An Open Letter to Wil Wheaton

Aug 17, 2008 20:38

I had a really nice walk this evening in the park near my flat, where I strayed from the path, listened to my iPod and nearly composed a really long and thoughtful post about how Little Red Riding Hood and the various interpretations of her represent the Female Condition. there was going to be scans from the Sandman and I'd ramble for a long time about my favourite fictional characters.

Mat  and
Holly together talked me into sending this:Mr. Wheaton,

As you are no doubt well aware by now, the nominations for the Yorksher Gob's Very Prestigious Blog of the Year Awards (Or Snabies, as we folk on the internet have been calling them) have now closed and shortlists drawn up. I confess I was surprised to see your name on the shortlist, but even more surprised that as of the time of writing, you appear to be approaching my popularity for Best General Blog:

I would like to take the opportunity to scoff at your feeble attempts to win a Scabie Snabie (sic), and assure you that whatever trick you're using to sway the electorate will not work. So confident am I, in fact, that I thus declare all out war on your feeble blog. I feel it inappropriate to type out maniacal laughter, but rest assured that that's what I'm doing on this side of my keyboard.

I did notice of course, that you weren't even nominated for "blogger I would most like to have sex with", so your pretensions to the lesser award will clearly amount to nothing.

The Innerbrat

Y'all had better go vote for me (or him, you dirty traitors) and make the turnout at that poll worth me embarrassing myself in front of the UberGeek.


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