I got tagged! meme time...

Mar 08, 2011 13:59

I was tagged by deannawesson  soooo....

The Rules:

1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.

2. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

I tag:


1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up.

EVERYTHING: Bed, couch, desk, drying rack, Jason Manns... and so much more. Yes, my place is tiny.

2. How do you style your hair?
Open with a desperate try to make the straightness a little less straight and a pony-tail if I work/ see patients.

3. What are you wearing now?

jeans, terribly old white socks, black sweater, red bra (hahaha), white panties... TMI? TMI.

4. What's your occupation?

student of medicine & health econ

5. What do you hear right now?

the ventilation of my laptop, footsteps, a 911 helicopter and the cars/tram on the road outside.

6. Who was the last person you hugged?

my mom... or was it Bela? I hug people all the time, I dunno!

7. What is/was for dinner?

last night? Pizza. What I will make in 5 minutes? Spaghetti Bolognese (Italian much?)

8. What did you do today?

5.58 alarm call, answered comments, was lonely on Twitter until I had a bickering session with Charlotte, went to school and had a class on pediatric Traumatology, then 4 and some hours of work on my Knee-patients for the latest study, cursed a doctor because he was being an ass... then skipped the bedside-teaching pediatrics because I wasn't done in time with my work and I haven't eater anything but a piece of pretzel that I stole from Bela. Went home, checked mails/twitter/lj and answered this meme ^^

9. Dog person or cat person?

Cats! I like dogs, but I prefer an animal that takes care of it's own business without needing a leash.

10. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?

Lucia Lavinia L. ... since my last name starts with L, my mom wanted to call me Lavinia but dad didn't like it at all... Lucia is my grandma's first name but she's always run by her middle name Inge because her sister's name was Lydia and they sounded so similar. Didn't even know that was her name until I was like 20 but now I love the name Lucia. ^^

11. What color/pattern are the linens on your bed?

dark blue and light-blue with green/turquoise square-thingies

12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
everywhere once starting with Australia :P ...  Vancouver during VanCon, too, of course

13. Favorite band/musician?

erm... hard to say. I have some voices I adore: Adam Lambert, Lady Gaga, Anna Netrebko  and then some texting I adore (again Lady Gaga, also Stephen Sondheim) and some songwriting I adore: Stephen Sondheim, Freddy Mercury, Johnny Cash... I couldn't pick one artist/band I could say is IT for me. I like this one song from an artist, doesn't mean I like the others too.

14. Favorite book?

The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (okay, so that's like a dozen books who is counting?)

15. What are you doing this weekend?

Putting my feet up and being slack, maybe some photoshopping

16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?

Piano or Guitar... probably piano though because I'd love to sit on the piano and sing while playing. I play both only with the mere basics.

17. How are you?

tired, hungry, stressed, a little worried and pretty emotional if the list is anything to go by :P

18. What are you doing tomorrow?

Classes in the morning, cleaning my apartment and then having mangacat201 over for a girl's afternoon ^^

19. What are you looking forward to the most?

Being done! With EVERYTHING! Done with doctoral thesis, done with masters thesis, done with my exams, my practical year, my huge exams and all that crap. Just being done. Being a doctor and not worrying about all this crap anymore. Having one job and not 50,000 different things and people pulling me in all directions at once. Yes, THAT will be a nice feeling ^^


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