Fanfic: Never to Betray You Again (Chapter 8)

May 12, 2012 06:32

Title: Never to Betray You Again
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot.
Characters: Hey Say Best, Yuto Nakajima, Keito Okamoto & Ryosuke Yamada
Genre: romance, angst, death
Rating: PG-13- NC-17, this depends on the chapter but in this chapter it is PG-13
Summary: The story focus on Kota Yabu who after 3 years meet his first love and try to correct the mistake that he did before by protecting him. In the process, he is also trying to solve who is that someone who start to ruined the life of those 5 individual who is engaged in an event happened 3 years ago.

Never To Betray You Again
Chapter 8

Kei is already in front of the train station. He bought his ticket and just waiting for the train to arrive. That time what on his mind is what Daiki told him just a while ago. He just discovered that Kota and Hikaru are his schoolmates in high school but they are not saying anything about it and they acts as if they didn't know him. They already talk to each other, they walk together but no one is letting him feel that they really know them. He noticed that Kota seems familiar on him when they first meet but he lie when he asked if he knows him.

While spacing out he remembers something he forgot in the laboratory of the university and so he decided to go back again even it is already time to go back home. He remembers that he forget his book in the cabinet in the laboratory and the ring that is always with him is enclosed in that book.


After that talk, Kota think about the opinion of others that it is Kei who is the one taking revenge to them and because of that they wanted to search for him and stop what he is doing. On Kota's mind, he believes that it is not him, he is sure about it and if ever he is wrong he will not regret it either. He betrayed him already before and now he doesn't want to repeat that mistake again. Thinking of possible things that could happen to Kei, the more he wanted to protect the latter. With all his strength and power he will shield him with all his might.

He look up in the sky, there is no stars twinkling and he noticed that dark clouds are colliding each other covering that starry vast sky. Even heaven are sympathizing at what is happening to them. That time an idea flashes to his mind, in order to protect Kei he need to find the true guy who are all behind those things. He need to know who is that one truly seeking revenge.


Kei went out of the University, he have with him the book and the ring that he is searching.  He is glad that no one is interested to get it from him, before he leave he give thanks to the janitor that helps him open the lab room. As he went outside the gate of the university and pass through the nearby grocery, rain start to fall down. That time Kei forgot his umbrella coz he is in rush early morning to go to school and he didn't realize that it will rain that moment. He is about to run already to search for a place where he can used as a shield so that he will not be soak in that heavy rain but suddenly someone grab his hand and he feels his body being pulled into someone else. The visions of light suddenly darken as he noticed that someone covered him from above. He look at the guy who's body is so close on him and his jacket being covered on his head, protecting him from the rain.

"Yabu-san." Kei called and then Kota just smiled back at him and both went to a place where they can stay for a while before the rain stops.

The two run as fast as they can and reach the waiting shade where some people stop by as well "Are you alright?" Kota asked Kei who is busy wiping his clothes with his hand. The latter look back at Kota and smiled, saying that he is just alright. Kota's clothes are totally wet since he used himself as a shield for Kei but he acts as if he is not cold. "It's already late but why are you still here?" he asked again.  It is rare for him to see Kei in the city at that time of the day.

"I forgot my book in the lab and so i get it.I didn't bring my umbrella because i'm in a rush this early morning," he answered as he set a side the hair that is covering his sight. He look in front and saw the sky crying heavily. " i wonder when will this rain stop?"

"Are you still planning on going back home? It's already late at night and it is dangerous to travel on your own."

"But...grandpa needs me. I am worried about him since this morning he is not feeling well."

"Like how dangerous the road when it is raining at night in your village, it's more dangerous in the city at night. Do you think i will just let you go. Stay at my apartment this night. Give me his phone number i will call him and tell him that you are with me." Kota said as he put out his phone and wait for Kei to say the phone number of the house they are living.

Kei is been silent for a moment, that time what in his mind is about his overnight stay in Kota's apartment. He is not sure if it is a good thing to stay there. "Ya...Yabu..."


"I think i should really just go."

"Kei... Can't you understand?"

