Jun 08, 2009 13:55
Ran for two entire songs on Saturday morning! Felt like a rockstar.
Closed with Ryan for the first time! It went super well.
Discovered how delicious fruit cups are.
Kindapped by Katy after work. What followed was fried rice, and ben & Jerry's with Libby being hilarious.
("And yeah my ex boyfriend was a serious retard and LOOK YOU GUYS I MADE A SNOWMAN!")
Was called in early from work. Woke up with cold symptoms. NOOO.
Ran 1/2 the normal time/distance because of said cold symptoms & needing to be into work earlier.
Rush rush rush rush rush rush rush rush.
Mary called me three times and left me voice mails.
I called Mary three times and left her voice mails.
We finally connected on the phone, at work and then later.
Gosh, I miss her.
Finished editing the spanish movie. Put it on youtube. It is awful, and I am DONE WITH SPANISH. (until Thursday, and then I'll be done FOREVERRRRRRRRRR)
Biked 1.5 miles and back. Took the gel seat off of my bicycle and am now hardcore regretting it (owww).
Definetly have the beginnings of a cold. :C
Watched X-Men with my sister, who I think has bronchitis (NOOO PLEASE NO I DON'T WANT IT)
Annd now I have to get ready for work. Woo hoo.