St. Alaudrc Academy - Chapter 8

Jul 26, 2015 13:37

Title: St. Alaudrc Academy Chapter 8
Sub Title: "The Outcast and The Prince" 8
Characters: Hey Say Jump
Genre: romance, school life, drama
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot
General Summary: This is about the story of 10 different individuals and their experiences and struggles inside the quarters of St. Alaudrc Academy.
Sub-Summary: Kei and Kota were dating but they were attending different high school. Kei wanted to attend the same school as him but he refused so much and that bothers Kei a lot. Without Kota knowing, Kei transferred to his school and found out the reason and the truth behind Kota's strong rejection.The academy is a vampire school and he found out that Kota is also a vampire like everyone else. Inside the academy he meet so many individuals that help him survive the school adverse situation but one of the most memorable to him was his fated meeting with the prince.

St. Alaudrc Academy
"The Outcast and The Prince"
Just when Kei woke up and gained all his strengths back, it seems like someone was sucking them all away again. He knew that when he will see Kota in the academy, a mad interrogation will happen but to the extent that Kota was glaring at him like he was the worst enemy he ever have was something he was not expecting at all. He thought that a little apology will compromise everything but it feels like it will not happen.

"I'm sorry." Kei apologized with his head down.

"Do you think that will fix everything?" Kota asked while raising his right eyebrow and his eyes was shooting him glares. Kota rarely show his anger and it seems like he will going to witness it that very moment. "I told you not to come… I told you not to follow me but then you disobeyed me."

"I didn’t said I'm going to obey you." Kei replied back. Just the tone of Kota's voice is already scary but he didn't want to loss without fighting back. He just wanted to be with him, he just wanted to be with his boyfriend. "Kou-chan… I miss you. I miss you so badly that I can't take it anymore. You're unfair and selfish, we are dating and to only see you twice a year… it's tormenting me. Plus you hate it so much to tell me where you are studying, the reason why you wanted to live so far away from us… from me? What do you think is on my mind? Of course I will think that… you know negative thoughts. It's miserable…"

Kota sighed "There's no need for those negative thoughts… you knew the answer why I did that right? Why I dislike it so much to talk about the school I am studying and why I didn't want to show myself to you." he continued. This time his voice was a little soft.

"Why… didn't you tell me?" Kei asked. "Why did you hide that… you are a vampire?"

"If I told you that I am… will you still see me as you did before?" Kota asked back.

"The first time I saw you was in a winter… and the first thing that attracts me was your red eyes. It's beautiful and tantalizing but despite of it looking fierce I can see a weak boy inside. Do you think I will choose to stay here and continue chasing you if knowing the truth will affect my feelings for you? I was surprised of course… to know that vampires were real when all this time I thought they are just fictional characters that enjoy sucking blood… that my boyfriend who was with me for a long time was one of them. But Kou-chan, you might be a vampire but you are still same individual that I fall in love with. Your true identity is not enough to erase the fact that I am head over heels for you." Kei explained. "I'm sorry if I disobeyed you… I'm sorry I didn't listen to you but… I didn't regret my decision when I decide to follow you."

"No Kei…" Kota suddenly stand up and sit down on the bed where Kei is sitting down as well. "You need to go back to the world you really belong. This is not your place… you don't belong here. Are you not afraid? You almost died the other day. If I didn't came on time then you might be lying on your deathbed already and you ruined the promise you made with your parents. Have you forgotten your promise to them? You said you will not follow Kaya… you said you will not die before them. You can't guarantee your safety in this place. You're going to quit St. Alaudrc… "

"Kou-chan… listen to me." Kei said. "I will not go."

"Please Kei… don't be hard headed and think of this seriously. Use your mind more than your emotions." Kota insisted. "You don't have a future here."

"You're the one who need to listen to me." Kei said seriously. He knew Kota's point, he can understand it but… if he wanted to give up then he must did it already since that time that he find out the truth yet he didn't and still continued in the dangerous path. He knew it… he knew that things will not be easy but he still accepted his fate. Maybe he was putting his emotions above anything else in his decisions but… after what happened to him, after his life suffered a 50-50 chance of living he realize something. Life is short and he didn't want to live it with regrets. He… wanted to live with the guy that he loves the most no matter what happen. He maybe look desperate to others but he doesn't care. "I decided to stay and I will not listen to anything you will say. You're are just wasting your time convincing me."

"Why are you so stubborn?" Kota asked.

"I’m just too in love with you." Kei smiled back then he hug Kota tightly. "I'm sorry I worried you." he whispered to him.

Kota sighed again like he admit defeat. "If you really wanted to stay then… you need to follow my condition."

Kei smiled as he look happily at Kota. Finally Kota accepted him to stay in the academy with him.

