I watched the State of the Union Address last night, and I really enjoyed it.
My reactions are thus:
1. I really love listening to the President speak. He's straightforward, and honest about how things are. And he lays down his plans with a confident and steady air. I am always impressed by his leadership. I am also impressed by his ability to simply roll with the punches, and ignore all the detestable mud slinging tactics of the dissenters.
2. I smiled several times during the speech, and was glad that he was able to do the same. The camera caught a few of them, even.
3. I don't think there was anything that he didn't address, explain, and lay out a plan for. Even if not everyone agrees with the plan, at least he has one that we can start with. He asked very politely and sincerely for everyone to work together to modify and approve the solutions to problems facing us. And, he was extremely succinct in why America cannot back down and run away from the world.
I heard on the radio this woman who wanted to ignore the world and focus on our country. Well, how long do you think we'll have our country if we do that? Lots of people are upset that President Bush brings up the Sept. 11 attacks, but I think it's necessary. People want to forget, and if you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it. Besides, that was the catalyst, and the beginning of the fight against terror, and since we're still in that fight, I think that it is still a very relevant issue. You don't talk about WWII and leave out all mention of Pearl Harbor. It shows what the enemy is capable of, and it was their biggest victory against us to date, so of course it is going to be referenced as an example.
4. I noticed that the Democrats stayed seated and didn't applaud for many issues, while the Republicans were giving standing ovations. I think that it is obvious that there is a very strong division, and that they don't want to work it out between them. They weren't protesting his plans, they were making a statement. Nothing is ever going to get solved with these kinds of things going on.
5. I was less than impressed with the Democratic response. Firstly, that eyebrow thing just killed me. The guy looked extremely insincere, and more like a used car salesman than a politician. Urgh. Secondly, get the man a thesaurus please! How many times can a person SAY "there's a better way" for crying out loud! Don’t just say that! Tell us YOUR plan if it's so much better. But, I didn't hear him do that even once. No, he calls for the parties to work together (as did the President) but then turns around and says with pride how they've been working together to block everything the administration has been trying. Oooh. I'm so impressed. Not! All in all, it was a speech I'd expect from a high school debate team, not a polished response for a real life rebuttal.
6. I was also less than impressed with Hillary Clinton. Sitting there rolling her eyes and chewing her gum. Grow up lady, and grow a brain while you're at it.
7. I think there were a lot of moments when President Bush looked attractive, intelligent, and like the good President and leader that he is. Yet, all the media like to find the stupidest pictures they can to print with the stories. Take a picture when he's pausing between sentences, not when he's speaking. Anyone who gets freeze-framed during speech looks funny, or stupid. I think the media's printed enough of those kinds of pictures. It's just a way to undermine and ridicule, just like they refer to him as Mr. Bush instead of President Bush, and it's a childish way at that.
8. All in all, the plans he had that excited me the most were the new and alternate energy sources for automobiles, and the insurance reform. I've always believed that medical insurance reform was what was needed, not reforming the medical system itself. Whether or not these things will actually happen, is now in the hands of congress, and up to the Democrats to work together with the Republicans to refine and pass them. We'll see.
I'm not interested in debating with you if you have a different opinion.