St. Alaudrc Academy - Chapter 12

Sep 16, 2015 20:17

Title: St. Alaudrc Academy Chapter 12
Sub Title: "The Outcast and The Prince" 10
Characters: Hey Say Jump
Genre: romance, school life, drama
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot
General Summary: This is about the story of 10 different individuals and their experiences and struggles inside the quarters of St. Alaudrc Academy.
Sub-Summary: Kei and Kota were dating but they were attending different high school. Kei wanted to attend the same school as him but he refused so much and that bothers Kei a lot. Without Kota knowing, Kei transferred to his school and found out the reason and the truth behind Kota's strong rejection.The academy is a vampire school and he found out that Kota is also a vampire like everyone else. Inside the academy he meet so many individuals that help him survive the school adverse situation but one of the most memorable to him was his fated meeting with the prince.

St. Alaudrc Academy
"The Outcast and The Prince"
"Wear this." Yuya throw a navy blue cloak on Kei while he was patting an enormous dark horse that looks scary at first but seeing how it loves being pat made it look cuter. The two were standing in the same exit where he escaped before and Yuya was busy putting equipment on the back of the horse.

"What is this for? You said that you have a job for me so why are we in the exit and… in this time of the day? It's going to be evening soon." Kei asked out of curiosity and at the same a hint of complain. Preparing a horse, giving him a weird cloak, he was sure Yuya is going to order him something again. "I… I'm not going." he voiced out, he think ahead already and disagree with what Yuya is thinking to do. "How can you let a human like me go somewhere in a conflicted time like this." he added.

"I'm going." Yuya said after a few seconds of silence.

"R...really? Then… I'm going back to the dormitory." Kei said with a cheeky smile.

"And you're coming with me." Yuya added. "Wear that, it will conceal your human identity from the vampires. "he said while pointing on the cloak. "Were going to Medson right now to buy some stuffs that the council needed for the seminar tomorrow and you're going to help me."

Kei pouted "Why don't you just ask someone else to do it for you? You're a prince right? Make use of your blue blood to make someone do whatever you didn't want to do." he suggested.

"I thought you're a type of person who dislikes influential people letting the lowest do whatever they order." Yuya asked sarcastically and that made Kei shut his mouth. He have no choice but to obey him. He obediently wear the cloak around him clumsily that it barely cover his head. Yuya sighed and fixed it for Kei gently which made the smaller guy startled a little. "Climb." Yuya ordered after he fix Kei's cloak.

"Climb? Where?" Kei asked.

"To the horse…" Yuya answered. Kei look at the dark horse who seems ready to go. It was so tall and he have no idea how he can go up and ride it. He needed a chair or something he can stand on in order to reach the back of it.
Yuya called him Luka a while back, he looks scary but he seems gentle when Yuya is touching him. Kei tried to jump but it's no used since his right leg can't reach it. "What's taking you so long?"

"How can you expect an ordinary human like me can climb that horse. Why don't you be considerate enough to offer me something I can stand on so that I can reach it." Kei complained again while he frowned.

"Is complaining the only good thing you can do?" Yuya asked him back. Kei didn’t respond as he still try his best to reach the horse. He knew he looks so pathetic but he was surprised when Yuya lift him up in order for him to reach the back. His right leg reach the back and Yuya push him so that he can sit down straight into it but the way he push him is so uncomfortable because his hand was around his butt.

"Don't touch my butt." Kei told him.

"I'll already touch your front so why you are so reluctant about me touching your back?" Yuya asked and then Kei blushed upon remembering something embarrassing. Kei tried to kick Yuya but the vampire easily dodged it. Finally, Kei was able to sit down straight on the horse and he felt so great being so high. It's not his first time to ride a horse but it was the first time for him to have a view like that. While still appreciating the surreal feeling of riding a horse, Yuya jump at the back of him and sit down properly. “Hold on tight or else you will going to fall.” He told him.

