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Nov 19, 2011 21:18

What is-- is this a new phone? Hello? Can anyone hear me? Wait, wait…I got this.

[Hey Adstring, have a Nathan Young landing in your world. He arches his brows and closes the device in near his mouth.]


Oh hey little red light…I guess you were on the whole time, huh? Oh well, now that I’ve got your attention can someone please tell me where the fuck I am? Am I in hell? Do immortals even go to hell? Did I starve to death or somethin’? I don’t think I can do that. Or maybe this is some fucked up after-death dream; that would make sense. Oh! Is this like the world between the livin’ and the dead? The complete nothingness like you see in the movies? If so, I’m not sure any of you really want to buy my soul.

[Wait, he was going somewhere with this…]

But if this isn’t hell or the other world or a dream, then Barry, I want you to know that when I find you I’m kickin’ your ass. You all fuckin' buried me alive you wankers! Didn’t it ever cross you mind that… “Hey, Nathan hasn’t found his power yet.”

“Maybe he’s immortal!”

No? Well it fucking should have! I would’ve thought of it if something happened to you guys and I didn’t know your power! But I guess that’s why I’m the smart one in the group, right? Immortal, smart, funny…I may as well be our group.


Ok, seriously guys, stop dickin’ around and answer me. You’re startin’ to freak me out.
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