This is a post of Schmoop

Jun 07, 2008 18:21

So I spent the morning tidying cleaning, laundrying and reading comics, like all good Saturdays, then I realised I was going to be late and had to leave right now to keep my appointment at the Telectroscope. Course, as I finally got there with 10 minutes to spare, I realised I had left my camera picture card at home, while uploading zoo pictures which I will absolutely post here soon, promise!

I flashed my little 'priority access' ticket, paid my £1, and got to skip the entire queue, where I had to wait for many minutes because  - well, as unreliable as I am with time keeping, there's a reason Bing and I make a matched set.

She turned up in the end and it was totally worth it. Totally. Oh my Bob, you guys, I got to see my Bingfriend transatlanticly through the magic of steampunk. A Steampunk Tunnel!


I will have to work out how to upload the one photo on my camera's tiny little harddrive. IT WAS SO VERY AWESOME and Bing is the Schmoopiest and she made me squeal and cry in public.

In other schmoopy news, I'd like to know whether my eagerness to praise Bing's masculinity helped or hindered this score:


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)

Take the test!


As a 1930s husband, I am

Take the test!

I'm pretty sure my habit of looking at other women didn't really help with this:

AND lastly and related to Bing, because I finally tracked down it was her post messnig up my friendspage - what's with the Yahoo! music floating flash things on  voice posts? I thought I wasn't supposed to see ads with a permanent account? It messes up my layout and hers!

bing, livejournal, quizzes, steampunk, london

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