Title: Go Ask Alice
Author: Anonymous
Genre: Young Adult
Rating: 3/5
# of pages: 214
Date Read: September 2007
Summary: (from back of book) With over a million copies in print, Go Ask Alice has become a classic of our time. This powerful real-life diary of a teenager's struggle with the seductive -- often fatal -- world of drugs and addiction tells the truth about drugs in strong and authentic voice. Tough and uncompromising, honest and disturbing -- and even more poignant today -- Go Ask Alice is page-turning and provocative reading.
Review: Please note that I read this book as purely fiction. Some people (still) believe that this is a true diary of a young girl who became addicted to drugs.. but I'm not one of those people. Anyway, I enjoyed this book for what it was when it was published; an edgy, out of the ordinary work for the 1970s. I was 17 when I read and going through a "phase", so at the time, I really liked it, but as I've read other books, I've come to realize that while this is good.. enough.. it's not as good as I thought it was before. So, it's a good read for younger teens to see the horrible effects drugs can have on someone's life. That's about it.