Remember 9/11

Sep 11, 2006 10:25

I remember.

I watched the first half of "The Path to 9/11" last night. It was very good. It showed how inaction just leads to more violence. And, it showed the hard truths that I've long suspected about the government, which is that it doesn't want to protect us, it wants to look good. I've always thought that the one flaw in democracy is that popular opinion means doing not what's right, but what's easy. That's one reason I admire the current administration. They're trying their hardest to do what's RIGHT, despite the vitriol that spews their way every day. I'm glad this film was made to focus on the fact that these terrorists declared war on us LONG before 9/11 ever happened, and inaction and blindness and hoping they would simply go away did NOT work.
I'm interested to see the conclusion tonight where it focuses on the Bush administration and what differences there are or are not.
Either way, I think the only real change that 9/11 brought the average citizen within this country is the intolerance of others and the fear of people not thinking the same as us. For all their rabid foaming about conservatives being bigoted and intolerant, the liberal voices I've seen have all focused on an agenda of hatred misconception and violence against their opponents, not their old trusty "lets all just get along" mantra they love to tout. Indeed, they still spout off "all is well" for the world, but focus on the evils of that Bush administration ad nauseum. They lost all credibility to me long before the conspiracy theories started being crazy enough to give Bush god-like powers. When the 9/11 conspiracy theorists claim that Bush planned and executed 9/11 I was flabbergasted, though. I watched their "proof" videos, and saw the flaws in their thinking immediately. I couldn't believe how many people were duped with it. But, then again, I couldn't believe that anyone would actually blame another person for a hurricane. My trust in humanity is sooooo gone from that. They're so eager to hate the president that they simply jump at any chance to vilify and demonize no matter how ludicrous. Al-Quieda's release of the films of the terrorists plotting and talking about their impending martyrdom might have changed their minds, but then again, I'm sure a few of them will claim that Bush was there forcing them to say those things.
Either way, the terrorists have stated that the only way to take down America is to destroy it from within.
Looks like they might be winning after all.

I want to ad a political disclaimer to this. I know a lot of my Flist disagrees politically with me. Needless to say I disagree with some of you as well. I'd appreciate it if you showed courtesy and respect for me and my views if you would like to comment. If I don't think I can say something nice I simply refrain from commenting on your entries, so please extend that courtesy to me. Thank you.

rl, politics

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