Kuroshitsuji Chapter 33 review + RL

May 23, 2009 18:16

...also because I want to try out the new mood theme.

Kuroshitsuji Chapter 33 was win. Even though it was not Sebastian-centric (btw he's my 2nd fave char after Grell. Where have you gone to?!), I enjoyed it. Finally the servants of the Phantomhive mansion are not as useless as I thought they were. At the end of chapter 32, Fin was already amazing by giving the 'You're so gonna regret it' evil face even when attacked. And he looks more like a demon than Sebastian, who is actually one.

Maylene is the best. She absolutely kicks ass without her glasses (which does no good for her eyesight) and is an excellent sniper who uses rifles like handguns. But I don't understand why she wears such long lacy black stockings considering her maid dress is the long Victorian kind, not the modern damn short Gothic Lolita kind. Whatever, she's cool like that.

Bard shows his expertise in explosives. Which shows how he's the bomb. No wonder the people from the circus are all damn scared out of their pants.

I hope this arc finishes soon, it has been too long. And obviously Grell has to come back. He's like the gayest character ever and deadlier than Sebastian.

Suddenly I have this image of DNAngel characters dressing up as those of Kuroshitsuji in my head too. Since Sebastian has a long fringe and has short hair, so Dark can dress up as him. (Fine, I know that Argentine's the butler, but Dark would look awesome in Sebastian's butler suit). And Krad has long hair while being as psycho as Grell, so he can make a really creepy Grell.

Then if he acts the Grell part by acting really gay and blowing kisses at Dark, I can see Dark getting really freaked out while attacking Krad in return.  *shall draw this during Halloween*

On an unrelated note, I did a Facebook quiz called 'What angel is watching over you + anime pics'. I got Gabriel, and the most ironic thing was that the picture used was Krad with his hair down in a red robe. The creator of that quiz has obviously not read DNAngel. Because Kraddie here despite being blonde and white-winged, is a homicidal and psycho angel (technically an artwork here) who is not angelic at all save for his appearance. I just LOLed at that...

Holidays in a weeks time, and homework is already piling. Plus I have to start practicing for my end of year Music practical which requires 2 pieces that is at least 10 minutes in total. Can already foresee that they holiday is not going to be much of one.

kuroshitsuji, dnangel, life

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