Fic: "Ear Tuned To The Roar" (BSG)

Mar 02, 2007 22:22

Ear Tuned To The Roar
Written for the brains_in_a_jar challenge.
Characters: Helo, Lee, Six. Canon pairings.
Rating: PG-13
Goes AU before "The Eye of Jupiter"
Summary: What is human, what is Cylon, what is choice?
So very, very many thanks to glossing, who audienced and beta'd and held my hand through a lot of flailing. I really can't thank you enough for your help, ( Read more... )

fic_2007, fic_bsg

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Comments 62

carla_scribbles March 3 2007, 05:48:12 UTC

Oh, I --


(In a good way.)


inlovewithnight March 4 2007, 18:12:10 UTC
Thank you! And thanks for putting up with me randomly accosting you in Gloss's comment-threads to wail about this off and on. :)


carla_scribbles March 4 2007, 18:42:25 UTC
Honestly, I do not mind the accosting. Sometimes it's necessary. And this is -- gah, just lovely.


anonymous_sibyl March 3 2007, 06:12:14 UTC
This was so wonderful. I loved it. It was true to BSG in that it explored what humanity is and means, and it was true to the characters, and just OH HELO.

It's a nice contrast to Lee's own life, where everyone starts with hostility except for the arbitrary few who seem to think he's a hero.
Oh, Lee, bunny, it'll be okay. *pats the angsty Lee*

"I don't think that counts as a difficult question," Tigh says, and from the way everyone around the table twitches in unison, Lee guesses they all had the same thought, and thank the Gods Tigh said it so none of them had to.
*snicker* Seriously. Way too easy, Kara. And Tigh would so mention that.

watching Vox molest the interface like it's paying her in cash.
Hee! That's awesome.

[I’m telling you, man, if I could, I would be calling up so many of my old girlfriends right now and apologizing up, down, and sideways.]
*grin* That's Helo all right.


inlovewithnight March 4 2007, 18:13:45 UTC
Thank you!

That last bit you quoted was actually a really late addition. I was at the grocery store, staring at the spaghetti sauce, and suddenly I had this EPIPHANY that there needed to be Dumb Boy Orgasm Humor. Just...random trivia.


romanticalgirl March 3 2007, 07:25:59 UTC
Oh, Sam. That's just...that's just *lovely*. So honest and sad and hopeful all at once. *loves*


inlovewithnight March 4 2007, 18:14:40 UTC
Thank you! And thanks for putting up with all the wailing and flailing about it. :)


nolivingman March 3 2007, 16:23:33 UTC
Oh. That's just wow. Really really good, and it works so well. It will be hard not to think of this as the way that canon will go.

There is no virtue in choosing to be alone in a universe that seeks to bring things together

Yes. That does it.


inlovewithnight March 4 2007, 18:15:57 UTC
Thank you!

The Hybrid was such a nice gift from Ron Moore specifically to make this kind of story 'verse-plausible. What do you mean, that's not why he did it? Heh. :)


poisontaster March 3 2007, 18:56:23 UTC
Okay, the fact that he calls Sharon 'baby' makes me wibble and want to cry already, even though I'd read that part. And I just...I can HEAR the voices, you know? It sounds like THEM.

he silently gives way, stepping back and left to make a space for her
Okay, you KNOW my Dee fixation. But this seems particularly profound re: their relationship. There isn't a fixed place for Dee inside of Lee. He is always MAKING space for her, but it doesn't exist on it's own. Not like with Starbuck. Dee is a conscious effort.

because it's true, not because it'll salvage his wife's pride
Also very Lee. I can't decide if that's a virtue or not.

Lee's throat tightens at Kara's question, and beside him, Dee rolls her eyes. What color panties was I wearing the night we met?
*gigglesnorts* It's a good question, you have to admit. Oh, Kara. Oh, LEE.

But I guess I do need to be taken care of now, because I don’t know what to do and I don’t understand. I feel like I’m trapped, tied down and caged and I need to get away. I need to fight, I need ( ... )


poisontaster March 3 2007, 18:56:58 UTC
I love the growing dynamic between Vox and Helo. It's intimate but awkward, which is HOW IT SHOULD BE and it's just so perfectly done. And then the weird triangle growing between them, equally awkward, infinitely fragile and yet still visible and there. These are master strokes.

[And you want to? Stay, I mean? You want to stay?]

"It's safe here."
More uncontrollable wibbling and not-quite crying on PT's part.

[I want you to stay.]
*shatters into tiny crinkly pieces* OMFG. *hands* You BITCH. You're making me CRY. I hate you. You're making ME CRY.

He'll come back here again. He'll be their advocate and their connection, and if it ever comes down to it, he'll keep his promise.

But he needs to go home.In my brand new OT3 heart, I am choosing to believe that he's going home to wrap things up, dammit, and I will not be persuaded otherwise ( ... )


sabaceanbabe March 4 2007, 17:25:35 UTC
What she said! All of it! But especially:

And I understand what he thinks he's offering. And for someone else, it might be an answer. But not Helo. Helo is life personified. Helo is the persistence of life. And in many ways, that's the harder road.


It's endlessly amusing to watch you flail SO HARD and then come up with something as brilliant as this. It's just... It's a masterpiece. A true masterpiece of craft and emotion and I feel so proud to even KNOW you in this moment.... *hugs*

including the *hugs*


inlovewithnight March 4 2007, 18:18:42 UTC
Thank you so much! ::hugs you:: Seriously? When you expressed an interest after one of those early snippets I posted, you became one of the people I was writing this *for*. "Well, if PT and [a few other people] like it, then I'll have succeeded." And so the fact that you like it just makes me...::wavy hands:: It means a lot. A lot a lot a lot.

That's because you can be a Grade A asshat,sometimes, Lee.
::snerk:: Well, yes. Oh, LEE.


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