awesome Sukisyo character song tt ttly applies to DNAngel XD

Mar 20, 2009 20:16

sometimes the anime is just so alike in many ways.

i shall talk about Sukisyo in another post soon.

anyway, 2 of the DNAngel seiyus r also seiyus in Sukisyo, namely Okaiyu Ryoutaro and Ishida Akira. Respective they do Dark and Kai, Satoshi and Nanami. Ishida Akira has a good voice as well, n I’m quite happy with his appearances in Sukisyo cos Nanami as one of Sora’s guardians, is quite an impt char. But Nanami doesn’t get a song while Shinichirou n Kai hu is a more minor char than Nanami does. Maybe Ishida Akira can’t sing so well? Cos there’s also no Satoshi char song for DNAngel as well.

here's the lyrics n my interpretation + feelings of the English lyrics of Kai's character song which ttly applies to Okiayu Ryoutaro's other role aka Dark:

RELOADED - Kai's Image Song, sung by Okiayu Ryoutaro

"I can't stay" Everything seems like a contradiction

Dark can never stay for long in this world and his situation + surroundings r contradictory. He’s got black wings but has the good
heart but Krad has white wings yet he is evil. Finally, he’s cursed to live a sad existence despite doing nothing wrong to deserve it.

Weak living things, get down

I believe tt Dark had this kind of mindset when he was just created as an unfeeling artwork.

I just reloaded- I'll fire these memories with nowhere to go

He has nowhere to go due to the ties which bind him.

Along with the bullet I put in

I just reloaded- tomorrow is in my hands

Reloaded everything... as long as I have this moment, it's enough for me

To Dark, only the present matters as he rather not remember the past, n doesn’t have much of a future. The only moment for him is
the present.

"I can't fly" Everyone struggles, unable to fly

Even with that pair of black wings, Dark has no freedom either. Due to the curse, the tamers of both halves of the Black Wings
together with the angels struggle in this never-ending battle.

I throw away the tears I can't hold back

As he’s not human and also he might be afraid to, Dark doesn’t express his feelings to anyone. Even Daisuke as Dark’s tamer
still finds him a mystery despite being closest to him.

I just reloaded- release the sleeping pharaoh

In your closed eyes

Feeling my wings spread

I fly away, gazing at tomorrow- I just reloaded

Another DNAngel thing: wings. *spazzes*

I just reloaded- I'll fire these memories with nowhere to go

Along with the bullet I put in

I just reloaded- tomorrow is in my hands

Reloaded everything... as long as I have this moment, I don't care

Dark doesn’t really give a damn whenever he can. No one can blame him either for doing this.

Resistance to the past, an unshakable future

All of my memories reloaded to tomorrow- I just reloaded

Just reloaded...

Notice tt Dark never mentions the past despite being like 3 centuries old. He can only see his future as just surviving in his tamers’
bodies for a while before disappearing and just that.

then the Sukisyo anime has even more similarities but i shall rant on it in another post.

lol. after doing this post, i feel like doing Literature homework now. scratch tt. i wanna sleep now esp after the RC leadership camp tdy.

to do homework:
1. Literature
2. Geography
3. Chinese
4. Chemistry
5. English
6. Music

cos i finished e maths last week.. but still, there's only 2 days of doing so much homework. oh crap. wish me luck.

sukisyo, school, dnangel, life

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