Fanfic: Yoru to Hanabi Chapter 9

Sep 27, 2012 15:58

TITLE: Yoru to Hanabi
MAIN CHARACTERS: Kei Inoo, Yuto Nakajima, Kota Yabu, Yuya Takaki
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for the plot
RATING: PG-13 to NC-17 just to be safe.
SUMMARY: "To forget about your first love you should find a new love.". Kei is suffering from a great heart break coz his first love, the guy he fell head over heels will going to marry. In order to forget about his old failed romance he needs to find another love but what will he do if there are more than one that comes to his life?

Yoru to Hanabi
Chapter 9

I did it, I did it with him. What the hell I am thinking that time? Why did I drag Yuto to my sorrow. I... I am so lonely that time that i want to spend the night with someone else. I don't want to be alone and i want someone to hold me tightly but what a fool I am. For all the people that i can do it why it should be Yutti? Bu... But when I wake up this early morning, I found myself lying on my own bed in my own apartment. After we did it i think i feel unconscious immediately. A written message is on the table with a breakfast prepared on it. 'I'll be gone for a moment. Please eat the food that I prepared for you'. he mad at me? D...did I ruined my image to him? He didn't say a thing at all and so now I am worried. H...he will going to leave me because of what I did? What should I do? I am a bad adult.

Kei slowly eat the breakfast that Yuto did to him. It taste good and just right for his hungry stomach and tired body. While eating he can remember that things that happened that night. The way Yuto and him did it in that king size bed, how he kiss him, how he hugs him and how he touch his body. Yuto is not that child anymore, he is grown to be someone he is not expecting him to be.

This is bad... This is really bad. As much as possible i don't want this to happened. The parts where he touch my body is aching, it's hot. My body remembers him and what's worst is that it will asked for more. You are the worst. I should not think that way... I should not feel this way.

Kei jolted when his phone suddenly rings. It is Aoi and so he immediately answered the call.  "Mom."

"Kei-chan, are you not going here in airport?" Aoi asked him.

"Why? Is there someone who will going far?"

"Yuya and Sayaka will leave the country for a month for their honeymoon. Can't you remember?"

I... I forgot.

"I forgot. It's alright even I went there i will not have a chance to see them."

"Kei-chan, did you say something to Yuya? He looks depressed for some reason. I asked Sayaka and she said that he is like that till last night. Do you know how worried he is to you when you didn't come back for your last performance. We can't even contact you and so he look after you."

"Sorry it's my fault."

"It's not me who you should be sorry. Kei, i know you are sad about it but aren't you just thinking about yourself? Can't you think about the people surrounding you? How do they feel seeing you acting like this? Yuya doesn't know your feelings for him, he didn't know that you are totally in love with him and so he can't understand why you are acting like this. As a best friend, he is very worried about you. Me too, I am worried about you and even your father as well. Everyone is worried about you."

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright... By the way where did you go last night? Are you with Yutti? Where are you now? We can't contact you at all. You turned your phone off."

"I'm at my apartment. Yutti is not around here and i doubt he will come back."

"What do you mean?" Aoi asked him seriously.

"N...nothing. Mom i am tired i wanted to rest. I will call Yuya back to say sorry about the commotion that i did. See you." Kei ended the call and then start searching for Yuya's contact.

Should i call him? I...i don't know what to say though. Wh...what should i tell him? I need to say sorry about what i did but will i explain it? Should i tell him that my stomach hurts so i run away but...without informing him? No... That is just a childish excuse but what should i tell him? I don't know.... I don't know how to run away with this but i think mom is right with this selfish desire it is not only me who is affected but the people surrounding me. Yuya, Sayaka, mom, dad, Suzy and even Yutti. What am I thinking, apologizing is the only thing I can do right now. I should say sorry and then move on.

"Kei? Kei are you alright?" Yuya asked ones he answered the call.

"Yeah... I am. By the way Yuya... I'm sorry about what I did." Kei told him with his soft voice. "I'm really sorry for running away."

"It's alright. I am glad that you are alright. It's nice hearing your voice. You just wake up right?"

"Sort of, Yuya are you planning to make a baby already?"

"What with that immediate question." Yuya replied back. "But yeah... We wanted to have a child immediately and it is what Sayaka's parents wanted to happen."

"That will be great besides you are good at handling kids. You will be a father soon, i am happy."

"A...are you really happy?" Yuya asked him back seriously. His voice is a little bit husky and worried at the same time. That time Kei feels a guilt deep inside of him. Yuya's voice is worried and it is his fault.

