There is more to this city, honestly.

Nov 16, 2006 02:50

So yesterday when I was sitting at the table in the lobby searching the internet for things to do,. I overheard someone at reception asking about vegetarian restaurants, so I piped up with the tempura restaurant I went to on Sunday.
From there, the other vegetarian, who turned out to be a cute bisexual Texan girl, and I went for Tempura, then together went to Kinswomyn, the lesbian cafe/bar I was looking for on Tuesday when it was closed.

Well, after some searching we found it, a tiny tiny little bar in the heart of the gay district, just one room on the third floor of what felt like a run down block of flats. It was like going to a house party, and we had a great time talking into the night with a Japanese woman who's lived in New York for four years and become thoroughly disillusioned with Japanese women. It was nice.

Don't ever miss the last train in Tokyo. Taxis are extortion. I speak from experience, here.

Today I'm going to look at museums.

drinking, vegetarianism, asia, sexuality, birthdays

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