Aug 19, 2007 14:56
EDIT: The number of these 'gifts' is a bit too large to be a random occurance. Planned attack, anyone?
EDIT 2: Community's back to moderated posting and membership. Don't we all love maturity in opposition?
Oh, look, free corporate gift spam.
How clever. e_e
*points to userinfo of community*
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Rules of dealing with obvious trolls:
1. Do not feed the trolls. They live just to get you pissed off and cause grief.
2. DO NOT feed the trolls!
3. Ignoring them works better than sporking them back. But laughing at them for being obvious trolls works better.
4. Deleting them works too since their whole existence is to piss you off and make you get stupid too.
5. You can't get even with them or shame them since they'll say anything to piss you off.
6. Sticks and Stones, sticks and stones.
Admin, please. Just boot the troll and be done with it. Whatever she would have to say has no weight anyway if she really cared about the contradictory issues in LJ. This stopped being about totally free speech on 6A's part a few months back anyway.
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If you want to use your right to free speech, then use it by saying it. If you got a grievance with this community that you can prove without causing libel, I would like to hear it.
PS. Thanks for the can. I just love having Pepsi shoved down my throat as the next person. :D
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Age is just a number after all. I could be 16 for all you know and lied when registering on LJ, but I am 24 and a college graduate. If she didn't say she was in high school you never would have known. Maturity is not relative to age, but to a person's experience, tolerance, and disposition towards acting mature and responsible.
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