Fanfic: When The Sun and The Moon Collides Chapter 8

Aug 16, 2012 09:48

TITLE: When The Sun and The Moon Collides
MAIN CHARACTEr: Kei Inoo, Kota Yabu, Hikaru Yaotome
DISCLAIMER: I didn't own anything except for the plot.
GENRE: romance, slice of life, death
SUMMARY: When a baby boy is about to be born in the world, a wounded woman stated her premonition about him. she said that he will grow up to be a good man but he will suffer so many things. Fate will going to play on his life. Knowing about this, the mother asked her best friend to protect her son and she give to her the sun pendant while the moon pendant was given to her son. That best friend died because of her disease and the promise that she did to her friend was pass on to her son who now is obligated to protect the son of that woman.

When The Sun and The Moon Collides
Chapter 8

After staying in the house of the doctor that saves his life, Kei is not fully recovered and on his stay he really became close to Hikaru who always visits him on that room secretly. They talk to many things about their own life, about how Kei is brought to the Dragon League and also Hikaru's studies as a future doctor like his father. In that small amount of time that they spend together they act as if they know each other for a long time already besides it is not really hard for Kei to tag along with Hikaru because he is friendly and lovable.

"I'll meet you later, Kei." Hikaru told him as he prepare himself to go to his school.



"Thank you for taking care of me and also for spending your precious time to a slave like me."

"What are you talking about. Don't address yourself as a slave, you are my friend. You are Kei." Hikaru replied him back.

"I will treasure this memories that i spend with you. Thank you."

Hikaru pout his lips and then smiled. "You talk like we will not see each other. I'll be back so wait for me. Okay?"

Kei didn't respond back, he just smiled and wave his hand as Hikaru leave the room. Hikaru meet his father in the main door of their house and said that he should be careful on his way. After the talking of the parent and son, Hikaru's father went straight to where Kei is staying and then greeted him back. "The boss will going to pick you up later so better prepare yourself."

"I know." Kei answered. "Thank you for taking care of me, Doctor. I am grateful for your kind consideration."

"My son didn't know about this so are you sure it is alright to go away without saying a formal goodbye?"

"Hikaru didn't know that you know him sneaking to this room. Your son is so nice to me and i am so happy that someone considered someone like me as their friend. Your son is so nice and caring and i don't want to make trouble to him or to yours as well. I am well already so I need to go back to my master." Kei answered.

"Be careful, it's nice meeting you."

"Me too."


The man who stabbed Kyle the other day is been interrogated on the Central Court. Why he did that thing or if there is someone who asked him to do it to the young heir of the Yabu family but the culprit is not answering at all or if he did he is just saying he didn't know and he will not say anything. They used force for him to talk but still he shut his mouth in front of everyone.

"What should we do to him? He didn't want to talk or say anything." one of the personnel in charge of the culprit asked to his comrade. "If we can't gain information they it is best to just kill him."

"But we need to extract something to him."

"He didn't want to say a thing."

While the two are talking to each other the culprit ,who is suffering from severe blood loss because of the whipping. gasped and then start laughing. "The reign will loss, someone will pull him down. Your evil works will not continue. A new world will start."

"W...what is he talking about?"

"He is going insane."

"i will not say a thing, the change... See it yourself!" he continued and then all of a sudden he bite his tongue and then he bleed to death. They informed the highest about what the culprit said and that creates a big commotion to everyone in the higher ups.


"I'm back." Hikaru give his bag to the maid who welcomed him back and then he is on his way to Kei's room when all of a sudden he saw his father just get down from the stairs. "Dad, are early today."

"You don't need to go there. He is not in that room anymore."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Do you think i didn't know that you are sneaking to that room secretly? I know that you are meeting Kei and you are telling stories to him and even you considered him as your friend."

" did you know? W...wait what do you mean that he is not there anymore?"

"If a patient is well then there is no used for him to stay in a hospital right? His owner already get him a while back and he will not come back here anymore unless something happened to him again." he answered.

"He didn't say a thing to me, he didn't say that he will left today. Why? Why he didn't tell me. I even didn't say a formal goodbye to him." Hikaru whispered and then he realized something, this morning Kei is saying words which implies that they will not see each other again. "Dad, wh...who is Kei's master? I want to meet him for the last time. Please tell me."


