DNAngel char quiz. May...

Nov 04, 2008 15:57


Choose ten victims

1. Dark
2. Daisuke Niwa
3. Argentine
4. Satoshi Hiwatari
5. Krad
6. Riku Harada
7. Risa Harada
8. Saga Keiji
9. Takeshi Saehara
10. Mio Hio

1. 1 is drunk and starts hitting on 5. What happens next?
omg. Drunk Dark hitting Krad? Since I’m quite a Dark x Krad fan, I tink tt Krad wud tell Dark to fuck off first. But eventually Dark will kiss Krad due to being drunk.

2. A meteor is headed towards the earth! Only 3 of your OCs can save the earth by flying a rocket into it! (therefore exploding, therefore killing them)The victims have to decides who should go. Who is forced to/agrees to go on the journey?
Dark ( agrees ), Krad ( forced )  n Argentine ( forced, I tink ). Cos they r the only non-human chars here aka Hikari artwork. ( Mio doesn’t count D< )

3. 10 goes to the zoo. Tell us his/her favourite animal there, and then what happens when he/she and 9 fall into the tiger exhibit.
Mio’s fave animal? I’ve got no idea. Prolly a cute little bear? Then when she falls w/ Saga, I tink tt she’ll leave Saga w/ the tigers. N scream…( Idk cos Mio’s an anime-only char n Saga’s a manga-only char )

4. If everyone is trapped on an deserted island, how will everyone survive before help comes for them?
Dark wud annoy Daisuke to no end n Daisuke has to just bear w/ it. Argentine wud just stare blankly since he doesn’t need stuff since he’s an artwork. Krad wud torture Satoshi cos he’s bored. Satoshi wud try to think of a way to solve tis problem. Risa whines n Riku tells her sister to shut up. If Takeshi had his camera, he’d go snapping arnd. Mio n Saga will b fightin over hu gets to stalk Daisuke. In a sentence, it’s chaos.

5. 4, 7, 8, and 10 all meet D00pliss385! What are their reactions, and what do they tell the other OCs when they get home?
* ignores tis qn *

6. You get Guitar Hero! Can anyone play Dragonforce's song Through the Fire and Flames on Expert mode?

7. 1 and someone he/she loves are drunk and start making out. What happens next?
refer to 1st qn. I ttly believe tt Dark loves Krad in some way.

8. 9 threw a rock at 5. What does 5 do?
Wrong choice of victim, 9. 5 ( Krad ) throws an exploding feather at 9 ( Takeshi ). end of story.

.the full ans wud b effin long plus it’s alrd kind of in the manga. For Dark n Daisuke, look at the Saint Whites Day thing ( Daisuke’s appearance w/ Dark’s personality ) n arnd bk 10 when Daisuke had found Riku but semi-transforms ( which means Dark’s appearance w/ Daisuke’s personality. Then for Krad n Satoshi, dere’s 1 suspected semi-transformed Krad ( w/ Satoshi’s personality, I tink ) in Stage 3 Volume 22 when he saves Risa.

10. 1 kissed 4. 4 likes it?
rofl. no way ( Dark n Satoshi ). Actually 5 ( Krad ) wun even allow tis to happen in the first place.

11. An alien appeared and switched their bodies. What's their reaction?
both Dark n Satoshi: wtf.

12. MEEP!!!

13. A magic brush falls in front of 1. A magic brush that he/she can use to change anything. What happens?
1 ( Dark ) wud use it to make him n Krad disappear from tis world. Cos they r not even meant to exist... Provided tt tis is after the Argentine arc.

14. Everyone has to name at least one of their favorite food.
I have no idea of the fave food of DNAngel chars. Incl the human ones.

15. 8, 4 and 1 are trapped in a dark room together. Who takes advantage of the situation and how?
srsly. Y does Dark n Satoshi always ends up tgt? Anyway they can sedate 8 ( Saga ) n fly off tgt ( w/ 4 being 5 ) cos I dun like Saga.

16. 7 suddenly goes beserk! Who is attacked first?
Risa going crazy? Then the victim is obviously Dark. N poor Daisuke has to suffer as well cos he’s Dark’s tamer.

17. 5 gets super powers! What type of super powers would they be? And does he/she help or attack any of the other OCs?
Krad is alrd having super powers as a Hikari artwork. >D he obviously attacks Dark n tortures Satoshi since he’s the antagonist of DNAngel + he alrd does tt in the story

18. 5 and 6 each get accepted into separate rival secret organizations bent on creating a hobo-powered death beam before the other does! WHAT HAPPENS!!?!?!?!?
5 ( Krad ) doesn’t need such a beam cos he can give out energy bolts ( wad the hell do u call them? So I took tis term from MapleStory ) n throw exploding feathers. 6 ( Riku ) definitely can’t compare w/ him.

19. What would you do if 9 suddenly paid you a visit?
gtfo. I h8 pics of me being taken by others, esp sb like Takeshi.

20. 4 is walking home when s/he sees a cute fluffy creature, which promptly begins rubbing itself against his/her legs. Will s/he kick it away, or take it home?
hmm…Satoshi’s a good person, so he’d probably take it home. Just dun ask me wad his other half will tink of tis.

21. 4,6, and 7 are doing the Hokey-Pokey. 8 walks in. What happens?
4, 6, 7 ( aka Satoshi, Riku n Risa ) wud run away 1st.

