D.Gray-man chapter 182 spazzing

Mar 28, 2009 09:49

Warning: spoilers and incoherent spazzing in the cut

On other news, there’s still no DNAngel chapter tis mth. I feel like giving up on waiting esp when other shoujo series like Ouran High Host Club is continuing so regularly.

Gotta do homework now.

Later taters.

Omgwtf was my reaction when I saw the cover page. The title was quite ominous, since it’s called Darkness Touch n Allen was gray-skinned here. Which was rlly foreshadowing whatever’s that gonna happen. And no, he ttly looks nothing like the chibi in this userpic.

Then the next few pages were full of the fighting I always loved to see in DGM and it was such a joy to see it in such HQ scans. The contrast on the black and white was excellent.

Suddenly on page 8, we see both Allen and the Level 4 akuma being stabbed by Allen’s Crown Clown. LOL for new pairing formed aka Allen x Level 4.it rlly looked suggestive there.

But back to serious stuff which is getting rlly awesome.

Allen says: It (Crown Clown) won’t harm anything but Noah and Akuma

I was ttly like: Allen, what are you thinking?! You’re the 14th Noah…and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you...

Almost like how Allen suffered in pain before he died, (and resurrected) he starts transforming into a physical manifestation of the 14th (since the original’s dead). Which is definitely due to being stabbed with Crown Clown.

Kanda was like ttly concerned for Allen in his expresson even tho I hate Kanda x Allen but I can’t help but see tt he looks the most worried. Oh well, the 14th appearing in Allen is a huge thing to worry abt anyway.

Finally, we see the completely transformed 14th!Allen. He looks like Tyki Mikk with white hair due to its curliness. Plus he looks psychotic. Level 4 seems to realise it and calls him Noah before Kanda intervenes by stabbing it and missing Allen by a bit.

14th!Allen still looks like he doesn’t give a damn to Kanda even if Mugen’s inches away fom his face.. And Kanda’s face was so amusing when he was shouting: Idiot beansprout!!

i bet tt Kanda is reluctant to kill Allen even if in a past chapter, Allen says tt if the 14th appears, he'd allow his comrades to kill him.

Level 4’s now in deep shit with 2 blades sticking through it aka Crown Clown and Mugen. And then it dies. Duh.

By now, Allen’s reverted back to normal (i think). He says: Oi, I’ve told you before, the name’s Allen to Kanda. Which means he must have remembered whatever that happened earlier even though the 14th was taking over him?

Anyway, I’m ttly looking forward to the next chapter nxt week >D


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