Here's something kind of weird. If any of the two people that might read my journal, don't read the big long article in the link above, then I'll paraphase and give my discretions. So it starts off talking about this fake reporter hired by the White House, "Jeff Gannon", and how he would ask easy questions at the White House press conferences to Bush and whoever. It then says how this guy was a marine and he used that in his queer, faggity web sites. That much is all, but certain. You could then theorize if you were a sick creep that he was more than a White House reporter... think Monica Lewinsky-Bill Clinton. It also talks about how this story has gotten little air time when it probably should, despite supposed "liberal spin" in the media. The writer then postulates that the media is filled with CIA spies making decisions and crap and gives significant reasoning. That might be a little extreme, but... eh.
It goes on to say... We know that the
first Bush Administration had teen-aged boy sex-slaves running around the White House at all hours, and that Clinton was brazen enough to have his fat intern perform her duty while he talked to world leaders on the telephone, and that Lyndon Johnson forced his staffers to gather around his toilet and give him briefings while he defecated, and JFK carried on like Hugh Hefner, and that J. Edgar Hoover and his lifelong companion Clyde Tolson hardly bothered hiding their homosexuality (the "lifelong bachelors" are even
buried side by side) while greatly enjoying secret tape-recordings of Martin Luther King having extramarital sexual relations.
The male prostitutes in the Bush-Reagon Adminstartion was pretty well reported, though not well known. They might not of been for the president and the higher up guys, but still. And with Clinton's story this stuff isn't all that farfetched.
I just thought that was really disturbing and I wanted to spread the horror. I'll halfly forget it now.