Fanfic: Never to Betray You Again (Chapter 9)

May 18, 2012 08:40

Title: Never to Betray You Again
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot.
Characters: Hey Say Best, Yuto Nakajima, Keito Okamoto & Ryosuke Yamada
Genre: romance, angst, death
Rating: PG-13- NC-17, this depends on the chapter but in this chapter it is PG-13
Summary: The story focus on Kota Yabu who after 3 years meet his first love and try to correct the mistake that he did before by protecting him. In the process, he is also trying to solve who is that someone who start to ruined the life of those 5 individual who is engaged in an event happened 3 years ago.

Never To Betray You Again
Chapter 9

"Takaki-sensei." Ryosuke called when he saw Yuya in the corridor. Their class just ended and now he is on his way to the office. Yuya stop from walking and take a time to talk to one of his students. Among all his students he noticed that Ryosuke is one of those guys that listens to him attentively and so he is always known of his presence. "I have something i can't understand in what you explain a while ago. I was about to asked but i didn't realize that it is already time. C...can you teach me how to do it?" he asked proudly but at first he didn't know how he will going to address that concern but since he did it well he feels a little relax.

Yuya smiled at him "Well do you want to go to the cafeteria with me? I can teach you with that." he said.

Ryosuke feels happy that the teacher agreed with his humble request. It is his first time to be interested to an instructor. Most likely he doesn't want to talk to them coz they know nothing but to tell to you where you are at fault but Yuya is different and he thinks that he is really nice and is really on going with other students. He is that kind of teacher that student's really adore.

The two went to the cafeteria to have something to eat. They ordered and Yuya let Ryouske order for himself as well and it is his treat. He is too happy that time that he has free lunch and also he can talk to Yuya normally.

"Takaki-sensei, are you married?" Ryosuke asked directly while they are eating. Yuya is about to spit out what he is eating that time. Asking such direct question to him  is really a surprising thing. "Eh...sorry... But I am just curious. You are 25 already right? Just a right age to marry and you look handsome and so kind and humble."

Yuya stare at Ryosuke, he thinks that 25 years old is still young to enter the married life. For some reason that this guy is hinting something to him. "I have no time for that kind of thing." he answered back.

"Really? Then you didn't fall in love yet?" that's it, he mentioned it himself. That is what really he wanted to asked.

"Why are you asking this question all of a sudden? Aren't we here for a one on one teaching?"

"But we are just eating, we can do the studying after doing this." Ryosuke responded and then he smiled.

Yuya silently eat while Ryosuke is still waiting for Yuya's answer to his question a while ago. Since the start of Yuya in the school he never saw him together with a girl or if ever he is like him who is interested with guy he is just always together with that medicine student. But since he answered already who is that guy to him he doesn't really care about it anymore.

"Sensei... Do you like someone?" Ryosuke asked again. He really wanted to know about it.

Yuya sighed, he feels like he can't get away from this naughty students of him even he tried to ignore that question. "I don't have and i don't have any intention to have one."


"I have a girlfriend before but she is not here anymore?" Yuya answered with his serious voice and then he drink the glass of juice that he ordered.

"You break up already? Where is she now?..." the small guy asked again but when  he is about to asked another question someone grab his hand and he is surprised about it. He look at that someone who did and it is Sano who is starring at him coldly. Sano stare at Yuya who is also looking at him normally.

"Who is this?" Sano asked. "Are you dating behind my back?"

"Sano? What the... What the hell are you doing here huh?" Ryosuke asked madly as he tried to pull his hand back but Sano just squeezed on it tightly. Yuya stand up from where he is sitting down and tap Sano's shoulder. He put out something from his pocket and showed him his identification card that gives him the proof that he is a teacher in that university and not someone who is dating his special someone.

"I am Yuya Takaki, i am a teacher in economics department." he introduced.

Ryosuke noticed that Sano already loosen the grip and so he pulled his hand away. "What are you doing Sano? He is just my teacher."

