My Dad's jetting off to Hong Kong today, and my whole family is going to go on Wednesday, for about four weeks (a little less).
I would put up a
sign, but I can't really see the point, since I don't actively frequent my LJ very often. (I actually do read my flists on a daily basis, though. I'm sorry I don't comment that often. I don't know what to say, sometimes. But it's very interesting! ^^) But it just means I won't be around at all, because I'm staying at my grandmother's and she doesn't have internet access. So it'll just be pad and paper for me during the summer holidays.
I won't be having a white Christmas, but it'll be close, since it's cold... (dances) I love cold weather. I'm getting out OMFG!awesome boots. They make me taller (God knows I need help) :p
And this also means SHOPPING! (Yes, pressies pour toi, Ish)
Um, but anyway. I'll be sticking around for the next two days or so, and then I'll disappear off the face of cyberspace for a while.
The HSC results are out! (Best luck,
pencilgal! I hope you got into the course you wanted! ^^)