[ 003 | video ]

Nov 29, 2011 18:13

[When the PCD clicks on, Nathan looks very, very nervous.  This can be noted as he backs his face away to sit across from it.  He fidgets with his hands and clears his throat before looking up.  Obviously, the matter is very serious.]

I need to know how many of you…haven’t played a video game before.  And I don’t mean just in this place because ( Read more... )

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[Video] wingsandwill November 29 2011, 23:36:45 UTC
Video games are what is played on cell phones, correct?

[He's seem Sam play them before, but he's never seen a console video game, or even one on a normal computer.]


[Video] inmy_balls November 29 2011, 23:37:47 UTC
Yeah, they can be, but there's also PlayStation and Xbox, or the Wii for pussies and children.

....I take it you're not a fan?

[Oh, Castiel.]


[Video] wingsandwill November 29 2011, 23:39:06 UTC
[Good thing Castiel is extremely oblivious to most offensiveness.]

I have never had opportunity to form an opinion.


[Video] inmy_balls November 29 2011, 23:40:19 UTC
[...that's seriously a plus when dealing with Nathan.]

So...you've never played.


[Video] wingsandwill November 29 2011, 23:43:27 UTC
[He just shakes his head slightly.]


[Video] inmy_balls November 29 2011, 23:44:43 UTC
[Staring. He's judging you, Castiel.]

You poor, poor soul. I don't know whether I should beat ya for not playin' what ya had in your world or......hug you.


[Video] wingsandwill November 29 2011, 23:46:23 UTC
[He stares right back. Into your soul.]


Is it that interesting of an experience?


[Video] inmy_balls November 29 2011, 23:51:38 UTC
I think ya need a hug.

[Wait-- what kind of question is that?]

Of COURSE it's interesting! It's more than interesting, it's fucking-- it's like that after-sex feelin'. Y'know. When you're on top of the world and everything is great and nothing hurts. Like that, only usually more violently.


[Video] wingsandwill November 30 2011, 01:06:37 UTC
I do not.

[And... Headtilting all the way to the side. There is so much about those statements that he can't even.]


[He just can't say anything more intelligent than that. He's baffled.]


[Video] inmy_balls November 30 2011, 01:29:59 UTC
Sure you do! Everyone does!

[It's amazing, right?]

Yep. Just like that.


[Video] wingsandwill November 30 2011, 08:00:33 UTC
It seems that video games must be an... Interesting experience.

[He's going to ask his human friends later. Maybe one of them will have a description that makes more sense.]


Re: [Video] inmy_balls November 30 2011, 21:19:58 UTC
...let me guess, you're a virgin?

[Anyone might make more sense than him.]

You and I...we can, uh, change that.


[Video] 1/4 because I can and never get a chance wingsandwill November 30 2011, 23:04:01 UTC
[Video] 2/4 wingsandwill November 30 2011, 23:04:19 UTC
[Video] 3/4 wingsandwill November 30 2011, 23:04:47 UTC
[Video] 4/4 wingsandwill November 30 2011, 23:05:13 UTC


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