"I told you that we will going to have a lunch together and then i will just found you hanging with your teacher." Sano said madly.

"I send you mail that I'm going to meet my teacher coz i need his help in my studies. What the hell is wrong with you? Ryosuke asked madly and then he look at Yuya. He feels embarrassed about how Sano acted. Sano is a literature student and so he didn't know who Yuya is. Besides the latter didn't look like a instructor but also a student, you will only know ones you see his id. Ryosuke apologized and then excuse himself, he drag Sano together with him to settle things out. Yuya just continue eating his food after that commotion.

Ryosuke and Sano went near the parking area and Ryosuke is really mad about the scandalous act Sano did in front of his teacher.

"Sano... I hate you!" he shouted not caring whoever can hear their conversation.

"I'm sorry, i didn't know that he is your teacher. I thought he is some guy that you are dating." Sano apologized but the way Ryosuke stare at him feels like he is not forgiven. He sighed and then tap Ryosuke's shoulder, he knows how short tempered his "boyfriend" is and in order to settle things he should be the one making the first move and so he calm himself down. "I'm sorry...that will not happen again."

"Fine i forgive you but i don't want you to repeat this again." Ryosuke replied back as he tried to calm himself as well.

"By the way what is his name again? That teacher of yours?"

"Yuya... Yuya Takaki why?"

"Nothing i feel like... I hear that name before." Sano whispered.


Hikaru went inside the classroom when he saw Kei and Daiki talking to each other in their sit. They really look so close to each other and that didn't change since their high school. They look they will be best friends forever and there is nothing that can ruined that friendship that they have. That time Kota flashes on his mind again and the hell that he did to destroy the friendship that they have before.

"Good morning." Hikaru greeted as he sit down at the back of Kei.

"Ohayoo." the two greeted at the same time. Hikaru smiled as a response to the two. He put out his notes and try to read a little when he accidentally heard the conversation that the two are talking about.

"Aren't you being close to Kota?" Daiki asked and that caught Hikaru's attention. "Sleeping together with him last night... "

"I have no choice last night besides he didn't want me to go back home and so i stayed in his apartment." Kei answered.

"Ne, did something happened? Last night when you are with him?" his friend asked again and then Kei is been silent for a moment. He remembers that time that Kota kissed him to his lips and that time that his head hurts because of seeing something inside his mind which he can't understand. He didn't want Daiki to worry and he didn't say anything anymore about it.

After a few minutes Daiki suddenly called Kei's attention. "Kei... I'm telling you this but i think it is better if you don't get close to Kota." he said with his soft and serious voice. Kei stare at his friend thinking what he is talking about that time.

"What do you mean?"

"Well i am just concerned with you... Kota is... He is famous. He has this charisma that everyone loves and he has... A boyfriend already. I just... I just don't want you to be hurt in the end." Daiki answered.

Kei smiled and chuckled. "What are you talking about? Dai-chan, i don't have special feeling for him. He is just a friend and i know that he has a boyfriend and i didn't want to ruined their relationship. Don't worry i will try my best not to fall for him." he answered and then he is back on writing something to his notebook. Daiki just watch his friend and he is analyzing what just Kei said. That time Hikaru is secretly watching the two and listening to their conversation about Kota.


The whole day Yuto didn't leave Kota's side. He is following him around even Kota told him to leave already coz he has something he needs to do. It's been days already since they last see each other and have a normal talk, Kota didn't even bother to send a mail or call him like what he usually do before. He knows that Kota is busy coz he is already a 3rd year student and there are lots of requirements that needs to be accomplish but he think that it is not a valid reason to forget about the relationship that they have. Since that time that he knows who is Kota's first love he start to feel insecure about it. He knows what power that first love hold in ones heart. It is powerful and unforgettable and knowing that Kota already meet that guy again, he knows that things will not go well according to his plan. He is serious about Kota, he loves him so much and he knows that when they start dating Kota is not that interested but then in this whole year, he did his best to win his heart and he thought that he did that job well.

