Mar 22, 2006 17:14
ok, where do I start from here? mhmm.... mmkay....
Yesterday was my sweet 16, things didn't go the way I wanted it to go. I was supposed to take the permit test but happens so, my dad didn't have my social sericuty card. I didn't get my birthday kiss from a certain person but I did today though, and mhmm.. my birthday really starts this weekend with the party and everything else. I cannot believe that I am 16 years old already. It was only yesterday when I was learning how to walk. It's kind of scary to think about it because if this does happen fast, then it won't be long until I have a child(ren) of my own ^haha, no, not during high school!^ but you know, whatever happens... I will be able to face it and survive through it. I am ready to face whatever will happen. Anyway, I got this really cool new camera for my birthday from my parents, I love it so much since I am an photographer freak as much I am with my acting career. mhmm... mkay, that's it about yesterday... Now, about today...
I woke up and got dressed, I was excited to take the permit test today but happens so, the freaking homeland place added a law that I must show my school id and My dad didn't know so, I will take it tomorrow, HOPEFULLY nothing else messes that up. Anyway, I loved english class because we had to use our time to do the SHORT STORY! I love doing it expect the teacher told me to narrow it down a little because it is turning out like an novel, whoopsy! hee hee, mhmm... Oh, FINALLY, I had a good time during science class... well that's because i got to spend some time with my lover, Christian. See, we had something happening in the old gym that's about science and bunch of shits so, yeah i wasn't really looking around... i was busy being with christian... hee hee. danielle wasn't at school again so i didn't have anyone to talk to in science class *tears, so lonely* I don't get it... why does people come up and talk to me but then the next day, they don't. that's just really annoying and you know? it makes me feel like i did something wrong or whatever. their loss their loss. neway.. mhmmm.... im really thrilled about this weekend and driving. tomorrow should be interesting day, idk why but it should be an interesting day.