
Jun 09, 2011 09:07

The Pill is not making you gain weight. period. You know what I love? How science is so DEDICATED to proving that women make shit up. Bitches, man. They're crazy. They claim to OBSERVE things and NOTICE STUFF GOING ON WITH THEIR BODIES, but they're totally just lying, and we will prove it with science. (possibly I'm just still bitter that when I went on the Pill, nobody said word one to warn me that it might make me crazy and suicidal, and when it did, they kept telling me to just wait it out, that was really unusual and probably not even really the Pill doing it, but blah blah BITCHES MAKE STUFF UP.)

So there was this essay ripping Roald Dahl into shreds, and now there is this response talking about actually making a case, and also writing from a place of feeling betrayed by our childhood loves.

The Gay Girl In Damascus blog may have been a hoax?

These are just pictures of Pete Wentz being adorable and hot.

I'm on day three of a constant headache, so I think I'm going to wrap up a few things here at work and then take a sick day, go home, and lie facedown on the couch. After I post my big bang fic. Yes.

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