St. Alaudrc Academy - Chapter 11

Aug 09, 2015 16:33

Title: St. Alaudrc Academy Chapter 11
Sub Title: "The Outcast and The Prince" 9
Characters: Hey Say Jump
Genre: romance, school life, drama
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot
General Summary: This is about the story of 10 different individuals and their experiences and struggles inside the quarters of St. Alaudrc Academy.
Sub-Summary: Kei and Kota were dating but they were attending different high school. Kei wanted to attend the same school as him but he refused so much and that bothers Kei a lot. Without Kota knowing, Kei transferred to his school and found out the reason and the truth behind Kota's strong rejection.The academy is a vampire school and he found out that Kota is also a vampire like everyone else. Inside the academy he meet so many individuals that help him survive the school adverse situation but one of the most memorable to him was his fated meeting with the prince.

St. Alaudrc Academy
"The Outcast and The Prince"
"Damn it!" Kei shouted in front of the mirror in the third floor male's restroom. He just wash his face and while looking at his reflection, it just made him remember all the worst thing that happened that day.

Yuya was true to his words when he asked Kei to prove to him that he can be trusted. Since that day, that student's council president let him do the manual job and let him work on his supposed to be rest days. Because of that Kei felt like he was part of the student's council already because he was always there everyday. Actually he doesn't have any complain about working in the student's council since every officials was so nice to him. Though work is hard (since Yuya didn't orient him what he should do and he just give him the papers wanting him to finish everything in a day), the others support him and became so friendly on him. Yuri, the vice president was a jolly person. He always have a smile on his face and he was always surrounded by people which made Kei thought that he was a friendly guy but Sabrina, the auditor of the council, said that it was not like that. As he heard before, there are vampires who are considered special because they were born with ability that others don't have. The vice president have the power to attract anyone towards him, Sabrina called it the power of pheromone.

Ryosuke on the other hand was a silent type but he is also helping him in his works without him asking it at all. But what bothers Kei is that there is always a tall guy following him around like a body guard. Kumi, one of the members to, said that it was really Yuto's job. Yuto is friendly and he talk to Kei normally without discrimination of him being a human and Yuto being a vampire. Their conversation flows smoothly like they were just equal or maybe because they are really equal. He is considered as a slave, the lowest class of the hierarchy, and since human were also considered a low level that made the two equal.

"I hate you… I really hate you." he cursed. "I am not your slave you asshole." he continued to talk to his own reflection. He wash his face again and this time it was Kota who he remembered. It's been days since they saw each other but after that conversation in the clinic room, they never have a chance to talk to each other again. He keep on ignoring him, pretending that they didn't know each other. He can't understand why they needed to pretend like that. Is he embarrassed to be with a human like him? He asked before why do they need to pretend that way but Kota told him not to ask anymore question and just do what he said. It made Kei so frustrated. He long to see him but then when they finally met, something like this is happening. It's the same like he was not there at all.

"I can't take this anymore." he muttered again but he heard someone said exact same thing and at the same time inside one of the cubicle.

That cubicle opened and he saw a familiar face that he saw before. It was the guy that hid at the back of the bench that he was sitting on before. It seems like he was also surprised to hear someone said the same thing as he did in a perfect timing.

"I guess you have a bad day." Kei said.

"You too?" Ryutaro asked. Kei nodded his head.

The two went out of the restroom and decided to go in the garden to have fresh air. They sit down in one of the bench and then drink the juice that they bough in the vending machine. "I know what your stressing over… it's the prince right?" Ryutaro asked.

"It's half of it… but how did you know that?" Kei asked him.

"Be surprised if student's didn't know it… you're famous. Everyone is talking about you… of course since you're an outcast who is now became a slave of the prince." Ryutaro explained. "It's hard, isn't it? Placing in the bottom of the hierarchy… everyone is looking down on you… everyone is keeping an eye on you because they are disgusted of you. You are like a virus, someone that will give them disease. It gets worst when you are just an ordinary vampire… you have nothing to be proud of. I hope I was special… I hope I was given some special ability like others have so that… no one is looking down on me." Ryutaro said.

"You don't need to be special in order for others to know you’re their equal." Kei said. "I know hierarchy is a big thing in this world, the higher you are, the more you accepted but… you are breathing the same air as them, you're stepping in the earth that they are stepping as well. It's just in the state of mind but in the rule of mother earth… everyone of us is equal." he continued.