"Why? Why you don't want to tell me? Kei is my friend."

"Do you want yourself to be killed. That guy's master is not someone you can underestimate. He is a member of the Dragon League, he is the boss servants so you can't do anything anymore. Hikaru he is not someone you can consider as your friend. He is a slave of someone that has no eyes for the pleading people. The Dragon League is the group that killed your mother."

"But Kei is different. He is not  a bad guy, you know it yourself right? He is different from those guys who killed mom."

"But still he is already a member of that group."

"I don't care... I hate Dragon League because of what they did to my mom and now i hate them because they are locking Kei with them. Now that i know they are with Kei the more i wanted to save him. I will not let them do the same thing to people precious to me." Hikaru said firmly as he clench his fist because of hatred to that group that adducted his mother. He can remembered it clearly in his mind that time that they killed his mother and he can't do anything but to watch it. His father also received a severe burn because of them but he himself cannot do anything because he is still a a child.

"I will not let you do that."

"My mind is settled. You can't change it anymore. I cannot do it before but now that i am big enough i will do it. I will protect everyone who is important to me. I will save them with my own strength." Hikaru runs away from the house and his father planned on following him but he didn't continue. He can sense that Hikaru is serious about what he just said, the spark in his eyes said it so. He sure grow mature and different from he used to be before.

Hikaru knows where the Dragon league is staying, it is in the underground. One of his friend discovered the hide out and told it to him and he is not expecting that he can used it as soon as possible. Fear is nothing anymore, Dragon League is a group feared by many people but now Hikaru didn't feel anything. He just wanted to save a friend of him.

"I...i want to meet Kei." Hikaru panted. He feel out of breathe after running through that direction. As soon as he entered the office the boss is the one who welcomed him. "Tell me where Kei is."

"You are that doctor's son right? For i am not mistaken you are Hikaru." the boss asked him. "What do you need from my slave? Oh no, that's not the right question. How brave you are entering an enemies territory."

"But you let me through freely. I am here to meet Kei and also to retrieved him away from your hands. He doesn't deserve this place."

"Who are you to judged about that?" the boss asked him. "You know what you have done needs punishment but since i am in good mood i will not do it. But you have the same personality as your mother, you do not fear and just do what is on your mind. Kei is my slave, someone used him as a payment for a debt they can't pay so there is no way you can get him from us."

"A payment for a debt?" Hikaru repeated and then he paused for a moment before he answered. "Then... If i paid for that debt will you give Kei to me?"

The boss frowned thinking if this guy is really serious about what he is talking about. Kei. "Yeah, he will be free ones his debts are paid or someone buy him in a higher price."

"Mark your words." Hikaru commanded. "I will be back here and pay Kei's debt. Until then, you must make Kei's safe. I will pay for his debt, I will buy Kei in your hand."

"Do you think i will make a promise to a guy like you? Everything depends on how he will going to act on our group. If he disobey then I can't guarantee with his life and are you sure about what you are talking about? Saving a slave? Do you have no dignity?"

"I have, and saving someone will not destroy other's dignity." Hikaru answered directly and showing a great confidence that he can do it. He was not able to meet Kei coz the boss said that he assigned Kei a new work and he is not around the area anymore and fortunately the boss didn't punished him for suddenly coming and talking to him harshly. The boss considered what Hikaru just said and even responded that he will going to wait until that time came. Until Hikaru will come back with the money to bring Kei back to him.


That same night, Kei joined the new troupe that is assigned to do some stealing. One of the Dragon League's job is to do that stuffs and since Kei is not suited in the entertainment and to make him valuable the boss asked him to join them. They need to steal to a rich mansion and get everything that are valuables. Sato is also with them and Kei feels bad about what they are planning to do but there is no way of turning back already that time. When they know that everyone is already sleeping and in silent that's the time they start to move. They let the guards sleep by letting them inhale on something and they they start robbing the house. That time Kei noticed that there is something wrong on how Sato walk.

"Sato are you alright?" Kei asked him.

"Yeah... Why are you worrying about me. You should also get something that is valuable or else you will be punish." Sato told him as he pick on the cabinets and put everything in the bag that he is holding. Kei didn't do anything, he is not planning to steal anything and he just watch as Sato do the work but someone warned them that someone is awake from the family and they are seen.

