared after that explosion, did I?” The thought was sudden but clear. He hadn’t imagined it.

The twitch to Jensen’s lips was all the answer he needed. “So you heard that, eh?”

Jared nodded, slumping to lean against the table, suddenly very tired after six months of constant nagging at the back of his mind. The way Jensen had ‘died’ had not sat right with him, and it was like he could breathe a little easier now. Still, he wasn’t sure if he should be relieved or disappointed. “So this was just a mission for you then? Your name’s probably not even Jensen.”

“It is, at least now.” Jensen shrugged, seemingly uncomfortable at being called upon the deception. “Olaf Jansen’s identity was a lucky find… Made it easy to use a name I would answer to even in my sleep.”

Jared nodded, somewhat satisfied that he had not grieved for someone who hadn’t even told him his real name. Still, the stale taste in his mouth lingered. “Why did you sleep with me? Was that work or pleasure?”

A sigh proceeded the answer. “A little bit of both. I needed you to trust me, and to believe that I trusted you… and that was the easiest and most pleasurable way to get there.” Green eyes held Jared’s gaze steadily. “What about you? Work or pleasure?”

Touché. Jared smiled. “Both.”


“No paper?”

“No paper.” Jensen’s lips had an amused tilt as Jared tried to come to terms with the fact that there was no paper allowed in the agency. It was the ultimate way of avoiding a paper trail. All information was stored electronically, several security levels with different clearances were in place to control the access to data. Eyes only terminals to servers with sensible information, without a link to any outside networks, and several even more paranoid ways to secure their information, made it seemingly impossible to sneak out anything. The no paper policy was only the tip of the iceberg.

Jared couldn’t quite tell why he had said yes to Jeffrey’s job offer. He was still officially on the books of the CIA - although there was no such thing really - but they had lent him to the outsourcing agency for the time being. The thing that tipped the scales was Jensen. He hadn’t told Jared to take the job, but he also hadn’t asked him not to. The mission was the same here as in his previous position. Maybe the methods were less subtle and the cover was as deep as it ever got. But if the other men working there were like Jensen, Jared knew that he was working with the best.

“Where are we going?” They were driving away from the substation, Jensen on the wheel, Jared riding shotgun.

“You’ll see.”

“Do I need my gun?”

The smirk that answered had Jared’s eyebrow twitch upwards. “Not particularly.” Jensen pulled the car onto the curb in front of what looked like an industrial building, remodelled into an apartment complex.

They were stationed at the same substation, Jensen being the one to show Jared the ropes in the new agency. Somehow he thought that Jensen had taken personal care of that. It was one thing Jared had been hoping for, to be working with Jensen, to be in the same city, the same country at least.

Jensen got out of the car, and Jared followed, still slightly suspicious. The inside of the building was clean and indistinct, fresh paint on the walls in a soft eggshell beige giving it a well-maintained appearance. The elevator was not five years old by the looks of it, sliding quietly upwards without any obnoxious music. Jensen stood next to him with an air of calm, a small smile playing along his lips, making Jared think that this was not job related, at least not in a bad way.

At the end of the hallway, Jensen threw him a key, nodding towards the last door, standing impassively next to it. Jared hesitated for a moment, unsure what to expect. His hand came to rest on his gun, hidden under his jacket, and he pulled it out, concealing it from sight. Opening the door, he slid inside, gun raised, Jensen followed him, unarmed and seemingly undisturbed.

He checked the apartment quickly, finding it empty and almost too clean, without any signs of current occupancy, save for the full furnished rooms. “Clear.” He put away his gun to see Jensen leaning against the breakfast bar, face unreadable. “Jensen, what are we doing here?”

Amusement twinkled in green eyes as the man spread his arms, indicating the apartment. “It’s yours.”

For a moment Jared just stared at the man, not grasping what he was telling him, until understanding started to dawn. “Oh.” He turned around, taking in the apartment from a less clinical view than during his scouting for hostile contact. It was light and airy, with high windows, white walls and light wooden floors. The furnishings were modern but with clean classic lines, dark leather and red carpets.

“Do you like it?” Jensen’s voice came from closely behind him, and a hand ghosted over the small of his back.

“Yeah.” He turned to the smaller man with a wide grin. “It still needs a personal touch, but I think I got some ideas.” He had been told that he would get an apartment in close vicinity of the substation to live in when he was between missions, and the thought had been a weird one. Jared hadn’t had a real home in a long time, had made himself not miss it. But somehow the thought that this place was his - and he had the vague notion that maybe Jensen had actually had a hand in choosing it - felt exhilarating.

“Good. Make it yours.” His smile was open, maybe more open than Jared had ever seen it, conveying his honest joy at Jared’s excitement. “This is your place to do whatever you want, Jay.”

Feeling brave and fuelled by Jensen being so close, with those green eyes smiling at him, Jared followed the first impulse he got. He stepped into Jensen’s personal space, one hand going to the man’s hip, the other cupping his jaw angling it upwards. He stooped, bringing his face close to Jensen’s. The man wasn’t moving, neither closer nor away.