"Asshole… the rule of earth doesn't affect the vampire realm." Ryutaro disagree instantly.

"You just call me an asshole you brat?"

"Yeah I did… because you really are. Who is an individual who is in his right mind who still decide to stay in this place after he experience a life to death situation?"

"I don't need to explain myself to a brat like you." Kei stick his tongue out like a child playing around.

Ryutaro sighed then he stand up and chuckled "I need to go back… I still have a practice."

Kei was left all alone again and this time he decided to spy on Kota. He have the whole afternoon free since there is a suspension of classes but only to his section. He went to Kota's classroom to check on him. It was not hard for him to look for it since Hikaru is Kota's classmate and they usually see each other before when Kota is not yet around. Kei saw Kota all alone on his desk and busy writing notes. Like always, he can see Kota as a good looking man and he can't help himself from admiring his face. He was giggling at the back of his mind when someone snatch Kota's pen away from him and in his view it seems like those two guys was making fun of him. They scribbled on the notes that Kota was busy working with but what made Kei surprised was the fact that Kota didn't retaliate back.

Those two guys leave Kota alone without his boyfriend saying a thing. Usually, Kota is a type of person who don't tolerate bullying but why did he just remain in silence?

Kei stayed in his hiding place as Kota's class continue. It didn't bother him that he need to wait for 3 hours for the class to be over. Kota left the class immediately as the teacher dismissed them. Kei followed him, wondering what kind of life does Kota have in the academy. He wanted to learn more about his boyfriend, specially this side of him being a vampire.

Kei paused for a moment as a random idea pop up on his mind. "if Kota is a vampire then… he drink human blood too?" he whispered as he think about it. "I wonder if I offer my blood to Kou-chan… will he accept me more?" he whispered while thinking about it. He can imagine himself stripping in front of Kota and offering his neck for food to his special someone. "Ahhh this is bad… I want to sleep with Kou-chan." he pouted since he knew that his dirty thoughts will not happen specially in the situation they were in.

He continued stalking his boyfriend but he noticed something. He was not sure about it yet but it seems like, everyone was ignoring Kota. No one was greeting him or talking to him. That goes the same in his classroom and it feel like he was not existing at all. But that is impossible… he knew that Kota is charismatic enough so there's no way no one can notice him. Maybe it was just his imagination or just him overthinking.

How long do they need to pretend that they didn't know each other? That is what Kei was thinking while he look at Kota from a far. He was so close yet so far and he was not sure if he can last in that kind of relationship. He wanted to know the truth, he wanted to know why they need to act that way but he was afraid that if he pass on the limitations, Kota will start hating him.

Kota rested in a bench near the tallest tree in the campus while Kei was hiding in a building and sneaking a look at him. It's hard and painful but he need to endure it. He need to, if he wanted to stay.

"The queen wanted to see Yuya-sama, even just for one dinner." Kei heard somewhere. Now that he heard that 'prince' name he remembered that he forgot something he is supposed to do. Yuya told him to go to the office after his class but he is too late for that. "Please fulfil her wish. The queen is pushing her tantrums towards the maids and it's not going well."

"Tell her I'm busy." Yuya answered back and of course Kei heard his voice. He look where the voice is coming from and he was surprised that it was happening just behind the walls he was hiding from.

"But Yuya-sama, that kind of excuse…" the guy, who seems a servant of the royal palace, said. "I knew you don't want to see your highness but… this is really causing trouble to the palace's maids. Just a little mistake then she wanted them to be change. Your mother just wanted to see you so I beg you Yuya-sama."

Yuya sighed and then scratch his head "Fine… tell her that I have time the day after tomorrow but only for a dinner." he answered.

The servants bowed down as low as he can, obviously so grateful about the grant request. Kei on the other hand saw everything and he didn't expect that Yuya have this kind of side of him as well. If he can act nice towards other then why don't he do that to him as well? Since he started to work on Yuya's side as a compensation for the protection he was given to him, he was letting him work every minute. It's true that the vampires intention to eat him subsided and he can walk on the corridor by himself without anymore worries and that's because of Yuya's help but still he needs to work for it.

He can say 'no' anytime to the 'prince' but he guess having a peaceful life like that, without any threat of danger in his life is not that bad. Actually even he said that he was all right after what happened, he was still having nightmare about it. One night he just woke up so scared that it's hard for him to breathe on his own. It's just a month since he arrived but so many things happened already.