22. They all get involved into an epic brawl (not the video game), and only one of them survives, who won?
Dark n Krad ends up in a draw.

23. 2 posted a picture of 1 and 10 making out on the Internet! What happens?
Dark wud b too angry to tease Daisuke alrd. N the others die of shock xcept Krad n Satoshi cos they’d laugh themselves to death.

wad’s up w/ tis randomness?

25. All of them were hit by a truth ray and can only say their deepest secrets. What do they say?
wow. Tis is epic. So 1 n 2 ( Dark n Daisuke ) confesses to everyone else but 4 n 5 ( cos they noe tis fact so well ) tt they’re two halves of the same person. 4 n 5 ( Satoshi n Krad ) does the same thing. Then 6 ( Riku ) says tt she knew abt wadeva 1 n 2 confessed. Oh, 7 will oso say tt she likes 4 n 4 says tt he likes 7 ( I support Satoshi x Risa )

26. Everyone gather in couples NOW!!!
1 n 5 ( Dark n Krad ) - two halves of the Black Wings. Nuff said.

2 n 6 ( Daisuke n Riku) - the most canon couple

3 n 10 ( Argentine n Mio ) - cos both of them r being created n non-human.

4 n 7 ( Satoshi n Risa ) - cos 2 n 6 r tgt n 4 + 7 makes a cute couple.

5 n 9 ( Takeshi n Saga ) - stalkers.

27. A battleship fell on 7, does he/she survive? If not what's everyone's reaction?
yes. Cos all the DNAngel bishies care for her ( Risa ). Even if Dark doesn’t save her, Krad might. ( read Stage 3 Volume 22 again )

28. Kirby eats everybody, what power does he get from each one?
I ttly h8 Kirby, so I’m skippin tis qn.

29. Ooh, look! Ninja battle! 1,4,5,7 and 10 are on one team and 2,3,6,8 and 9 are on the other. What are the team names and which side wins?
considering tt team 1 ( has no creativity at all ) has both Dark n Krad, team 2 is obviously pwned.

30. What would be great theme song for each character that you can't use due to lawsuits?
1. Dark - as I said b4, Avril Lavigne’s Anything But Ordinary. Cos Dark ttly suits the title here. ( Is it enough to love, is it enough to live? )
2. Daisuke Niwa - 周杰伦 :不能说的秘密 ( translated to Jay Chou’s A Secret That Cannot Be Told, officially translated as Secret ) . He obviously can’t tell his secret to Riku ( 想像你在身边在完全失去之前 - translated to: thinking of you, I forget what happened before)
3. Argentine - Evanescence’s Missing. He’s missing a heart at first, so yeah. ( Isn’t something missing? )
4. Satoshi Hiwatari - Limp Bizkit’s Behind Blue Eyes. The reason’s obvious.
5. Krad - hmm…Justin Timberlake’s Sexyback? Cos Krad ttly brings sexy back. ( I dun have to type the lyrics here, k? )
6. Riku Harada - skips
7. Risa Harada - ditto
8. Saga Keiji - ditto
9. Takeshi Saehara - ditto
10. Mio Hio - ditto

31. 1 and 9 fall in love with each other and don't tell anyone, until one day 4 walks in on them making out. What happens?
ttly disturbing. Dark n Takeshi wud never end up tgt. But if tis happens, I tink Satoshi wud either dun give a damn or just laugh.

32. Doopliss stole everyone's bodies! How do they react?
hu the hell is tis?

33. Secret Santa time! You gives who what?

34. If you had to choose only four of them to repopulate the Earth, who would you choose?
considerin tt Dark n Krad r not even supposed to exist as Hikari artwork, the 4 ppl wud b Daisuke, Satoshi, Risa n Riku. Cos they’d b happy w/ Daisuke x Riku n Satoshi x Risa. N I ttly support tis.

35. 1, 7, 8 and 10 play Twister. What happens?
Risa falls down >D

36. 1 is on fire!
I tink those big black wings of his can put off the fire, so Dark’s not in danger.

37. The last copy of Super Smash Bros Brawl is sitting in the middle of a room with 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9 all standing around it. How do they react?
erm…wad is Super Smash Bros Brawl?

38. 5 is in Tokyo when Godzilla attacks! What happens?
he doesn’t gives a damn cos it’s Krad.

39. Pick an emoticon/smiley to represent each char!
1. Dark - >D
2. Daisuke Niwa - :D
3. Argentine - O.O
4. Satoshi Hiwatari - :l
5. Krad - >)
6. Riku Harada - :)
7. Risa Harada - 8D
8. Saga Keiji - skips
9. Takeshi Saehara - ditto
10. Mio Hio - ditto

40. If 4 could control 8's mind, what would he/she have them do?
Satoshi wud make Saga not stalk his Daisuke.

41. If 2 went to university where you could learn anything, and only got one degree, what would it be in?
hmm…for Daisuke, an art degree wud b nice for him.

42. Everyone is in a fancy restauraunt, what happens?
I’m too lazy to do tis qn. But 1 thing I noe is tt chaos will occur. Esp w/ both the anime n manga stalkers of Daisuke.

43. The quiz is over! Now what?
for me to post, duh.

dnangel, crack

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