Kei felt Yuya’s warm breathe when he whispered those words to him. He was suddenly shut because he think Yuya’s voice was so sexy and deep and he secretly likes it. He was riding in front of Yuya and so he felt so crump in his position but what bothers him is the fact that it seems like the prince is hugging him from the back because of their position. He was the one maneuvering the horse because Kei didn’t know how to handle it. The whole trip was in silence. Kei didn't bother to talk to Yuya and so do the prince. Kei was lurking his eyes inside the forest that he walk on before. After a 10 minute journey in the forest they finally reach a tunnel which is about 10 feet long and as they exit Kei finally saw what the Medson looks like.

It was his first time to go there despite of the fact that he always hear it from his classmates conversation. It's like a downtown place with lots of stalls that sold lots of random stuffs. Yuya jumped off the horse and Kei followed. Getting off is much easier than riding on it.

"Don't take your cover if you didn't want to be feasted by the vampires." Yuya warned him again.

"I know… you don't need to remind me every time." Kei pointed out as he adjusted it to hide his face. The two walk in the pathway that almost covered by people who were lurking around, probably wanted to buy stuffs or just wander around. It’s he will going to compare the place, it’s like a downtown, a shopping district that have everything that you needed. He was observing all around and notice that vampires are like humans too. They look the same and you will really thought they are humans if you didn’t know they are really vampires. That made him wonder if he is the only human around and it scares him when he imagined that if he was found out then he will be devour again.

There are lots of things that caught Kei's interest, lots of goods that look weird physically but really interesting on the other hand. But that is not the only thing that Kei noticed while they were walking. Everyone who recognized Yuya, bow down and greet him with so much respect. He doesn't deal with Yuya that much in school and as much as possible he wanted to run away from him because he have nothing but jobs prepared for him. He was always acting so bossy to everyone in the student’s council and most specially to him but now that he was with him and people treat him this way, it made him realize that he was really a member of the royal family and it's not just a joke. He was shining so brightly in everyone’s eyes and he can’t shove the feeling that the guy walking besides him is one of the most influential member of the royal family in the whole vampire world.

The more he gazed into him and the more people look up on him, Kei felt more uncomfortable. He didn’t want it when he felt so low and have low confidence. He stop walking for a while realizing that he is not really welcome to that world. He was thinking about himself when he felt something warm hold his right hand. He look up and saw Yuya staring at him. “What are you doing? You will loss your way if you leave my side.” Yuya told him and that made Kei’s heart skip a bit. “Let’s go.” He said as he dragged him with him. The two were walking side by side each other with fingers intertwined. They stayed like that until they finally exited the busy street. Kei pulled his hand away, feeling that he was betraying Kota with it. Yuya sighed and he noticed that. "What is that sigh for?" he asked out of curiosity.

"It's so hard being such a good looking individual. Everyone's eyes is into you." Yuya answered sarcastically.

"Jerk." Kei muttered. "Where are we going anyway? Didn't we just pass the goods area? It’s going to be dark soon, we need to go back to the dormitory already."

"Why? Are you scared?” Yuya asked and Kei just glare at him. It’s already obvious but why is he still asking it. This guy really wanted to see him looking so pathetic. “We're going to eat first."

"Eh? I’m not hungry." Kei answered instantly but his stomach betrayed him as it growls. Actually he was so hungry already since he didn't eat lunch. Yuya smirked and he just moved forward. Kei have no choice but followed him like a dog following his master. They entered a luxurious looking restaurant. For Kei, it's equivalent to a 5 star restaurant.

"Good evening Prince Yuya, we are glad that you came back to our restaurant. Are you on a date again?" a waiter asked him, he talk with so much familiarity towards him.

"Sort of…" Yuya answered but Kei step on his right foot.

"Oppsss… sorry I didn't see your foot." Kei apologized but it's just an excuse. The two glared at each other while they were assigned to a table. One waiter asked if Kei wanted to take off his cloak but he refused to take it off because he was afraid that he will be known as a human. They ordered food but mostly Yuya did all the orders since Kei has no idea what kind of food were presented in the menu. Kei enjoyed the food. It's the same as the human food that he was eating and it really satisfied his empty stomach.

