it's been a long time...

Oct 20, 2008 13:03

...since i posted an entry. like a month. i suppose it's due to the lack of DNAngel chapters.

i have nothing to do, so i'm reviewing New Moon by Stephanie Meyer here.

generally i tink tis is the best Twilight bk ever.

cos Twilight was kind of boring n Eclipse was very rushed. then most ppl say tt Breaking Dawn sucks altho i haven't read it yet.

i liked it cos there's Jacob. n i like him better than Edward. dun ask me y but Jacob x Bella's better than Edward x Bella.

n i liked the description of time passing in the start of chapter 4. i ttly agree w/ it. time will eventually pass, no matter what.

tt's abt it. *is looking forward for the Twilight movie* 
*goes to read Soul Eater now*

twilight, life

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