(no subject)

Jul 30, 2007 10:00

Name: Ned Bigby
Age: 14
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: Devon Werkheiser is about 5'5", so let's go with that!
Weight: Not much! I'm guessing about 115.
Medical info: Normal human being. Has had multiple WACKY HIJINKS injuries, but nothing too serious.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswitch/spit at/step on/etc?: Yes yes yes yes and yes. PM me on IRC or pop me an email for anything big besides general abuse/explosions.

Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Sure! He might be a little weirded out, but. He'll get over it!

Maim/murder/death: Unless it's hilarious and awesome, I'm gonna say no.

What's okay to mention around him: Anything. |Db

Physical traits: ...normal looking! Is kind of short for his age.

Abilities: CAN BREAK THE FOURTH WALL LIKE A MOFO and pull things out of hammerspace? idk I'LL COME BACK TO THIS

Secrets: ...none!

Note to psychics: No blocks, nothing out of the ordinary! His train of thought is probably something like "wow that would make a great tip, I MISS MY GIRLFRIEND, ...hey are those NINJAS!?" He's. Kind of ADHD.

Cooking: Can make a PB&J sandwich with the best of 'em!

Audience: NED WILL LOVE YOU GUYS. Just don't mention right out that he's fictional and we'll be good!
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