"Yuto, can you stop following me already. I need to do something." Kota said when he start to get irritated that the other party is not leaving him alone. He knows that Yuto is just concern with him but he thinks it is too much besides he doesn't have that much time. What his priority is to know who is that one calling them and doing those miserable things to their life or else if he doesn't make a move and the others find out that Kei exists, his life will be in danger.

"I will not, unless you to tell to me what you are being busy with." Yuto respond as he walk together with him. Kota stop walking and then stare at Yuto who looks so serious, he knows that face. That facial expression is familiar at him and he always shows that when he is not trusting the other.

"There are things that I should not tell to you and this is an important matter."

"Then tell me what it is? Tell me what it is this thing that uses all your free time that you give to me before. It's been days Kota that we didn't see each other and i feel like you forgotten me already. Did you already forget that you have a boyfriend waiting for you?" Yuto asked. He went nearer to Kota to talk about it seriously, nothing can be solve unless they talk personally.

Yes, Yuto is Kota's boyfriend but he knows for the fact that he just choose to love him because he thought Kei will not come back again. In his mind, all this years is Kei Inoo. The first guy he falls in love, the first guy that catches his heart, who is gone because of his own fault. And now that he have a chance to pay back everything to the other he totally forgot the existence of the other guy who is totally in love with him. He feels guilty, he is not someone who hurts others feeling, he is not that type coz he is afraid that someone hate him and now he thinks that he is in that kind of situation.

Kota tap Yuto's shoulder and look at him eye to eye "Yuto listen to me, i know that this past few days i start neglecting my duty as your boyfriend but then.. i...i have something important to do so please consider."

"Who? Your first love?"


"Do you think i didn't know? You meet him again right? Kei Inoo?"

Kota is surprised, he has no idea how Yuto knows about the existence of Kei Inoo in his life. He didn't know what to say at first but now he realize why Yuto is acting like that. He is jealous and he feels like he is ignored because Kei is already there. " it be that... You are jealous?" Kota still asked though he knows that it is already obvious.

Yuto didn't answer for a moment, he paused and held a deep breathe. Yes, he is jealous, he is afraid that he will not win and so he feels that if Kota and him didn't meet each other for another days he will be totally gone and he didn't want it. He feels like he is very desperate for Kota's love and he really wanted him to love him back.

While Kota is waiting for Yuto to respond, his phone suddenly ring. He answered the call and it is the same guy again.

"You are as bad as always Kota, letting a guy cry in front of you." the voice said and then that time he has a feeling that this guy is watching over him and so he looks around and search for a guy who is handling a phone with them in the school area but there are lots of them and he didn't know who is that someone calling on his line. "I'm bored, should i play with you today?" he asked and then he laugh.

"This is crazy, where the hell are you?" Kota asked as he turns his body around.

"You don't have the right to have a ties with other people, are you not afraid that i can use them against you? That guy is... Yuto Nakajima right? Your boyfriend."

Kota stare at Yuto who looks puzzled who is Kota talking to in the other line. He looks agitated and troubled at the same time and so Yuto is worried about him. He end the call and then he immediately grab Yuto's hand and run away from where they are staying. Yuto has no idea what's gotten on his boyfriend's mind? Who is that guy that call him and make him look like this?

"Yuto listen to me, this is very important and you must remember it."

"What? What's wrong with you?"

"Please, for this time don't go closer on me. I... I need to do something important and..."

"I am not included in your plans? Kota... If you have a problem you can tell it to me? What's the point of being in a relationship if you can't trust me? You are hiding something from me and I know that." Yuto responded but he is surprised when suddenly Kota cup his face and he look at him eye to eye. He has this serious look on his face but his hands are cold and trembling.

"Please listen to me... I don't want you to get involve with this. This is something i should pay on my own."

Yuto touch Kota's trembling hand, he warm it with his own warm. Kota is thrilled by something, maybe that call did it. That time he saw fear on Kota's face and it is the first time in his life to see that kind of expression. The way he holds him on his face makes him realize that Kota is serious about it. "I...i love you Kota." he said directly to his partner.