"I...I'm happy so you don't need to worry. Just enjoy the honeymoon and don't think about anything else. While you are gone everything will works fine in the company and i make sure you with that. But don't forget buying me souvenirs,  i wonder what i want.. Ahmmm then just choose for me. You know my taste right? You will not have a hard time searching for one." Kei said cheerfully but of course he is hiding his true feelings.

"Alright i will... Take care. We need to go already..."

"Okay... Enjoy... And... Goodbye." he ended the call and then he sigh and look up the ceiling for a moment without doing anything at all.

What should I do now?

After cleaning the dishes that he used, he change clothes and then went outside to unwind for a while. He feels that if he will going to stay in that apartment alone it is unhealthy for his sake. He went to the shopping district to look around, there are lots of people since it is a grand sale that day but it seems like Kei is not interested at all at the things that are around the area. While walking around he heard someone calling his name and when he take a look it is Suzy who have paper bags with her.

"Inoo-san, i can't believe i will meet you here. Are you here to go shopping?"

"N...not really, i just pass by."

"About the wedding, i am worried since you didn't come back."

"Sorry about that something just happened that i was not able to come back. I'm really sorry about it."

"'s nothing. I am glad that you didn't come actually." Suzy blurted out and that makes her feel embarrassed. "I....i mean, i am not in the mood of singing as well."

"What do you mean?"

Suzy touch her own fingers and then bite her lower lips. "I... I am jealous. Actually i like Yuya too... I like him but he falls in love with my best friend and choose her over me. Yuya meet me first before he meet Sayaka, i never thought that they will be in good terms and then plan on getting married. I was so shocked that i feel so broken."

I...i didn't know. So... That mean it is not me who she likes but Yuya.

"Are you feeling alright now?"

"Not at all, I cried the whole night that my eyes are red and burden and so I went out to treat myself and to say to myself that this is the end. I will not run after them anymore coz even i did nothing's gonna change and besides I don't want to ruined the smile on my friend's face. I guess she is more important to me than my personal feeling so i decided to give up. Sayaka is happy and so i am happy for her as well."

"Even you like Yuya that much?"

"Yup... He is not the right guy for me i guess."

I envy how easy for you to give up. I hope I am like you. I am not like her at all, i am weaker even i am a guy. I always tell myself that i will forget about Yuya, that i will forget about this unwanted feelings for him but still i keep on believing and clinging on that small hope that he can see through the barrier of friends.

"I think i will just do my work at my best and just wait for love to come arrived. They said that in time of your broken hearted that's the time love comes besides love is just all about timing, the right time he showed up you will feel that it is him already."

"I hope you can find it soon."

"By the way are you alone? Do you want to have a snack together? I found a great shop around that area an they sell sweets that really looks good." Suzy invited and then Kei agreed.


"Next week the new semester will start and you will be a first year student here. I'll be a graduating student and so i will be busy with my thesis so it is possible that we will not see each other much. As for that i already write in the paper my vacant time that we can used to meet each other. It's true that we are taking the same courses but then still our school is so big for us to bump into each other." Ara take a look a her bag to see where is that paper that she wrote this whole time go. "Where is it?" she murmured.

Ara is Yuto's girlfriend and even she told her everything it seems like he doesn't bother at all. She confessed to Yuto her feelings but the outcome is unexpected. She heard girls confessing to him but they are rejected though there are other girls that he dated out of curiosity. He is the type of guy who played with girls but still she take the risk thinking that maybe he can change Yuto's point on view about love. When she confessed, she has an slight hope that she will answered and so she is surprised and happy when the young guy accepted her. She tried her best to be someone of value to Yuto and still she wanted to pursue her goal to change Yuto's point of view.

"Here it is." Ara said. She show it to Yuto and the latter just scanned it and then hide it on his bag. "Yuto do you want to go somewhere. I will treat you, as a compensation of what i did the other day."

"Ara." Yuto called while he looks at her seriously. "Do you still think this relationship will work out?"

Ara startled upon hearing it, she has a feeling that anytime soon Yuto will say those words, the words she doesn't want to hear at all. This is what she thought what Yuto's mind is set "Something that makes him bored should be eliminated and in a relationship if he is not entertained anymore he will quit."

"N...No." Ara whispered. "I mean... I don't want to break up with you." she said instantly. She knows that kind of conversation will lead to that kind of stuffs. "Are you bored already? I... I will do other things that can entertain you j...just don't leave me alone."

"What are you talking about?"

"I...if you want me to cook food for you everyday i will do it, i...if you want i will visit you everyday even when i am busy, if you want i can give myself to you and have sex j....just don't leave me alone." Ara talked as water start to form from her eyes. "I am not good enough to entertain you? Are you bored on me already? I...i can do more than that just let me...."

