Writer's Block: Meant to Be?

May 09, 2009 12:03

Haven't done any Writer's Block in a long time, so yeah.

Anyway I don't believe in fate. Because it's damn obvious that we do have to put in effort to get what we want / need. If fate was true, then we don't need to even go to school or do anything at all as everything will just happen on its own.

However I believe in fate to a certain extent. Like we're all meant to die someday, some people are unluckier than others and get diseases they don't even ask for (but that's more of genetics).

The userpic that I used here of Dark and Daisuke has a reason too. It's fate that the Niwa ancestor had to interrupt the Hikari's ritual of creating the Black Wings which caused the life force to split into two, creating Dark and Krad in the process. Without any other choice, they had to latch themselves on the only vessels available, which is the sinned artist and the kaitou. And it's also fate that Hikari and Niwa had to cursed by Hikari's artwork...

Speaking of that, DNAngel is still on hiatus. Grr.

On RL, exams are over, I'm currently packing for OBS next week and watching a lot of Vocaloid videos. I especially love Kaito as he has such a sexy voice and it's quite hard to believe that they are computer programs. The 'Kokoto Kiseki' video even made me cry...

Have a good weekend! :D

writer's block, life

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