montly roundup + blather

Jun 30, 2010 19:29

I had vague hopes of finishing and posting something else tonight, but it's pretty clearly not going to happen, so. For June:

Put Your Mouth Over The Stupid Things We're Taught We Ought To Say; DW post (bandom, Gabe/Mikey, Gabe has woe. and I just realized I got the song lyric wrong in the title, DAMN IT)
Darken My Door; DW post (bandom, Pete/Gabe, spanking)
Pick The Poison (And Pour Yourself A Glass) (bandom, William/Carden, William/Gabe, the kinky poly V thing for bandom big bang)

I feel like I want to talk about that fic, explain some of my process and thoughts and extraneous details that didn't make it into the final version and whatever, but I don't know where to start or what is actually interesting, so I'll refrain. Here's a couple of songs from my playlist while I was writing it, though, with some notes about each.

Little Black Backpack (Stroke9) Don't wanna tango with you, I'd rather tangle with him/I think I'm gonna bash his head in Yes. Well, okay, no, this is a cheating song and the whole point of the fic (or, er, one of them, I guess) is that nobody is cheating on anybody else, but the stubborn don't wanna talk about it/don't wanna think about it refrain in the song, that's Mike here, so hard.

What Else Would You Have Me Be (Lucero) I've posted this one before as a Gabe/William song, but particularly so for this fic; it's the Gabe/William backstory, the upside of it, the crazy days. I'll take you out at night/buy you cigarettes and whiskey drinks/Always end up in some fight/Ain't that the way good love's gotta be?

Dear Chicago (Ryan Adams) True story: the fic was almost titled "Been Thinking Some Of Suicide (But There's Bars Out Here For Miles)", a lyric from this song. That kind of gave the wrong impression about the tone and content, though. This is another Gabe/William backstory song, the downswing, immediately pre-fic.

If That's Alright (Uncle Tupelo) Another Mike song. I had a pretty good grip on William and Gabe in my head when I started this fic, less so on Mike, so I built up a songlist for his characterization here and started with those when I worked on his sections if I was feeling lost. If that's alright, then it's alright/And if that's alright/Then I wanna hear you say it

Trivia- the song referenced in the bar fight scene is another Uncle Tupelo song, "Whiskey Bottle," which is about a bar in Columbia, Missouri, which is where they are in that whole section in my head, though I never explicitly named it. I amuse *myself*, if no one else.

And because Sendspace lets you up five at a time and that was only four- Chicago Promenade (Jason Isbell). This song came up on my mp3 player today while I was driving home from work. I'd forgotten how hard it punches me in the heart. It's a song about losing people, walking away from people for yourself and for them and how it aches but you're looking forward, and the piano line is so lovely, and oh, Jason. It was written while the singer was moving toward both divorce and leaving his band, and it just aches with it all.

If I were a different writer with different foci, there would be a Tomrad/William or a Bob-leaving-MCR fic in this song.

Non-fic-related, I did like a fifteen minute run and my Achilles tendons are twinging again. Three fucking weeks off, fifteen minutes on, and this. I need either new shoes or to see somebody and find out what I'm doing wrong. Running was supposed to be my stress relief. I would like to file a complaint.

But at least the cat is fine. And fuck it, I'm ordering pizza for dinner, I don't even care. I don't. I don't.

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monthly roundup

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