[the times they are a-changin']

Mar 07, 2009 11:31

Quick reaction post to Watchmen!

- I enjoyed it! I mean, there were parts I spent covering my face for because they were excessively gory, and Zack Snyder does not know the meaning of subtlety, but I did like the movie as a whole.
- That said, the only characters I didn't hate by the end were Rorschach and Ozymandias. Deuce assures me that is a supported reaction by Watchmen-the-book as well.
- Seriously, Dan and Laurie needed to die in a fire. I was hoping the Comedian would rise from the grave and hit them with something heavy. The bit that sealed my dislike was (guess) that freaky, overlong sex scene set to Hallelujah. WHY.
- They could have cut half an hour to forty-five minutes of Dr. Manhattan monologing. WHY.
- Why did nobody ever mock Nite Owl's costume? It was hilarious. In the street fight scene, it totally should have been mocked.
- That fight scene should've been set to "Dancing in the Dark." Also, the Vietnam sequence should have been set to "Born in the USA." Deuce and I then spent some time picturing someone trying to explain Watchmen to Bruce.
- They didn't do a great job of making it clear that Manhattan was the only one with actual *powers*; some of the fight sequences made the others seem indestructible. I know we're supposed to take it as they're just *better* than everybody else, from practicing, but...it was a little out there. Also, shouldn't they all have been out of practice after all those years?
- Ozymandias was just such a FAILBOAT. He was an adorable, pose-y idiot and I wanted to pet him. Also, he had a file on his computer labelled "Boys," which he kept next to his plans for world domination, and between that and the bit in the credits (awesome, awesome credits) with the Village People, I'm pretty sure he was supposed to be "the gay superhero" like Silhouette was the lesbian one. Which on the one hand is problematic, because...he's the bad guy, but on the other hand is awesome in an OH MOVIE REALLY? kind of way.
- I really kinda wanted the movie to be about the Minutemen, instead of the Watchmen. Seriously, those credits were COOL.
- I giggled when MCR doing "Desolation Row" started up over the credits. Rock on, shiny little people.
- I'm totally requesting Comedian/Ozymandias hatesex for Yuletide. You heard it here first.

This was a markedly non-substantial movie response. /o\
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