“What if I want to do you?” It was a cheap comment, and he knew it. Jensen rolled his eyes, but he shifted just that much closer, encouraging Jared’s touches.

“We work together. It would be a bad idea.” His words and body spoke two different languages, and Jared knew exactly which one he liked better.

“Do they forbid that?” He nipped lightly on Jensen’s bottom lip, tasting something he had missed for several long months.

“No, but anything more than casual fun is anything but encouraged.” Jensen lowered his eyes in what might seem like a shy gesture, but Jared knew from experience that he was anything but shy. He wanted to run his fingers over those soft looking, brown lashes and the freckles they touched. Then Jensen’s lips twitched into a smirk, and his eyes came back up, looking dark green and shimmering with mirth. “So let’s not tell them.”

Jared nodded while he leaned in, finally closing the distance fully. The dam broke, and all the want and need Jared had felt since seeing Jensen again poured into the bruising kiss. Jensen stood his ground effortlessly, pushing back and pulling on Jared’s clothes.

“Let’s test your new bed, Jay.” Jensen’s eyes were nearly black, pupils blown, and he bit Jared’s jaw, pushing the man backwards towards a door leading away from the living room they were still standing in.

“Hell, yeah.” Jared staggered backwards, fumbling with the doorknob and pushing inside the bedroom. In its centre there was a nice (extra long) king size bed with blue sheets and white pillows. Jared claimed Jensen’s mouth once more, pulling him closer and towards the bed, until Jared’s calves made contact with the bed frame.

A wicked grin twitched on his lips as he enveloped Jensen with both arms, kissing him once more before turning sharply, flipping the other man onto the mattress to land on top of him. Jensen’s muscles tensed reflexively but he did not buck Jared off, instead chuckling dirtily. “You know, usually I don’t let people manhandle me like that.”

“Well, I’m not people,” Jared answered cockily, stripping off his shirt and smirking as Jensen’s hands made immediate contact with his skin. They were familiar, strong and calloused with a couple of crooked fingers that probably were the result of old fractures. But Jared hadn’t felt them for so long that it was easy to forget everything those hands had done to him before and just find it all out anew.

“No. You’re a cocky bastard.”

With a swift swipe of his legs, Jensen dislodged Jared’s seat on his hips, flinging him sideways to bounce up and down on his new bed, while Jensen crawled atop of him slowly with a predatory grin. He took his time mapping Jared’s neck and torso with lips, tongue and teeth, taking special care of the small brown buds of his nipples, until Jared was humming deliciously.

“Can we stop with the foreplay please? I think my boner is getting a boner,” Jared whined after Jensen peeled off his pants, playing with every inch of skin he revealed. When he chuckled, the vibrations really didn’t help Jared’s raging hard-on to settle down a little. The scratch of Jensen’s stubble there was delicious torture, and the man licked a long swipe over the most sensitive expanse of pink skin Jared’s body possessed before pulling back, eyeing Jared’s crotch with a grin. “As I said. Cocky.”

“Fuck you.” The curse lacked any malice, and Jared just felt wantpleaseneedfucknow.

“If you want…”

Jared growled as he watched Jensen strip quickly, grabbing the smaller man’s naked hips as they came into view and flipping them over once more. Oh and how much he wanted that!

Sex with Jensen was an oxymoron. It was the most gentle torture, hard action and soft noises, sharp teeth on round muscle, pleasure and pain, the most calming excitement. It was all Jared remembered and more. Every push brought Jared closer to breaking, only steadied by the press of legs, pulling him even further. He worshipped Jensen’s collar bone with soft kisses and laps while blunt nails dug into shoulders leaving scratches, red and angry.

When Jensen shuddered, Jared shattered. They collapsed in a heap of strong arms and long legs, tangled in messy sheets but unwilling to move and do anything about it.

Jared arranged himself around Jensen, body nearly fully enveloping the other man. They were content in the warmth of skin touching skin, the comfortable contact of two tired bodies. Jared drank it in like mother’s milk, putting the feeling and smell of his lover into permanent memory.

He was content, for just this moment. Even though he knew that this time, Jensen would be gone in the morning…

...Episode End...

Thanks for reading, please leave me some more FEEDBACK. An if you want more Agent!J2... go check out *points down*

The Sequel:  Mandatory Refusal

Jared and Jensen are not in a relationship. People like them don’t do relationships, especially not with colleagues. As operative Jensen Ackles is forced to finish a job he started all by himself out of the fear of being sold out by an unknown traitor the only person who is on his side as things change is his fellow agent, Jared. As a manhunt for the good guy ensues can Jared make Jensen see reason and stop him from going through with long overrun orders or does Jensen’s inability to trust anyone get him killed? - 5 parts, complete

for those who already read the sequel: I'm currently writing on a third episode called 'Off Profile'... so stay tuned ;)

*hugs* Birdie

third party ripoff, j2au, fanfiction

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