Thoughts I have had:
- I will probably not actually be reading Pat of Silver Bush and Mistress Pat as part of an ongoing LM Montgomery extravaganza, because five chapters into the first book, half of it is written in really thick Irish dialect (like, "faith and begorrah!" type dialect) and I can't cope with it. Sad.
- Sean Van Vleet: Hippie Dad still occupies a disproportionate amount of my thoughts compared to the space that usually goes to Empires. Also, since all of William's bandmates and friends seem to be leaving Chicago, I've decided that he and Sean should be BFF and have Hippie Dad Fest '11 campouts in the woods. Sean tries to teach him to wear flannel, William writes poetry, it's great. (Porn optional but appreciated.)
- Pete/Gabe dates and crossdressing. Yes. All of that, please, and thanks for being so cute on Twitter, boys. (Obviously the reason they were quiet today is that they spent the day in bed. Obviously.)
- So 30 Seconds to Mars is at Reading/Leeds, too, which means Carden's girlfriend is there as Leto's assistant, which means that maybe Mike went with her because why not, which means Carden/Mikeyway is plausible and if any of you loved me you would write it.
- My cat is being so squirrelly because of the oncoming storm, you don't even know. I'm going to lock her in the coat closet.
Talk to me about whatever's on your mind.
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