Kota didn't know what to say, before it is easy for him to respond to that but now, its like as hard as examinations. Kota let go of his hand and turns his back. Yuto just watch Kota as he back out and move away. That time reality starts to strike him, things will never be back to normal like is was before.


After the practice in the band, Hikaru decided to visit Kanata in the hospital. On his way he also meet Keito who is on his way to the hospital as well and so they decided to go together. That time, Keito looks so down and depressed over something. He didn't attend the band practice as well and everyone in the group is so worried about him.

"Do you have a problem?" Hikaru asked Keito, thinking that maybe he can help his friend.

Keito didn't answer for second, he don't know how to construct his problem into sentence and tell it to Hikaru. "Dad wanted me to stop joining the band." he uttered biting his lower lips. He doesn't want to say it to Hikaru specially that the latter is the one who let him in to the band coz he knows that he really likes playing guitar.

Hikaru loss for words, he knows that it is Keito's problem before but he thought that everything is fine between him and his father since he doesn't have any problem before while practicing. "So... Are you planning to quit?" he just asked.

Keito lick his lips and then sighed. "I...I don't know yet."

It's been Keito's problem that he has a very strict father who wanted him to be someone who is within his line of living. He really doesn't want to be a businessman literate. What he wanted is performing arts, it is what he loves since he is young but it is something he can't get. Hikaru, on the other hand knows about that. They are friends since they are child, they are neighbour till Hikaru's family change residence and they always play together. The 3 loves music, Kota and Keito in guitar while Hikaru in bass and it used to be their bonding time together but it didn't happened again after what happened to Kota and Hikaru.

"I will not stop you if you want to quit the band." Hikaru told him. "But think about it yourself, you can't forever stick your butt to whatever your father will tell to you. You have your own right to decide what future you wanted to take. I know how you love music and i know how you also love your father that you can't disobey his orders. In this world, I know you more than anyone else and I believe that you can choose the right thing besides I am just here to support whatever way you choose." he said trying to cheer up his friend. Keito smiled upon hearing it, his words really touch his heart like he always do since before.

While they are on their way to Kanata's room they saw a nurse came out of the room where their friend is confined and it seems like she is in rush and in panic.

"The patient in Room 209 is missing." she said to the doctor who is passing by. Keito and Hikaru heard and they rush going to that given room and Kanata is not really there and the room is a mess. The blanket is in the floor and the flower vase that is neatly place there is broken and pieces of it are scattered everywhere. The IV injected to the patient is just there with blood on its end. Hikaru check the window but it is still lock and well secured.

"Where did Kanata go?" Keito asked while just looking around. Hikaru tap Keito's shoulder and said that they should find him and help the nurse. He is not well enough to move and for sure with his situation he can't go something far. Hikaru and Keito separate ways and they search around the hospital for their friend.


Kota is inside a cafeteria and waiting for someone. He ordered a cup of coffee as he take a look at his phone as if he is waiting for someone to call on it. Every minute he look at his watch and then look at the door as the wind chime in front rings.


Kei already arrive at the village, just a few steps he will arrive to his house. It's just one day but it feels like a month already that he didn't saw his grandpa and so he feels happy that he will going to go back to his house. As he walks slowly he noticed that his shoelace is untied and so he sit down to tie it again so that it will not cause an accident and while doing so he saw a black cat pass him. It stare at Kei before it totally runs away.

That moment, Kei start to feel something weird inside of him. It feels like something bad will happen.


Hikaru dialled everyone who he thinks Kanata will contact but no one answered that they meet Kanata or they are called by Kanata. He also look at every room of the hospital but he is not there and he is nowhere to found. He stop running for a while as he feels his feet start to get heavy and then he catch his breathe as he look outside the window and look for Kanata. While doing so he remembers about Kota and he look for his number in his contacts. He saved his number when he call to him a while back just for emergency cases. He probably knows about where his friend can be found.

