A thynge of the update-y type.

Jul 27, 2007 09:45

Die Schwester came into Nodnol and I escorted her to a number of shopping places: Bravissimo because she's built far more like Bing than me in that department, then Harrods and Paperchase looking for photo albums for her wedding pics. Me, I just got shampoo and Buffy from Lush. Oh! And a four-person Pirates game reduced to £10 from £40 which I will be bringing along with me to Dundee-con, along with Milliways Cluedo.

Who's going to that, BTW? And would you like for me to organise cheap but very early-morning flights for us all?

I am doing Nature Live. I don't know why I just linked you to the webcast. Hopefully no one will be around to watch it.

The trouble is, my contact in Learning was supposed to email me with the kind of questions she was going to ask me so I could prepare, and she hasn't,and it's terrifying. I'm going to babble and be unintelligible, I know it. *whines*

There will be Sin City-ing to celebrate the fact that snapesbabe is in town. They're going to see Avenue Q beforehand, but the rest of us are to be in the Head of Steam, Doric Arch Winchester from reasonable time onwards. Insert accusations of quadrangility here.

At Some Point
I will actually type up con report in the form of: "these people rock!" and my pictures.
Question to those using millipics: is there any reason the pics can't be posted under flock in the journal itself. That way we don't have to go the long way round to view them?

links, drinking, pirates, fambly, teaching, geek meets

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