Oct 17, 2005 18:49
so i was in choral union and we were all singing the "hallelujah" chorus.
the part- "King of Kings" and "Lord of Hosts" is sung.
after we are finished a guy in the front row raises his hand and says, "i think we need to remember it's Lord of Hosts. not Lord of hoes."
people kind of giggle but then the choir director says, "yes remember diction and how to pronounce the words correctly. Lord of Hosts. not hoes."
and i say, "why? Hoes are people too."
was that inappropriate to say? honestly? i mean, the guys thought it was hilarious. but these girls turned around and glared at me. like this, "oh my gosh, i can't believe she just said that" glare. it just goes to show that a man has a way better sense of humor than a chick.
maybe they were just offended cuz they took it personally. meaning they are all hoes. maybe??