"I promise Kaya that I'm going to protect you but… I can't grant you that in here. Only one person can make you safe in this school and I heard the circumstances that you had with him from Hikaru. Kei… you need Yuya. I want you to win him again and make that mark in your hand have it's power back." Kota told him seriously.

Kei was shocked with the first condition. It's something he was not expecting at all. "W...wait Kou-chan, a… are you serious?"

"I am….if you can't do it then I will let you go back our hometown."

"Bu… but… I… I hate that guy."

"That's one of my condition and I'm serious with it." Kota insisted.

After 4 days of recuperating, Kei was finally back with all his strengths. He was back to the dormitory and can finally attend his classes though his situation in the school doesn't change and he is still everyone's apple of the eye. Thanks to some of his classmate that he was able to have notes for his miss class. He doesn't have any problem in following the lesson since he is good at studying… more than that he was troubled by something else.

After class, Kei went straight to the student's council office in order to talk to the president. He didn't see him for a long time and so he doesn't know what to say besides that time he have an ulterior motive why he came.

"Kei-chan?" the vice president voice was heard from his back. "Whoa… you really came back. Are you feeling well already? I heard everything that happened to you. It seems like our president is giving you a hard life." Yuri said while he gently pat his shoulder. "What are you doing here in the office? Do you need something? Are you going to point name who are the one bullying you? You know… everyone's aware already about the Aften Law."

"I… I wanted to talk to the president." Kei said.

"Yuya is in his office." Ryosuke answered him back.

"It's budgeting time so he was busy recently." Yuri added. "You knew his office right? You can go straight there."

Kei held a deep breathe and walk straight to his office. He doesn't have a good memory with that room since he saw that perverted scene. He planned to knock on the door since it was close but before he land his hand the door opened and he was welcomed by that annoying bat named "Chippy" but he just ignored the bat who was asking why he was there and his attention was fix on Yuya who was wearing his glasses and busy on the papers filed on his desk. It was his first time to see Yuya doing his work seriously and not flirting with girls and he admit that he look different in that style.

"Are you just going to stand there and admire how good looking I am for the rest of the day?" Yuya suddenly asked.

"I wonder how many types of Yuya is hiding in that body of yours?" Kei asked.

"To have a gut to disrespect a prince like me… I guess Kei Inoo is really recovered."

"I am not here to argue with you." Kei said seriously. "I… I am here to ask you to bring back the power of this mark." he said as he raised his right arm and point on the mark on it that Yuya give to him before. "Please… grant me the power of your protection again."

Yuya doesn't look please as to what he heard. He take off his glasses and stand up from his seat and this time he seat on his own table. "What's with this change of attitude? You hate it so much before but now… you’re asking for it?"

"I admit I am wrong… I'm sorry for that. I… I need your protection. I need your power."

"Is this… something… Kota ask you to do?" Yuya asked him back. "You have him on your side. I saw it. That time that he save you… your relationship to him is not something just a friend. To ask for my help again… are you admitting that he was not strong enough to protect you? The guy that you cherish the most?"

"It seems like you're making a mistake here." Kei said. "I… I don't have any connection with him. He is just someone I knew since he use to live in my hometown but he is just the same as a stranger to me."

Yuya pause for a moment like he don't believe what he said. "Fine. I'll grant it back but don't expect that you can get it for free after what you have done. You need to work for it… prove to me that I can trust you."

Kei breathe deeply when he finally went out of the office. He swallowed all his pride just to ask that to Yuya. He really didn't want to do it but in order to stay he need to do it but more than that there is much bigger task that he need to do.

"I'll give you two conditions in order for you to stay. First, let Yuya protect you. His power as the prince will give you a full protection. He is the only one capable to do that. Second, let us pretend that we didn't know each other. If you comply with this two conditions then I will not force you… to leave."
Kei can't understand why. He argue about it so much but he loss. Kota was really serious with his second condition. He was about to walk going back to his dormitory when he saw Kota walking on the other side. They were going closer to each other and he knew Kota saw him as well but he avert his eyes away. The two passed each other without saying a thing. They look like a total stranger who didn't know each other at all.

First, he wanted to see Kota so much but now that it was granted why did this thing needs to happen? Kota was there physically but he felt that he was not totally there for him at all.

Author's Note: Another update for 'The Outcast and The Prince" yeah this is more of a conversation and kind of rush for me but i'm satisfied with this. Anyway I am supposed to post the story of other pairing after Chapter 15 of the first pair but i know I owe everyone an updates so i plan to post the first chapters of each pair after this. But give me time since i am still making themXD I hope you will like the story of the other pairing too^___^ Enjoy this chapter while waiting for the rest.

pairing: takanoo, chaptered: the outcast of st. alaudrc

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