Title: Little Women
Author: Louise May Alcott
Genre: Family, Drama, Coming of Age, Comedy, Children's Classic
Rating: 3.5/5
# of pages: 464
Date read: January 2008
Summary: (from back of book) Little Women is one of the best-loved children's stories of all time, based on the author's own youthful experiences. It describes the family life of the four March sisters living in a small New England community. Meg, the eldest, is pretty and wishes to be a lady; Jo at fifteen is ungainly and unconventional with an ambition to be an author; Beth is a delicate child of thirteen with a taste for music and Amy is a blonde beauty of twelve. The story of their domestic adventures, their attempts to increase the family income, their friendship with the neighbouring Laurence family, and their later love affairs remains as fresh and beguiling as ever.
Review: This book is just too cute. I can see why it's a children's classic. The characters are very endearing and you learn to love most of them. What's interesting about each March girl is that, almost any girl or women who reads this book can associate with at least one of them. They're all unique; there's something good about all of them, but there's also room for improvement for all of them as well. While I love all the trials and tribulations that the family goes through, I found this book a little too long. But, that's just my personal opinion and it's one of the only thing that bothered my about this book. Overall, I enjoyed it quite a bit. :)