Dragon*Con 2009 Day Two (Saturday)

Sep 12, 2009 14:05

Day Two

The day started with Battlestar Galactica. Well, technically it started with getting out of bed and getting dressed, but the first panel of the day was Battlestar Galactica at 11:30AM in the Marriott. Stars present for this one were Kate Vernon, Michael Hogan, Mary McDonnell, Alessandro Juliani, Michael Trucco, Lucianna Carro, and surprise crasher Aaron Douglas. Was the science man in this one? I don't remember.

So I got in line at around 10:15AM, and I ended up with GREAT seats. For the most part, I had great seats all weekend actually. There were a few exceptions, but I was all-in-all pleased.

Hogan's like "Don't be coming up on me, boy." No, not really. I just like the photo. Seriously, Trucco loves Sam's last words to Kara. He had such a wonderfully sweet answer when someone asked him what he would have said to Kara if he could have. I melted. I'm such a Sam/Kara girl.

Everyone cheered like MAD when Mary entered. Yes, Mary, we do love you that much. ♥ Vernon is like "meh, they didn't cheer like that for me."

GUH. She's looking right at me! No one can convince me that this look is not directed at me.

I love Mary and Kate so much. They were SO CUTE together this weekend. They whispered and giggled through the WHOLE panel. ♥

There was another question about the bromance between Tigh and Adama. Somehow this question led to Mary and Kate talking about how Laura and Ellen should have had a relationship (no, not that kind of a relationship!). Ellen would have been open to a friendship with Laura, but Laura wouldn't have been amused. Mary thinks there should have been a girls night of drinking, which made me wonder if Mary secretly ships Ellen/Laura. She sure seemed to be implying drunken revelry. Or was that just me reading too much into her answer, facial expressions, and giggles? IDK. But it was funny. And reminded me of a fic I read a while back where Laura and Ellen get locked in the bathroom. Or something like that.

Mary is currently studying a new script for the Closer. She enjoys working with the cast and crew.

WARNING, unpopular fannish opinion ahead. I loved what Aaron had to say about Tory. I know a lot of fans (and Mary and Kate!) were pissed, but I agree with Aaron 100%. I said it. I'm SO glad the Chief got the chance to kill Tory. If someone had killed my significant other, I'd want to snap her neck too. I don't remember the exact question, but Aaron talked about fighting to have his character kill Tory included in the series finale. They had some lame death planned for her.

Mary dubs Kate "Lucky Legs." LOL.

So after the BSG panel I wandered around for a while taking pictures of people in costumes. I saw a lot of awesome ones! I go up to my room for a while, and then I go downstairs to stand in line for the Stargate Multiverse (SGA & SG-1) panel at 4PM in the Hyatt. I met some really great girls while I was in the line, and I was really happy that I actually ended up sitting by one of them during the panel. This panel featured Paul McGillion, Rachel Luttrell, Jason Momoa, Joe Flannigan, Gary Jones, and Colin Cunningham.

So all of the stars come out in the wrong order, and they sit in the wrong spots. Like Joe comes out when they announce Rachel, and he sits in her seat. At first I was confused, but then I decided they were doing it on purpose and it became really funny. Everyone was laughing and it became an "I wonder who's coming out next" kind of thing.

I want a pocket-sized Joe for my purse. He was SO cute. He seemed almost bashful- nothing at all like his character on SGA.

He was hot. I fell in love with his hair.

These two. ♥

Actually, can I have a pocket sized Paul McGillion as well?

Rachel was late, and Joe gets her on the phone to find out what's up. Turns out she was lost! She couldn't figure out where she was supposed to be, and someone had to go get her and bring her to the panel. Half of the room volunteered.

So Joe is working at IHOP, and Jason is his manager. Or something like that. But Joe is fired? IDK, but it was funny.

Rachel finally shows up!

Because she's late her punishment is having to sing for the audience. She couldn't remember the song she sings in SGA, so she sings some of Ella Fitzgerald's "Summertime."

Joe and Rachel were SO STINKIN' CUTE. I ♥ them.