After the satisfaction they have with the food, they finally went to do their target business. Yuya brought him to a large facility that looks like a mall to the human world. Kei was amazed again with the structure because of its really unique architectural design. While he was spacing out because of what he saw a girl bumped into him and that girl didn't say any apology and just walk as fast as she can towards the exit. Kei continued to walk but he noticed that Yuya stop and was silent. The look on his face is so serious like something happened he was not aware about. "Hey… are you alright?" he asked nonchalantly but Yuya immediately grabbed his hand again and they run straight as fast as they can. Kei have no idea what was going on but he noticed that the people who was around them started to look sick and one by one they fell down the floor like a domino effect.

He was still bothered by it when he felt his right hand become heavy. Yuya grabbed his hand with his left hand while his right hand was covering his nose and mouth like he didn’t want to inhale something. They entered a door which seems like the entrance of a storage room and hide there. Kei planned to sneak a look on the glass window above them but Yuya glared at him. “Don’t look outside.” He warned.

“Tell me what’s going on? Wh… why? Those people suddenly collapse and then… there are people in cloak.” Kei uttered but when he noticed that Yuya doesn’t look alright he stop from questioning. “A…are you alright? Yo… you look… pale.” He muttered.

"Shit… I inhale some of it." Yuya cursed, ignoring Kei’s question on him. It didn’t take a minute when the two heard someone laugh from the outside. It was loud and roaring and you can tell that there are more than 10 people outside. Kei and Yuya became silent for a moment while listening to the conversation of the men outside. They were celebrating for the success of their infiltration of the place.

“Steal everything, don’t leave single stuffs. Place all the vampires in one room and then surround them with the futso in order for them to be immobilize.” The leader of the group commanded everyone. Kei was sure that he heard the word ‘Futso’ but he have no idea what it was and how can it immobilize the vampires. Kei sneaked a little and saw that the guys were wearing a mask to cover their whole face. He also saw that one of the men came near the leader and whisper on him something.

“Are you sure about that?” he asked with a smirk in the end.

“Yeah some confirmed that they really saw him enter the place. What should we do now?” his servants asked.

“Looks who’s lucky today.” The leader shouted at the top of his voice. “I can’t believe that the prince was trap in this place as well, how fortunate.”

Kei fidgeted when he heard the word prince. Is he talking about Yuya who was also silently listening to their conversation?

“Look for the prince. I am sure he was already affected by the Futso so he will not be able to escape instantly. We can use him to lure the King and give us a much more money than what we can gain from this place. Capture him and don’t kill him yet. I will be the one who to handle him.” The leader said and everyone of his comrades run away to find the prince.

“Yuya, what should we do?” Kei asked in panic. “They are looking for you already. We need to escape this place.” He continued. “It will be a big problem if they found us here… we need to move or else…” he stopped when he heard something move from the opposite end of the storage where they were hiding. Kei immediately grabbed on Yuya’s sleeves and hide on his back. “Di…did they find us already?”

Yuya became alert while Kei was hiding on his back. The movements become bolder and louder and then when something showed Kei lean his head on Yuya’s back like some scaredy cat.

“Prince…” a familiar voice echoed inside the room. Kei looked in front and saw Ryutaro barely standing with someone on his back. Ryutaro covered half of his face with a cloth but despite that he still knew it was him because of his voice. Kei tilt his head a little to see who it was and it was the vice president, Yuri Chinen. “So it’s really true that you are here.” He said.

“Is Yuri alright?” Yuya asked.

“He inhaled some of the Futso and so…” he whispered but it seems like he realized something and so he let go of Yuri who falls down the ground. “That’s impossible… you knew about it before me so how come you can inhale…”

“Geez… and here I am having a nice position in your back.” Yuri uttered cutely. “Sup… Are you two on a date like us?” he asked normally.

“We’re not on a date.” Ryutaro and Kei said at the same time.

Yuri smirked and then he stand up and fix his clothes. “Anyway, we are not in a good position.” Yuri started. “What is your plan Yuya?” he asked.

“What else?” Yuya asked as he stands up. “You’re going to escape.” He continued “and I’m going to stay.”

“Are you insane? Those guys target is you and you wanted to stay in this place where your life is in danger?” Kei asked.

