My class is almost over!

Oct 23, 2007 11:54

 So I have two more days of copyright law. *and there was much celebration*

One thing about the whole thing pisses me off though. We have 4 tests, the lowest grade of which we can drop. So, the teacher says to us, "this will give you leeway if you miss or bomb one." First off, as a teacher, I think that is kind of lenient. Either the info is important to learn or not. As a student what pisses me off is I have aced every test and been in class every day and he told me today that I still have to take the 4th test, even though it means nothing.

If I had skipped any other test, no sweat, covered. But I was a good little adult student and got fucked by the system. I don't really have issues with the test; I know the shit. It is just an issue with policy. If I had given the same policy to one of my classes the A students or even the B students if they are happy with a B could have the final day off as a reward for not sucking.

We read one anothers' papers today and I have to say that I am glad I read the fan-fics of those of you under 25. If I didn't I would really think the world was going to hell in a hand basket. Maybe it is because half of you aren't from the states and therefor subjected to GW Bush's back water ed system, that you can formulate sentences better than my middle school students. With every class that I take, I am amazed at the differences in how I was taught to write in HS verses these kids.

I know I have a degree, so I should have a few more things together, but most of these people couldn't have passed my HS freshman Eng class. They aren't dumb kids, but they haven't been taught critical thinking and then how to formulate their conclusions into written form. Everything for them to this point has been multiple choice. It is sad that education has been reduced to test taking and not learning.

All I have to say is "not my students, damn it." There is no way to teach music without critical thinking, thank God. So, as I am off to change hats from student to teacher, I am energized to make a difference.


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