Without hesitation he dialed Kota's number and wait for him to answer the call.


Kota is about to stand up when he saw a girl standing in front of the doorway. She is the one Kota is waiting for that time but before he has a chance to greet her his phone ring and it is a call coming from an unknown number and it is a residence phone. He answered it and then he hear a familiar voice on the other line.

"Kei?" Kota asked him confirming if he is right.

"Ya...Yabu-san." Kei answered with trembling voice and then he pause for a moment and so Kota thought that he already hangs out but then he gasped and so he knows that he is still there.

"A..are you alright? Is there something wrong with you? Answer me."

"H...his... His dead." Kei replied back as if he is having a hard time to say those words. Kota's eyes open wide upon hearing it, even it is not clear he has a feeling that he knows what is Kei talking about. Kei didn't say anything anymore but he can hear that the young guy is crying.

Kota didn't know what to say but he knows that at that moment Kei needs him. "Wait for me there... I'll be on my way. Promise me to wait for me Kei." he said and then he end the call and he rush going out of the restaurant. He stop by in front of the young lady and greeted him formally.  "Sorry Tiffany i need to leave let's talk other time. I will just treat you whatever you want next time."

"Huh? What the hell Kota? You make me postpone my appointment and you will leave me?" the girl answered

"I'm really sorry. I will just call you later." Kota replied back and then he runs away already going to where he park his car. Tiffany look at herself but she feels irritated at the same time.

"I even wear my best clothes just to meet you and then you will just ignore me? You are always like this, since we are in high school." Tiffany complained and then after that she wears her pink hat and start walking away of the restaurant.


Hikaru is pissed off, Kota is not answering his phone. He just continue searching for Kanata without asking for Kota's help and while he is around the emergency room area his phone ring and it is a call coming from Keito. He said that they already found Kanata, the nurses found him in the rooftop. He rush going to the rooftop where they found Kanata and is being hysterical. He doesn't want to go back to his room and he is trembling and keep on murmuring something they can't understand. He thinks that he is crazy and weird.

"Kanata." Hikaru called ones he arrived. He immediately approach his friend and touch him to his shoulder but the latter slap it away. He is startled but it doesn't became a hindrance for him not to comfort Kanata. "Kanata, it's me Hikaru." he said as he try to calm his friend down.

Kanata stare at Hikaru for seconds and then after that he holds on Hikaru's hand tightly. "Save me... Save me... Save me..." he keeps on saying.

"Is there someone threatening you?"

"Sakura... Sakura is alive... She...she is alive." Kanata responded. Hikaru's eyes open wide upon hearing the name, he look at Keito who is also surprised with what he just heard. They didn't hear that name for a meantime, it's been 3 years since she is gone and now her existence is coming back again.

"That is not possible Kanata, Sakura already died 3 years ago... How come?" Keito tried to said.

"Sakura is alive... And she is here to punish those who sinned."Kanata shouted and then he start to get panic again and so the nurse start to inject him some tranquilizer so that he can sleep and calm down. They bring him back to his room and lock him there so that he can't go out again and make a problem to the hospital. Hikaru and Keito decided to go back home after everything is settled but what Kanata said keep flashing on their mind.  What do Kanata really mean to his words when he said Sakura Minato is alive?

To be continued...


Author's Note: Today is the last day of my summer class but my exams are already over yesterday. We will going back to our province tomorrow and have a good 2 weeks vacation and i want to tell to you that i will not update in those days so you can see my update already ones month of June arrives. I am planning to update 2 chapters today but i didn't finish chapter 10 i will try to post it later or tomorrow morning if i can but if not this will be my last update for May.

See you in JUNE guys, I know you this but June means "Jump World"  Album release and then Inoo's 22nd birthday. i wonder what i can do for him??? oh well...

jya ne, take care everyone. enjoy the last days of vacation before class starts again.^_____^

pairing: yamajima, pairing: yabunoo, pairing: hikato, pairing: tadaiki, chaptered: never to betray you again

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