"Aren't you...mistaking something?" Yuto asked him. "Let me guess, you are thinking that i am a type of person when get bored will immediately leave so you are saying this kind of things."

Ara nodded her head as she wipes her tears away.

Yuto smirk "Let me correct you with that."


"I am not that type of person. Being bored is a choice and it's not like i am easily get bored into something but... I am someone who runs away when someone is chasing me which means i am a type of individual who let go of a relationship ones someone fall for me that much. In love the first individual who falls in love is the loser coz that someone will be easily manipulated and you fail instantly when you start loving me. I don't want chasers actually, i don't want people who consider their partner as if they are there life and their world, praising them as if they are their god. I hate people who loved so much and can sacrifice everything just to be accepted." Yuto explained to her and she was just petrified on her position thinking that Yuto is talking about he.

"W...what's wrong with that? What's wrong with loving someone that you thought he is your world? I don't find it wrong, it is people's freedom to choose who they should fall in love."

"Yeah... It's true that it is how the worlds works but still i hate it and so... Now that you know i want to break up coz you belong to those kind of people that i hate."

"You are saying this things because you didn't try to truly fall in love yet. One day... One day you will meet that someone that will change you and will destroy that philosophy that is playing in your mind."

"I wonder when that will be."

Ara hold on Yuto's hand and the look at him eye to eye. "Please Yuto, don't leave me alone. Please... I...i love you. I really love you."

"I'm sorry..." Yuto replied back and then he grab her hand that didn't leave his hand and he let go. After that tense conversation he leave as if nothing happened while Ara is left crying all alone in that street.


Kei goes back to his apartment and he ended up buying some snacks as well since Suzy buy some. He thinks that the snacks that they eat taste really good and it makes him feel better. Ones he enter the door he is expecting that Yuto is already around but it seems like he is not coming back yet which put him in a conclusion that maybe he is mad after what they did and he totally leave him alone.

As he put the box of dessert on the fridge he went to the sofa and lie his back on the soft part and then he sigh.

"What should I do now?" Kei whispered.

"Kei-nii, are you alright?" Yuto asked all of a sudden. He just come back and Kei didn't noticed it and so when he heard his voice he feels like his heart is going to jump out of his chest.

"Don't scare me like that!" Kei shouted on him.

"I am just asking, i am not intending to scare you at all."

Yutti came back, he came back.

Kei is about to say a thing but when he saw Yuto standing in front of him he suddenly remembered what happened that night. The way Yuto kissed him, touched him and how they did it and so he feels embarrassed and he blushed. "Yu...Yutti... a...about last night..."

"You don't need to apologized about it. I know you are just too sad and so you asked me to do that. But don't worry it's nothing for me. For some reason i feel glad that i was able to help you in other way." Yuto answered to him.

"Y...yeah i am sad and so..." Kei whispered. "I'm sorry" he apologized for the nth time.

"You don't need to apologized Kei-nii, besides i feel guilty about making you cry last night. But you are really cute and sexy, i think having sex with you is not bad at all. You're better than the others where i did it."

Kei startled when he heard the word sex on Yuto's sentence, how can he so be so bold and he can talk about that sensitive word as easy as that. "Geez stop saying that, are you not embarrassed with your words?"

"Why should i? Am i not good at bed?" Yuto asked him shameless. Kei can't handle to continue the conversation anymore. He is not used to handle super direct people and he thinks that it is bad for his heart. Everything that happened that night just flashed on his mind and he feels bad for imagining a guy who someway or the other he considered as his little brother to be a partner in bed. He get a throw pillow and then hide his blushing face.

"I can't handle this anymore. Just go to your room already." he commanded him ignoring what just Yuto told him. Yuto shrugged his shoulder and then walk through his room but before he opened the door he stop and then look again at Kei who is still covering his face with the throw pillow.

"Kei-nii, i don't mind doing it the second time or the third time. If you are sad and lonely just call me."  He told him. He open the door of his room and then lock it up without waiting for Kei to respond to what he just said. On the other hand Kei heard it clearly and that just gives me shiver all over his body. He sit down properly and then take a look at Yuto's room, which door is already close.

Stop messing around you brat, there is no second time nor third time. Don't you know i feel so guilty already about touching you though i know you are not innocent at all but still me, who is your guardian now suddenly did that... Ahhh i don't want to think about this anymore. No, that will be the first and the last time. I will not touch him again. I will not.

But never the less, thank you for staying with me that night. If you are not there then i don't know what could happen to me. Thank you Yutti.

To be continued...

pairing: yabunoo, chaptered: yoru to hanabi

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