“Ehh… are you worried about me?” Yuya asked teasingly and Kei just pouted back. “I’ll be fine. I can’t just leave my people all alone here. I am there prince so I need to save them. I’m strong so I can beat everyone of them. But this human here will be a burden for me so Yuri, I wanted you to escape with him.” He said.

Yuri paused for a few seconds before he responds. It seems like the two were talking with their glances. “Fine, but I’ll be back ones I put Kei in the safe place.” Yuri said. “Kei-chan let’s go.” He said as he pulled Kei with him.

Kei always thought that Yuya is a type of person who looks down on others just because he have a royal blood. He thought that he doesn’t care about anyone else and only just prioritize himself. But as he run and leave Yuya alone who is ready to face those bandits in order to protect his people, the back of the guy that he was seeing was so proud and brave.

Kei was following Yuri and Ryutaro while they were running. Ryutaro acted as their look out while Yuri was just besides Kei in order to protect him if their will be trouble. But Kei’s mind were bothered by so many thoughts. Yuya looks stronger and normal but he knew he was feeling ill or something like that. Besides what is that Futso anyway and what can it gives its victim. “Yuri, w…what is Futso?” Kei asked.

"It’s the…weak point of vampires." Yuri pointed out. "Vampires are strong, they live long but we are not immortal like everyone thought. There are 3 ways a vampire die. First is of old age, normally vampires have a lifespan of over 300. Second is due to severe wounds on the body that its hard to regenerate by our own cells and third is with the use of Futso, it's a substance created actually by the human to defeat the vampires in the old age. It was a flexible substance that can be formed in different way. Actually it was only done by humans into a spear type, but as time progress it was renovated to other forms like this place right now, it was surrounded by the smell of Futso and that's the reason the our people loss their strength." he explained.

"Then… how come you two?" Kei point on the two of them.

"Thanks to Ryuu's adoptive smell that he found out about the Futso before it reach us. He also give me something to shield us from the effect of it. He immediately shove it on my mouth with his…" Yuri explained but Ryutaro covered his mouth and stop him from talking.

"Geez… you don't need to tell the whole detail besides you felt it already before I did right? Don’t be so humble and make me look like some kind of hero." Ryutaro answered back. "Anyway, seems like the bandits are gone. After this corridor, there is an exit but probably it was already guarded. If it's just two then I think I can fight them on my own but if not, I need your help stupid vice president." he said.

"Eh? But I'm scared…" Yuri uttered cutely but Ryutaro just ignored him. Kei giggled a little as he watched the two. They were like cats and dogs who act so cute with each other. But deep inside his mind, he was worried about Yuya. Now that he knew what Futso all about, he knew that Yuya was affected by it. He was just acting tough when they separated but he was aware that he was not alright.

They continue to move forward. Yuri and Ryutaro defeated the two bandits who were blocking the way outside and Kei witness Yuri’s special ability of submission. The exit is widely open for them to escape but at Kei’s mind he was hesitant to go. Probably Yuya is strong, maybe he can defeat everyone but… is it really the good thing to leave him all alone?

“The Futso will not harm a human right?” Kei asked again.

“Yeah, it’s only effective on the vampires.” Ryutaro replied back.

“Thanks for taking me here but I’m sorry I’m going to leave.” Kei said. “Yuya is not fine and I’m the only one who can save him right now.” He continued.

“Stupid… what can a human like you do?” Ryutaro asked him again.

Yuri step forward and then handle Kei something. It was a dagger that was beautifully crafted. “I trusted Yuya to you.” He said. Kei run just after Yuri said that to him.

“You can’t be serious… why did you let him go?” Ryutaro asked Yuri, his voice doesn’t sound satisfied with the decision the smaller guy did.

“Can’t you see? The Futso already spread, no vampires can enter the place without being unconscious. Kei can find Yuya easily because he is not affected by the Futso. The only thing we can do is to tell this to the highers up and trust Kei that he can be of use to Yuya.” Yuri explained.

Author's Note: I'm really sorry for the slow updates T__T Hope you like this chapter.

pairing: takanoo, chaptered: the outcast of st. alaudrc

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