"I... I understand but... a...are you living together with your boyfriend?" Kei asked randomly and then his eyes meet Kota but he immediately tilted his head towards the other direction. He feels embarrassed about asking that question, out of all the question that he wanted to ask to him why it is to be that one? Since he knows that Kota has a boyfriend he feels a little troubled and he keeps on thinking about it. When he first saw Kota that day, he feels a beat skip from his heart. He didn't know the reason why but the beat of his heart become faster when Kota hugs him that night. He feels that, he wanted someone to hug him like that for a long time already. But... It is not an ordinary hugs. He thought that if maybe it is not Kota then... He will not appreciate it that much.

"Where did you know that I have a boyfriend?" Kota asked him seriously.

"Ya...Yaotome-san told me and then I... I meet him personally. Keito introduced me to him coz they are classmate. Keito is..."

Kota cut Kei's words. "I know him, he is my kouhai so i know him. Yeah i have a boyfriend but we are not living together. I live in my apartment alone so you don't have to worry." Kota's gentle words make Kei calm down.

Kei immediately look at Kota and then the latter is start to chuckle. "I...I am not worrying." Kei snapped. He feels that Kota is thinking something on his mind like he is jealous or something and so he answered without Kota saying anything to him. He noticed that Kota's face is nearing into him. His face feels red and hot, heart beat running faster and it sounds like a drums played with an upbeat music.

"Then you're jealous?" and now he asked.

"Huh? I... I... I' m not." Kei uttered and then he look away from Kota. He touch his hair again, he feels agitated that moment. There is something wrong with him, he is feeling something he is not suppose to. His heart is beating faster, he feels anxious and yeah... He feels jealous but of course he don't want Kota to know about it. He doesn't want to be a hindrance to him, he has a boyfriend already and it means that he like him.

The rain continuous to soak the dry road  as Kei and Kota watch it falls down from the sky. They don't know when will it stop and sometimes waiting is just unbearable but now that they are together it feels that minute seems like a day. Kota snatch a look at the guy standing besides him, his hair is a little wet and he noticed that Kei is smiling while raising his hands to reach the flowing water from the place where they are taking a shield. For all these years, he thought that he could not see that smile anymore, he thought that it will be gone forever but now, in front of him, he is seeing it again. For a moment, he wanted to forget his problem and just stay with Kei. For now, as long as Kei is with him everything's gonna be fine and if he is gone again, there is no way he can endure the pain again.

The rain stop and Kei follows Kota's words that he will going to stay in his apartment for the night. They already called his grandfather and he approved about it. When Kei enters the apartment he feels warm, the apartment is so silent but he like the atmosphere. Even Kota is a guy, the whole place is so tidy and neat.

"I think you should take the shower and change your clothes immediately or else you will get a cold. I will get some clothes for you to wear you can freely use the shower." Kota said as he put down his bag on the sofa, Kei also put his bag down and smiled back at Kota who already went to his room to get something for Kei to wear.

Kei went straight to the shower room and look himself at the mirror. That time he is not wearing his mask coz it is wet because of the rain and Kota asked him to do it since they are just together alone and there is no one he can be insecure of  and there is no reason to be ashamed about it. Kota is wrong, he has so many reasons to be ashamed off on his body alone.  The scar is so visible to him, he thinks that he looks bad and he feels insecure. He immediately titled away his head in the mirror and start taking off his clothes and went in the shower room. The water is just as warm as his body wanted it.

When he is done, Kota give him the towel to dry himself and he went out of the shower room wearing Kota's shirt and shorts. Kota just stare at him as he went out of the shower room, the clothes looks too long for Kei but its better than nothing but what bothers him are the scars that he can see on Kei's arms and legs. He is not able to see those scar before because he is always wearing long sleeves and pants and now he can see how things happened to Kei's body after everything that happened that time.

"Kota, help me!" Kei shouted in pain as Sano start torturing Kei's body by cutting his beautiful skin with a small sharp knife. "Help me!" he shouted again but Kota is just standing there doing nothing. His body is shaking as he saw red liquid coming out of Kei's wounded body.

"Yabu-san?" Kei called when he noticed that Kota is spacing out. He feels that Kota is studying his body and he is been curious where he get all those wounds. Kei feels embarrassed to show his ugly body to guy who started to be someone special to him. "My grandpa said that i get these wound in an accident that i am involved in." Kei snapped. He went to the sofa and sit down as he get something to his bag. "But... I know that he is lying." he whispered. Kota jolted upon hearing it. He turns around to where Kei is sitting and the expression on his face change.

