You know what I'm sick and tired of?
Being friends with children.
SERIOUSLY, GUYS. I'm goofy and I make fun of everyone and I trip over everything, but I'm a fucking person about a lot of things. I offer to help clean up. I offer to pay. I do my own work. If you remind me, or ask, I'll help you out. I participate in conversation, fuck, I initiate conversation most of the time.
Is it so hard to participate? Is it so hard to offer for help? It's one thing if you're aware of it, but don't expect me to not notice that you refuse to talk to a certain person (without reason), and/or act like a child when in public. Sigggh.
I'm not perfect, but I need less children around.
In other news, today is two-jobs-and-school-day, and tomorrow I get to go running again (amazing how much crap I'll let myself/ want to eat since I didn't excersize that day) and then I'm going to start editing our terrible, terrible movie anddd work.
I kind of feel like I wasted yesterday, my first-day-off-work-completely-in-three-weeks. Oh well.
ETA: I really, really need to just up and pay for a massage. This is riiiidiculous.