Delicious LiveJournal Links for 4-11-2008

Nov 04, 2008 01:08

  • Websites as graphs

    This is pretty. Not a lot of point in LJ, I guess, as we have so little actual control over layout.

    (tags: webdesign)

  • SB's Guide to Pub Etiquette.

    SB spends far too many words to tell people \"Don't be a git\". Sadly for everything, some people need explaining how not to be a git in very small words, and SB does it laudably.

    (tags: drinking)

  • Running from hell

    Fred Phelps son Nathan - now an atheist living in Canada - talks about his upbringing in the \"Most Hated Family in America\"

    (tags: religion)

  • Babies for Obama

    We can argue all day about McCain's national security credentials or Obama's health care plan, but there's one area in which Barack Obama is clearly the superior candidate: his name is way more fun to say

    (tags: politics vids)

  • When Homophobia Becomes a Family Affair

    What's the phrase: hate homophobia, love the homophobe? Or something. Read this, it's heartbreaking. Then, for goodness' sake, if you live in CA, AZ, CT or FL, please vote tomorrow.

    (tags: sexuality politics)

  • Eight-Armed Animal Preceded Dinosaurs: Discovery News


    (tags: science)

  • November is for lesbians

    I didn't keep up with Greys Anatomy after I ran out of the DVD's lone_lilly sent me, because relationship-type programming isn't my thing, but this video? Wow.

    (tags: tv sexuality)

  • Alternative to Penalty Fares

    Going Underground features a run of stickers showing some stricter than normal penalties for not having a valid ticket on the tube, as well as a few rules I wasn't previously aware of.

    (tags: humour tube)

religion, tube, politics, pubbing, science, vids, humour, tv, webdesign, sexuality

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