I enjoyed the Stargate panel so much. You can tell the cast members get along really well, and enjoy each other's company. But anyways, after that panel was over I headed over to the Marriott to see if I could get into the Buffy panel with James Marsters, Charisma Carpenter, Julie Benz, and Kristy Swanson. Yeah, I got in, alright. What a waste of time. I was SO disappointed. Honestly, I thought about getting up and leaving.

After the hour of FAIL was over, I went to get ready for the BSG Colonial Fleet party. I ran into bakatulip while waiting for an elevator to our floor, so we rode up together. We hung out in the room for a while, she got dressed and left to meet some friends for a pre-party, and I almost fell asleep. I finally drag myself out of bed and get dressed. I came THIS CLOSE to chickening out of wearing my costume, but thought "what the heck." I have a few pictures, but most of the good ones are with friends in them, and I don't have their permission to plaster their faces all over my journal. ;)

I didn't want to be walking by myself outside after dark any more than I had to, so I left for the Sheridan at about 8:30PM. I hung out for a while, met a few nice people, and had someone ask to take my picture. SURREAL. I looked around and asked, "Me?" Then I laughed and said sure. I'd been taking pictures of other people in costume for two days, and it was so strange to have someone ask for a picture of me in costume!

I get in line for entrance to the BSG party, and I meet a really awesome girl named Candice. She was from Fayetteville, GA. I'd lived in Griffin, GA (which is around 20 minutes from Fayetteville) for 2 years when I moved out from my parents house at 17, and I visited Fayetteville ALL the time. So we had a lot to talk about with that, but then we had a bunch more things in common. So we talked forever.

And then we get let into the room at 10PM! Candice and I continued to cluster together because I couldn't find anyone that I knew. So we made a few passes through the crowd, snapping pictures of people and looking at the auction goods. Then we found a little table at the very back of the room and continued our conversation.

About an hour later I happen to look around and OMG, look who's walking in the back door!

They probably thought I was a spaz for taking a picture right in their faces, but they took it in stride. I smiled really big at Mary, kinda waved, and said "Hi!" I'm sure I was a total dork. She smiled and said, "Hi, sweetie!" THEN I MELTED INTO A PUDDLE OF FANGIRL GOO. I love that Mary and Kate were holding hands, probably in an attempt not to lose each other in the massively huge crowd.

So they walk past me, and I'm dying. Almost to the point that I don't notice who is standing right beside me. MICHAEL HOGAN. Just standing there, shoulder to shoulder with me, staring at the huge crowd in front of him. I'm frozen for about five seconds. My brain is screaming "SHOULDER TO SHOULDER WITH MICHAEL HOGAN." Then my mouth catches up and I go, "Hi!" He turns toward me, smiles, and says "Hey."

SO THEN I GET A GREAT PICTURE. He's so nice. I just wanted to squish him all weekend.

All of the cast get up on stage and talk for a while. I couldn't see them really well, but I can't complain about being in the back of the room. I wouldn't have gotten the two previous pictures without being in the back. :)

Snuggling up to Michael Trucco was very nice. So sad this picture didn't turn out better.

The BSG guys mingled with the crowd for a while, but the BSG ladies didn't. I finally find some people I know!

Oh noes! It's a cylon! Save me!

I hang out with 37_idees_fixes, own_the_sky, and usagi636. We decide to leave the party at around 12:30AM. We were going to go to the hotel bar, but apparently they had stopped serving alcohol at midnight. So we took fun pictures for a while, and then walked back to our respective hotels together. I got back to my room at about 1:30AM, take a shower, and collapse into bed. Are you sensing a theme? Room, shower, collapse.

Sunday, day three, was a total Stargate day. I didn't even go to the BSG panel, but I heard it was great. I may have to search for some video footage on youtube.

conventions, actress: rachel luttrell, actor: jason momoa, actor: michael trucco, actor: michael hogan, actress: lucianna carro, actor: colin cunningham, fangirling, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, con: dragoncon2009, tv: battlestar galactica, actor: paul mcgillion, actress: julie benz, tv: stargate sg-1, fl: rayruz, actor: aaron douglas, con reports, actor: gary jones, actress: kate vernon, fl: own_the_sky, fl: 37_idees_fixes, actress: mary mcdonnell, actress: charisma carpenter, actor: joe flannigan, actor: alessandro juliani, actor: james marsters, tv: stargate atlantis, actress: kristy swanson

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