Aw, I'm sorry your recip never commented. There seems to be quite a lot of that going around this year based on things others have hinted at in posts. (Me too, for Yuletide.) And it's especially a shame because this story is lovely! The character details, the voices, the case file, it's all wonderful. :D
I don't understand how, if you're online, you can't take a minute to leave just a "thank you" comment on a story written expressly for you! I got lucky with Yuletide - my recipients all commented - but I'm sorry you didn't.
I'm glad you liked this story! I have such a good time writing these characters.
I can't believe your recip never replied because this is super delightful. I adore the Sherlock and Joan interactions. And I am super in love with all the Sherlock-isms like the upside down book and "Sherlock went still beside her when the clerk launched into the backstage soap opera that had bogged down rehearsals, then squeezed her elbow discreetly, like a weirdo high-five."
Plus it is great to see Ms. Hudson and Joan interacting and Joan being so considerate.
For some reason it took me a while -- despite the clear introduction at the top! -- to realise that this was actually the American 'Elementary', which hasn't made it over here, and not a sex-changed 'Sherlock' (a popular trope)... but it's a neat little idea anyway :-)
Comments 8
I'm glad you liked this story! I have such a good time writing these characters.
Plus it is great to see Ms. Hudson and Joan interacting and Joan being so considerate.
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