"What is a servant doing here having a good time when his master is working his butt of all this time?" Kei fidgeted. He forgot to hide himself while day dreaming and now he was found out. "Didn't I told you to come to the office after your class?"

"A...actually… I'm on my way?" Kei uttered but yeah that is not a really the best excuse at all.

"Are you trying to fool me? Who do you think you are talking right now? I know that your class only have half day. I told you to come after your class but what the hell are you doing here?" Yuya asked.

Kei pouted, he knew that no matter what excuse he will tell this arrogant 'prince' will not believe him anyway because he knew the truth. "Fine… I'm sorry for ditching you." he said but he was not really sorry deep inside.

"Eh… I don't feel like your sorry at all… can you kneel down in front of me and say that you are really sorry?" Yuya said with his cunning smile. Kei grit his teeth as he glare at Yuya who seems enjoying that moment.

Kneel down? Did he hear that right? Did he do some serious sin that he need to lower his pride and kneel in front of him? He just didn't come and he need to do that? "No way in hell." Kei thought at the back of his mind. He glared at Yuya ones again, thinking of a way to escape from him then when he notice that Yuya blink his eyes he take that as an opportunity to run away.

Yup… to run away, but this Kei Inoo didn't learn his lesson at all.

Kei was surprised when Yuya suddenly showed in front of him, he was so shocked that he trip on his right foot. He close his eyes anticipating a hard fall on the ground but he felt a hand that holds him on his arms and shoulder. As he opened his eyes he saw Yuya holding him, there eyes were lock to each other for seconds but it was cut when Yuya smirked and let go of him without any warning. "Karma is so fast." he smirked.

"Shut up." Kei uttered while fixing his clothes. They stayed silent for a few seconds. Kei was waiting for Yuya to say a thing but he remained like that as well. He should just leave him alone so that he can spy on Kota more. After he fix his pants, he strengthen his back and saw Yuya looking at someone else. Curious, Kei also sneak a look and he saw Kota talking to Daiki. It seems like Daiki have lots of stuffs on him and Kota offered a help.

Being part of the academy for a long time, it's not surprising if Kota have a friend or two but the whole time he spy on him, his boyfriend doesn't interact that much with others. But now Kota was talking happily with Daiki and he was smiling so brightly while he was standing besides that little guy. Kei start to feel a sharp pain on his chest. "Did Kou-chan notice it too?"

When Kei first saw Daiki he knew already that he have resemblance to his sister Kaya. Their eyes and lips were similar and even that serious looking face like he was always in deep thoughts was similar to her. Kaya is dead but it seems like she was living in a person name Daiki. He can't feel at ease, in the entirety that he falls in love with Kota there is only one person that he get intimidated with. One person that he thought his enemy in Kota's heart and that's no other than Kaya.

He can't win against her and even she was dead, he was still fighting a battle with her.

Kei step forward. He decided to just go back to the dormitory and have a rest. It's hard to see Kota with someone else specially that it was Daiki. Even he wanted to interfere and go in between them to fade that uneasiness, he didn't want to disobey his promise to Kota about acting that they didn't know each other at all. He can endure everything just for him to stay in the same place as Kota. Deep inside of his mind, he keep on telling himself that no matter what happen, even Kota does not really have a feeling for him, as long as he is his boyfriend then he still owns him.

"Are you trying to run away from me again?" Kei heard a voice that he almost forgot was there.

"Can we call it a day?" he asked.

"No… you're coming with me. We have a job to do."

"I don't want to go… just spare me today." Kei said back but he was shocked when Yuya pulled his right hand and drag him closer to him and he was more surprised when he put his forehead into his forehead as well and that made their faces so close to each other. Kei swallowed his saliva while still being stunned about what happen. Yuya pulled away first while Kei was left puzzled.

"You're not sick so you have no reason to escape." Yuya answered back. This time he hold him on his right hand and not only to the wrist and that made him no choice but to follow his lead.

Author's Note: I told you i'm going to give random updates lol... oh well here's chapter 9 of the main pairing of the story. For some reason i'm falling for Yuya's character in this story... hekhek... but i'm still a loyal Yabunoo shipper but... Takanoo is nice too... but yeah even how many times i weigh it Yabunoo is still heavy in my heart hehe but i'll do my best to make this a very good Takanoo fic that even a Yabunoo fan will enjoyXD

pairing: yabunoo, pairing: takanoo, chaptered: the outcast of st. alaudrc

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