"Wh...what do you mean?"

"I am taking medicine as my course. Do you think i didn't know what's the difference between how scars look like?" Kei answered. "This scar, they didn't come from an accident. IF they are, they should be burn and not slit on my skin."

"Are you doubting your grandfather?"

"No... It's just that..."

"Then why don't you just believe on what he said to you. Don't think of other things anymore."

"But... You can't stop me from thinking things. Yabu-san you know that i loss my memories right? Isn't it normal to be curious about things? To asked questions about what really happened to me? There is something grandpa is hiding from me, i know it."

"Then if your grandpa is hiding something to you then it is just for you own benefit. He has his reasons why he is not telling you the truth." Kota told him. This is what Kota didn't want, he didn't want it when Kei start to asked questions already. If he did, he wonder how he will going to answer it.

Kei pause for a moment and stop unzipping his bag. He stare at Kota and look at him eye to eye. "Then... Do you have a reason behind why do you need to hide that you are my classmate when we are in high school?" Kei immediately asked, he has this serious look on his face. He knows that there is a reason behind that lie, if nothing, why do Kota need to hide it. But the latter is doing his best to hide it and so he is planning not to bother of knowing it but now that the topic is opened he can't contradict himself anymore that he really wanted to know the truth.

Kota's eyes open wide, how did Kei know about it? Kota pause for a moment and start stepping forward to where Kei is sitting down. Did Kei know something? Is his memories come back already? Did he know about what happened?

Kota stand up in front of Kei while he is sitting down. On Kei's view, Kota is so tall, while on Kota's view he think that Kei is too small. Silence filled the room as the two is not talking and just starring at each other. Kota can clearly see Kei's face from that angle. The fine line that gives shape to Kei's good looking face, his pointy nose, his pouty pink lips, his long eyelashes. Kota start to move slowly as he put both his hands around the back of the sofa where Kei is sitting down, where the latter is in the middle of his arms. Kei move back a little as he found out that he has no place to run off. He is trap between Kota's closing body and the sofa that he is sitting down. Without further ado, Kei close his eyes and then open it again only to found out that the guy in front of him is kissing him gently already.

Kota broke the kiss as he stare at Kei's closer angle. Kei can feel Kota's warm breathe to his skin as their faces are just an inch away.

"Yabu-san, stop this." Kei whispered to him. " have a boyfriend already right? We...we should not be doing this." he uttered. Kota stand up straight as he saw Kei titled his head away. He is not thinking about it, he is not in his own self that time. He just misses him so much that he didn't think before he act.

"I...I'm sorry." Kota whispered.

"I'm sorry." Kei heard someone repeated inside his mind but it is a different voice, someone younger that him. While just sitting down in that soft sofa and hugging his own legs, something start to flash on his mind. He saw a  dog barking while running, a guy running after it. A guy hiding in a tree and just watching them. A mask guy suddenly grab his hand and runs together away from a party. A girl's voice calling his name  and shouting for help. A guy's hand being held and a knife with blood.

Kei touch his head as he start moaning, Kota immediately kneel down and look at Kei's expression. Something bad is happening, Kei's face looks terrified, it is troubled and he seems like in pain.

"Kei...Kei, are you alright?" Kota asked as he touch his feet. "Kei...answer me."

"Die! Die! Die!" Kei heard again inside his memories.

Kota start to shake Kei to snap him out of the reality. He called his name so many times but the latter is not responding. "Kei!" he shouted again and that time Kei look at Kota with tears flowing from his eyes.

"Ya...Yabu-san head is aching." he whispered and then after that  he pass out and fell down on Kota's shoulder.


Early morning, Keito decided to go back to the hospital to visit Kanata again. He is worried sick about his friend that he can't just stay there and do nothing when Kanata is suffering in pain. When he will going to go out of the house, he saw his father in the living room area and drinking coffee while reading newspaper. Keito stop to greet his father a good morning.

"Where are you going?" his father asked him.

"I...I'm going to visit a friend in a hospital." Keito answered formally. His father is a businessman and he is really strict as a head of the family. Since Keito is the only son, he is expecting that he will be the one to be the next head of the business that they owned and that's why he let his son take up a business course like economics and then after that he will going to let him take a business management course. He is against Keito being a member of a band and be with teens who doesn't have a formal plan about their future. He doesn't want his son to hang around with people who doesn't have dreams and ruined the future that he plan for his son. But Keito insist on joining it and he has no choice but to accept it.

