I've been crazy, super AWOL from this journal for a long time. Like a weirdly long time.
(I check my friends-list all the time, but I haven't posted in ages.)
The last stretch of this past semester was crazy and intense. Maybe more than one ever has been for me.
My grades ended up okay. I'm not thrilled with a B in Weather, but...that's what I earned. And when you factor in the amount of classes I didn't go to, I wish I'd done better, but...it's not too bad.
And I got a C- in Japanese. Which...is the lowest semester grade I've ever received, but also better than I was afraid I was going to do.
And now that's over; and I'm very excited for most if not all of my classes for next semester.
Over break so far, I have spent a fuck ton of time watching stuff with my little sister. Which is not a bad way to spend time, really.
The holidays were nice! I got to see most (not all; working on that before break ends) of my people ♥
I cooked a ton of food and baked tiny pies and cookies and was really excited about all of this. (I also took a stab at mailing baked goods, which I have never done before, but seemed to be pretty successful?)
After Christmas, my family took off for Santa Fe for a few days. It's a super pretty place that I like being a lot (plus; how do you argue with the green chile state? There was awesome food there.)
When my family wasn't making me nuts, it was awesome. And there was more awesome than making me nuts.
And New Year's was...well, I wasn't not wanting to go (we did the NDK Costume Ball), but I wasn't super excited about it until pretty much the day of. Practically until we were there. But everyone's costume came together really well (We did a Disney group! I was Meg, from Hercules!) and while not everyone I wanted to be there was there, lots of my girls were. (Including the last-minute but awesome addition of
rhinestonebliss, and getting to be around some of my girls who I don't get to spend enough time with regularly.)
My resolution is to read the Bible, cover to cover. Anyone care to share theirs; if they have them?
Today I went shopping with
wastedbytime, and scored some dollar-sale jewelry for my old work (And said hello to Old Boss, who seemed really excited to see me. Summer job potential..?) and the first two volumes of Y:The Last Man, also for super cheap. I didn't realize the little used book/comic store by my old work had become so cool.
And then they took me to see Black Swan. Which was really good (hot damn, Natalie Portman deserves every good thing that's been said about her acting in it) and interesting. Creepy. Not necessarily a re-watcher, but I'm really glad I saw it.
Back to school on the...eh...10-ish? This is my last week off. I'm not quite ready to go back. But I want this semester to be a lot better than last, and I do want to start making that happen.