(no subject)

May 14, 2005 20:24

So i decieded to actually update because i have stuff to say.

Highschool is almost over...
it's pretty crazy.
it honestly feels like not long ago i was in grade 8...
i'm pretty pumped i must say...
however on the downside, i won't be doing what i had my heart set on for next year,
going onto post-secondary school.
in fact-i got the notice in the mail saying my grades were too low and i was rejected.
with my grades i could get into TONS of other courses...
but they shit i wanna do it overally competitive and i literally need like...amazing grade-age.
hahah. sooo...i will be upgrading next year.
i was definately bummed i didn't get in...but now...
i'm thinking about moving to upgrade...
not just another city...
but like 15 hours away.
it'd only be for a month or two...
but i think it'd be a good change. :)

On another note-my friend who was travelling in germany just e-mailed me and told me that she had to transfer host families...why? because the girl she was staying with was trying to get her to have a threesome with the girl and her sex buddy. oh...gosh. i was like..wtf!
But she'll be coming home soon so that'd be pretty cool.
I'd love to travel for a bit on my time off next year...do any of you know of any good travelling programs?! i think it'd be cool to just tranvel for a few months..or do volunteer work maybe!?
i dunno how to go about doing that though...

On a happier note i hope...i am getting extensions put in on tuesday! i hope they end up looking okay. ahhh...
and then yesterday i went and got my hair streaked...
and on monday i think i'm gunna go get some more streaks put in...
right now my hairs like a dark brown with golden streaks, but i want more...
i'm not a fan of blonde-ish hair, however it'll give me a summery feel?! hahah :)

anyways...hope you guys have all been good.
i'll update again soon, hopfully even with pictures of my hair?! wheeee!!! <3
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