"And who is that friend of yours?"


"That vocalist of your band? Didn't i told you to cut ties between them? Are you still joining their gig? I told you to quit already and just focus on your studies right? You are a 2nd year student already. It's time for you to be mature and think about your future? You can' gain something in being a musician." his father told. He start again, he is always saying those things to him but in response he just remain silent. He knows that his father has his point but then he loves music as well and he enjoy being with his friends.

"I'm sorry dad, but... I know I can handle both things at the same time. I... I am studying hard as well."

"Are you influence by that cousin of yours? Disobeying his parents and running away?"  his father said again and the take a sip on his coffee.

Keito zip his lips, he didn't want to comment anymore. He didn't want to be a hindrance to his father. He didn't want him to hate him and so he is doing everything that he is asked to do except for joining the band that he loves.


Daiki take an early morning exercise by running through the village area. He feels good that early morning coz the weather is to his liking.

"Ohayoo gozaimasu, Dai-niichan." a cute fat boy greeted him cheerfully. That boy is named Kasuga and he is 8 years of age and is an elementary student. They know each other coz they just live in same division and they always meet around the park area. Daiki start to have a liking to this cute boy and start playing with him every time he has free time.

"Whoa, Kasuga. Are you going to school again today alone?" Daiki asked him as he wipes the sweat on his face. Kasuga smiled and then move his head.

"I am not alone today, father is going to drive me there today. He said that he is not busy today so after class we will go to the park and to the mall to buy me some clothes." the child answer cheerfully. Daiki didn't commented for a moment but then after few seconds he smiled back already and ruffles his hair.

"I am happy for you. You have great parents." he uttered and then for a while he feels that his visions start to weaver. He sit down for a while as he feels pain again to his stomach. The child is surprised that he is asked what is happening to his nii-chan but Daiki cannot answer back coz of pain.

"Nii-chan... Nii-chan are you alright? Answer me nii-chan." Kasuga shouted worriedly. While the child is panicking someone rush going to their direction.  Kasuga approach that man and grab his pants. "Dad, help him." he said.

"Wh..what happened?" Kasuga's father asked.

Daiki didn't want other people to be worried about him. He immediately stand up from where he is sitting down and endure the pain that he is holding. When he stand up he is surprised to see a familiar face in front of him but he acts as if he didn't know him and just smiled as a greeting.

"A...are you alright?"

Daiki nodded his head and flash his bright smile. "I am fine, I am just kidding. Are you frightened Kasuga?"

Kasuga pout his lips as he step on Daiki's feet coz he is really worried about him that time. "Dad, he is my friend. Dai-niichan. He is already a 3rd year university student but he is so small."

"Shut up, you fatty." Daiki uttered as he glare to the boy who is hiding behind his father's back. He look back at Kasuga's father and smiled. "I am Daiki Arioka, i am Kasuga's friend."

"I am Ono Daisuke, nice meeting you." he introduced himself and offer a shake hand to him and then after that his phone ring and he excuse himself to answer that call.

"Are you enjoying the rest of your days?" someone asked from the other line and then he immediately turn off the call.

Daiki watch as Ono's expression changes. That call seems like disappoint him or ruined his day. He wonders what that call is. He look at Kasuga as he watch his father from a far. He has that worried face that he didn't want to see to him. For some reason, he can see himself to him when he is just a child. He approach Kasuga and tap his shoulder but he is startled about what he heard from that child.

"I wonder if that is the same call again. Every time dad receive a call or mail his expression  changes. There is one time that I answered his phone and then I heard someone saying 'are you ready to die?' it was really scary but dad said that it is just a prank." Kasuga said with his serious tone of voice.

To Be Continued...


Author's Note: Hello guys it's been a while since i write an author's note lol. Oh well, for now all i can say is that i really really really want June 6 to come coz i am so excited about Jump's 2nd album. I love the songs that i heard from the fan audio of their concert and now i really really really want to hear it clearly without fans screaming but i am still hoping that Kei has solo lines. Please give him some.

Next week is my last week of summer and vacation again and then another semester. ^____^ That's all for my rant today. See you to my next update.

Comments are so love <3<3<3

chaptered: never to betray you again

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