Sato and Kei are about to escape but there is really something wrong on Sato that makes him fall down and all the things that he get are scattered on the ground.

"Sato, hurt your legs?" Kei asked.

"Go, run away. Bring the things that i get."

"No, i can't leave you here."

"Just go! It will be a problem if we are captured together."

But Kei didn't listen, he help Sato to stand up and they run away together leaving the things that Sato steal on the ground. They are able to escape but they didn't have anything on their hand that they can show to the boss which means a punishment on their part.

"What is this? Are you playing dump on me? You didn't get anything even a single thing?"

"We're sorry, it's my fault." Sato said. "I am injured and Kei just help me to run away."

"I don't care if you are injured, you know our job right?"

"Wait, it is not Sato's fault. He is injured but he did the job, it's just that it falls down while we are escaping. I am the one who didn't do anything and so if there is someone who needs to be punish it must be me." Kei said.

"No... It's not Kei's fault."

"Whoever's fault the two of you will be punish for your act."

"No please listen to me. Sato is injured and he needs medication. i...i can take the punishment for him." Kei said.

With his words, the punishment is settled. Sato is brought to a doctor to check on his legs while Kei take the punishment for what they have done.


Kyle was able to go back home and his wounds are also healing.  While Kota is studying, he is looking at the pendant that he is wearing and then he thought of connecting the moon and the sun pendant together. It is really better if the two pendants are together, the combined accessories looks beautiful and enchanting.  He pulled them away again and then take a look at the moon pendant and he noticed that there is something inside it. It is a piece of small paper and then he pulled it out and flip it to see what is inside. It is a piece of paper with something written on it. K. E. I. Which if connected means Kei.

"Who is Kei?" Kota asked on his  thought and that exact moment, Akito came to his study room to asked of him about something. Since Akito is given a chance to study in a university he is really doing his best to study hard and to prove that the help Yabu family is giving to him is worth it.

After answering Akito's question, Kota asked about the paper that he got from the pendant.

"Akito, who is Kei?" Kota asked him and that make Akito startled on what he heard. He is not expecting that Kei's name will come out of Kota's mouth when he didn't know him at all or he has no idea that he existed. Upon hearing his little step brother's name it just reminded him of what happened and actually all this time he wanted to tell the truth to Kota but his mother and even Kyle didn't want the young master to know the truth. It will just ruined everything that are experiencing now. He think that his mother and Kyle is happy on what is happening to their life right now but it is something they don't deserved because of what they did to the true owner of the necklace.

"I...i don't know." Akito answered with hesitation. He feels bad about lying and the guilt is just accumulating deep inside his chest. It's getting harder and harder to talk and to look at Kota's eyes because of the lies that they are hiding from him.

"Really? I am looking at the moon pendant and then i noticed that there is a piece of paper on it when i take a look there is are letters written on it and when i read it is Kei. I should just asked Kyle about it, maybe he knows this person because he owns this necklace. Maybe it is someone he knows or his friend."

"Yeah maybe that's how it is." Akito answered and then for the second time he pause again. He collect courage to asked something to Kota. "Young master... What if... What if it is not Kyle who really owns the necklace." he asked not looking at Kota eye to eye. "What if... You have just mistaken him?"

"What do you mean?" Kota asked him seriously.

Akito gasped and realize that he is not doing anything good. He should not do things so instantly or else everything will fall apart. If he will going to confess he should think about it so that both parties will not be totally affected. "No...nothing. I...i am just thinking of stupid stuffs. I need to go back already young master. I am sorry for the disturbance." Akito stammered his words and upon nodding down and said his excuse he immediately went out of the room. and then he excuse himself. On the corridor he saw Athenia walking with a sad look on her face and he is surprised when Athenia glare at him and immediately grab his hand and drag him somewhere silent and no one is passing through.

Akito didn't know what do and what Athenia is thinking that time. She is not in her usual self and he thinks that she is mad.

"A...are you alright? What do you need?"

"Tell me." she commanded "Tell me who is the real owner of the necklace?" Athenia asked firmly as she glare at him seriously.

To be continued...

chaptered: when the sun and the moon col, pairing: yabunoo

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