Hi, everybody!
I've never committed meta in public before. Hmmm. And of course I'd pick not the shattering scene but the funny scene. Spoilers only for "Heart." Anyway, the
Paper, Rock, and Scissors from "Heart" is obviously supposed to be a little bit of comic relief, and judging by the ep reactions I read, it worked. Even simply as comic
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Comments 26
There's something comforting about that scene, even more in retrospect once we know how dark the end is, the familiarity of it. It's not so much a game to them as a ritual, maybe. Since they know each other's patterns that well. But if you ask me, Dean threw that game so Sam could hang out with the hot chick.
We hid our fists behind our backs and chanted, "Paper, rock, and scissors, SHOOT!" and on "shoot"
That's exactly how we played it.
P.S. you might want to add a cut tag, to protect those who are late seeing the ep, even though rock paper scissors isn't a plot detail.
I don't know if I buy that Dean threw the game, though. He really does look frustrated, and given his remarkable lack of subtlety later with the fist in the air, I'd have a hard time believing that the grunt was entirely to fool Sam.
(And I figured no cut tag was necessary, since the scene was up at the CW site a week before the ep even aired. But thanks!)
Of course, the last time I played it with any regularity was when I still played live action role playing games. We, err, used it to settle various game-related actions.
We never used RPS for choosing - it was always odds and evens, best of three. God, I haven't done that in years.
And yes, to your larger point. Whatever Sam does, he always has a place with Dean; that takes a lot of the pressure off having to find or make one of his own. Of course, Sam is driven to do that anyway, but he does always have a safety net.
I am interested as to whether you think Dean deliberately threw it the second time, knowing Sam will pick Rock again. I partly think yes he did, but then I think there is that mentality - he'll think I'll change my mind so I won't, I'll stay the same.
Being the younger sibling means that Sam always has to consider Dean's actions before taking his own, just as he does playing PRS.
This is interesting - and yes I believe it's true - especially as we see a lot of their behaviour being Dean reacting to Sam, as you say Dean's steadiness providing the comfort zone for Sam to play - Dean does what he does for his family. Sam left when ( ... )
I don't think Dean threw the second game. At that point, the stakes were not that high, and though Dean obviously wants Sam to spend time with a hot chick, he hasn't exactly been getting a lot of play himself, especially given the fact that he's now a fugitive from the FBI. I just think he has some weird allegiance to scissors, couldn't bring himself to throw anything else.
Go forth and fic!
I might, er, be ficcing. I'm thinking about it anyway (more teen boys). I'm not sure about it but yeah.. your discussion has inspired me.
and if I DO finish it and you were free to look at it that'd be grand and I'd need your gmail addy again, but if you are busy that's cool...might come to nothing anyways.
Anyway. 1, 2, 3...DRAW~!
Will email you about the rest.
Only because Sam is too competitive to allow himself to lose. Sam has a choice, he had a choice in that game.
And even if it was a win/lose choice, he had no idea what the implications of that choice would be, right?
Wahh! I hate these probability riddles! That's why I don't gamble! ;)
I love your insight that Sam was destined to lose the game tho' and so have to do that deed at the end. It's a sort of rite of passage that as a hunter Sam would have to go through at some point - although Dean would HAPPILY shield Sam from it as long as he can - Sam has to 'grow up' and not let Dean at some point,like he did here.
That's how I saw their tears at the end. My friend watched it with me last night, and pointed out that both boys were probably upset at the end cause this mirrors what Dean may have to do to Sam at some point, at I must say, I hadn't really seen that, so upset was I for the Sam/Madison situation....
sorry, I have rambled on at you i speak!
Anyway interesting discussion innie, to the point where I have now asked my flist what other games they played! :)
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