1. This is a low-key, informal fic challenge! Your mod cannot bear the idea of chasing down stories, so this is a "sign up and deliver on the honor system" style of challenge, not an exchange.
2. The criteria are as follows: Waybros! And someone else! In a sexual sense! Incest is NOT REQUIRED. It can be a V-style situation where both Ways are with the same person separately, or it can be a threesome where they're all together. It can be a one-night stand. It can be dating. It can be soulbonds. Whatever you want.
3. The third person is totally up to you. Crossovers are cool. Band members are cool. Members of other bandom bands are cool. Peripheral-to-the-bands people are cool. (Waysplusdeadmau5 is EXTRA-cool #modopinion) (So is Wayspluskevinsmith #modisintoit #soiskevin)
4. The due date is APRIL 15. On that day, you will need to post your fic to the waysplusone collection at AO3, which is not up yet but will be.
5. Sign up in the comments of this post to commit to producing a fic. A sample can be seen in the second comment. Include your e-mail address so I can send helpful reminder emails with poorly-photoshopped threesomes. You can also track the "waysplusone" tag on this post.
Questions should go in the "Questions" thread under the first comment.
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comments. Comment
there or here, as you like!